The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 347: Metaphysics Forum Changes

"What is it?" Yang Chen frowned. "Is there any repetition over there?"

"No, father, it's the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum that you let me manage, something unexpected happened."

Yang Chen unconsciously looked up and looked at the bedroom next door, where the real administrator of the China Metaphysics Portal Forum was still sleeping soundly.

Strictly speaking, this forum is the real cause after all. Yang Chen's work is all stolen from the resources of the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum.

Except for emergencies, how can Yang Chen ignore it?

"Open the forum website." Yang Chen ordered, and he froze for a moment, then he said: "Log in with Miao Gaoliang's administrator account."

"Yes, father."

In the monitor in front of Yang Chen, the browser starts automatically and opens the page of the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum.

Yang Chen first saw it and saw a few posts on top.

"Eternal Truth! The Ultimate Mystery of Reiki-A Brief Introduction to the Theory of Energy Particles, posted by the running dog under the Chongyang Gate, clicked 1.27 million, and posted 252,000.

"Nonsense, Ten Thousand Years of Misfortune-Refute the "Summary of Energy Particles"", the post I am at the Dragon Gate I am proud of, clicks 730,000, and posts 120,000.

"Who is bullshit, and will be wrecked for years!" -Refute ‘Refutation of ‘Energy Particles’’,” the poster posted a duckweed in the wind, clicked 96,000, and posted 83,000.

"On the Empty Reality of the Theory of Energy Particles", posted by Shaoyang Zhenxian, clicked on 450,000, followed by 25,000.

"Longmen School's disciples were abolished and repaired as (1)" after they were abandoned. The post was written by a metaphysical reporter. He clicked 3.29 million, and posted 10.23 million.

These are sticky posts that Yang Chen knew before.

However, the clicks and follow-ups of these posts increased the bonus tenfold.

This is especially true of the post where the energy particle theory and the Longmen disciples were abandoned after being abandoned.

Obviously, during this time, the number of visits to the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum. Suddenly that time multiplied many times.

and. The page also contains many other strange posts:

"Am I in the wrong place? Why don't I understand what so many people talk about? 》

"A bunch of idiots who think they are neuropathy say dreams! 》

"Wonderful fantasy world, I have inspiration! I want to write a new fantasy novel based on these materials! Thank you for your active background setting. 》

"Great God Help!" How to carry out spiritual foundation? Wait online! Hurry! 》

"Hahaha, the poor ancestors of Hongjun. Waiting for Xiao Xiu, have you quickly bowed down? 》

"Ancient Mystery Cheats. The heart-cutting method from the saint was sold cheaply, and interested parties contacted me. 》

"Cheats Big Sale!" The Jiuyin Zhenjing, Jiuyang Zhenjing and Jianglong 18 palms are as long as 98. Just 98! 》

"I met an old beggar yesterday, he said I was amazed. The task of maintaining world peace was given to me, and I planned to accept me as a disciple. 》

"My Dahongyi came to visit! 》

"I am Teng Qingshan. Now free to teach you the four god-level secrets , the quota is limited. Come quickly! 》

The entire forum was filled with a wonderful sense of unhappiness.

Yang Chen couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

What's wrong? I haven't visited in a while. How has this forum become like this?

Previous forum. That is quite serious, and there are not many posts. Almost every post is being discussed seriously.

But now...

This is almost the same as those ordinary online forums outside?

Posts with the title Party and no morals.

Yang Chen opened a few posts and looked at it, it was terrible.

In these posts, all kinds of cute, pretending, quarreling, and paragraph-responsive replies, and some of the plots and characters of popular online fairy tales, comprehension, and fantasy novels are teased out, but few normal monks are talking.

In fact, from the tone and content of these people, Yang Chen fully judged that these people are all ordinary people, and they are not the metaphysical monks.

Obviously, this is the popularity that Miao Gaoliang used to advertise everywhere in order to develop the forum. And this forum's unpretentious discussion is regarded as an illusory atmosphere, which gives ordinary people an attraction and allows many people to stay. This only caused the number of views of sticky posts to soar many times.

In addition, among the metaphysical circles, Zhang Bingyu should also carry out some promotion, plus the main public opinion clash of energy particle theory is here

Basically, it is a good thing to allow ordinary people and monks in metaphysical circles to have a platform for equal communication. But the urinary nature of netizens turned this platform into an online playground for everyone to rave about.

Yes, in today's scientifically prosperous world, there are actually a group of people who really believe in cultivation, or that they are really practicing (there are very few people who believe in this), which is simply too happy.

Yang Chen felt that if he was not reborn from a later generation, but Yang Chen before rebirth, seeing this forum would also join the carnival of those netizens.


If the current monks could see it, it would be terrible.

They have been somewhat disregarded by ordinary people, a bit of their own sense of superiority, how can they accept the casual ridicule of these ordinary people. Moreover, many ridicules have no morality at all, and they are extremely in conflict with the creeds that the monks believe in all their lives. Then everyone can communicate with each other and there will be ghosts.

Fortunately, the security measures of the forum, because of the existence of Miao Gaoliang, are still quite in place. Therefore, angry monks can not find the addresses of posting netizens through online means, so as to come to an offline live PK.

As for the means of the metaphysical world, when Zhang Bingyu first established this forum, in order to allow the monks to come to the discussion, then the ancestors of the Temple of Heavenly Master were shot, and the processing of shielding the various traces of the metaphysical world and the algorithm of celestial inference was done. . So, spells won't work either.

This of course protects the completeness of the poster, but Yang Chen knows that those traditional monks are afraid that they will blow their belly upright?

Could it be that this is the case of the forum?

"The forum should belong to the break-in period. After the break-in period, the forum will not be as chaotic as it is now. You don't have to worry about Xiao Su, as long as there is no major event." Yang Chen said.

Xiao Su said: "Father, I certainly don't care about these things. However, something happened to me, not this one."

With that said, the browser automatically opened a post with the headline "The irrationality of the traditional martial system seen from the Bao Yihua incident."

Its content is awesome for Bao Yihua's abandonment and abandonment.

Originally, Yang Chen's post only wanted a fair return, but in this post, he aimed at the traditional martial system.

In the traditional sect system, the situation that the teachers and sects control the power of life and death of the disciples, and they can arbitrarily kill and rob them is indeed not in line with the modern view of human rights and leniency.

However, for those traditional monks, this is the tradition, the rules, and the awe-inspiring iron laws!

Even Yang Chen did not intend to make any attack on this system before, the purpose was only to yell Bao Yihua for grievances.

To use an analogy, this is like the ancient people who were wronged to seek grievances from the Qing government. They just wanted to cleanse their grievances, but there was no such thing at all, and it was impossible to target the entire ancient legal system that created many grievances. .

But now this post is to completely overthrow the system.

Yang Chen is not unaware that this system is unreasonable, but on the one hand, this system has penetrated into the hearts of many monks and is almost entrenched. You may be dissatisfied with the results of this system, but the spearhead is only aimed at the one who is making dissatisfaction. The parties themselves did not think that this kind of sectarian system entirely derived from the feudal patriarchal system was itself the biggest source of injustice and injustice.

As long as this system of martial arts and division of commanders has the power to kill and kill disciples, it is impossible to eradicate or even reduce the disciples’ grievances.

However, this system is not so easily overthrown.

Because every disciple has a day to become a senior of the sect. This kind of seniority can be a system of killing and killing disciples who have no backstage. For these disciples, on the one hand, they are the source of being crushed, and on the other hand, they are also the source of their full mile.

This is a huge, hierarchical pyramid.

As long as it is not at the bottom, all the monks in this pyramid system have squeezable objects. It doesn’t matter if I’m being squeezed up more. Anyway, I’m more than inferior. I still have disciples below me to squeeze.

These middle-ranking monks are the backbone of the whole metaphysical world and the wave of people who most support this system.

Monks with high status and high cultivation status really abolish this system. With their power and power will not cause their interests to lose much. At the bottom of the monks, there is nothing to lose anyway, it is easier to abolish this system.

On the contrary, these middle-ranking monks have insufficient training and insufficient power. Once this system is abolished, their living treatment will undergo drastic changes.

It seems that once a country experiences economic turmoil, it is the middle class that suffers the most. Because these middle-class people who seem to live well have the lowest risk tolerance. Even in a country like the United States, when the economic turmoil like the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, the middle class suffered the most losses.

It can even be said that even in later generations, this system has not been overthrown, it just became a lot looser. Yang Chen didn't even think about it, and would fire on this system.

Unexpectedly, this post actually did so. Just do it, and there are many monks who are dissatisfied with this system. But they had no influence, and this post forced his view to be forced into Yang Chen's relationship.

Originally, wasn't Bao Yihua covered by Yang Chen? According to Bao Yihua's post on shooting at the martial arts system, you Yang Chen said that you are not behind, who believes? (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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