The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 360: Go to Zongjia

What he hated most were those **** who relied on their own strength to kill the weak.

The Earth is very weak in the face of the Trojan invasion, and this group of **** have come to reduce the potential of the Earth. It is really heartbreaking!

For the first time, his eyes flashed sharply, and there was a killing opportunity for those who opposed him.

"This thing really should have come to an end. It's so annoying that it's endless like this, and it's really innocent. It's really annoying. They can't wait for the argument after a year, and I can't wait! That's it ."

Xiao Su continued to tell: "I have included these martial arts lists, and will continue to draw them from then on, and they will be able to draw them together and weaken the strength of the enemy camp."

Yang Chen nodded: "Very good. These small schools seem to be small in size, but they are huge in number, and they will not strictly follow the traditions as the main schools. At least, the Kailing formula hit their weak points. It is impossible to strictly abide by the law. This is enough. The theory of energy particles can open up a situation among them and obtain at least a certain amount of approval instead of being completely regarded as a beast of floods."

"However, according to their predictions, I think they will switch back to their original mind after letting their disciples begin to build foundations through the spiritual formula. The reason why they will lean on their fathers is just to let them The disciples will not be punished. Once your father’s opponents change their strategies, I am afraid that they will be reintroduced back again. It is not very likely to expect them to fall back to the energy particle theory..."

Xiao Su still has some doubts.

Yang Chen smiled.

You should know that the formula of Kai Ling is the standard content of the Lingwu training system created based on the theory of energy particles. And, this is the foundation!

What is the foundation? That was the first step of spiritual practice, and therefore decided the future of spiritual practice! After those martial arts think they have successfully modified the traditional mentality, can it be done?

What a joke? How is that possible?

How many people can enjoy the fully tailored and most efficient mental method such as Kai Ling Formula, and then practice the traditional mental methods with slow progress?

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagance to extravagance

Moreover, the spiritual formula is the same as the previous cultivation method of the energy particle theory. Strictly depends on the individual's mathematical literacy and scientific knowledge. Now there is a practice support system that can help practitioners make calculations. Even if mathematics literacy and scientific qualities are temporarily unavailable, it will not hinder cultivation.

Of course, to further improve. Mathematics and modern science must still be mastered. But the requirements are no longer so high. And as long as Yang Chen publishes the refining method of this fortune-teller in the future, even this aspect of things. You can also use this fortune teller instead of mastering, not necessarily mastering it yourself.

As for those who have mastered mathematics and scientific knowledge in person, they are all ambitious and ambitious. A monk who wants to have a brighter future and has talent and hard work. But tell the truth. Even the later generations, who occupy the majority of the monks, are still relatively mediocre people. They do not have the research ability and the calculation level is not high. If it were not for the invention of the fortune-teller late. It is estimated that there will be fewer people who will learn mathematics and science among future monks.

But these are the foundations of metaphysics. Any genius, peerless monk. They still need their help to gain a foothold, and they have grown up in their soil.

In short, no civilization can rely on one or two monks to fight the world. In addition to the top monks, there are more mediocre but indispensable ordinary monks.

Naturally, there is no need to tell Xiao Su, and now Xiao Su can't understand this for the time being. Don't look at him now, he looks omnipotent. After all, he is still a child who was born a few days ago.

"What about the news they said?"

"According to the analysis of various materials, and the intrusion of the call records of mobile companies and other communication companies and the monitoring of real-time calls, I am sure that at least 98.23% is possible. The ancestors said that they want to start with their father. It is true."

"That's fine."


It is no different from 100%. So far, there is nothing more to say, you have to give up fantasy and bravely fight!

Tomorrow is the day when my mother sent herself to that uncle Zong's house.

Moreover, the address of Uncle Zong's house is not in the city center, but in a villa in the suburbs.

In the ninety-five town dragon feng shui array, the main force is still in the urban area. Although the suburbs outside the urban area are also suppressed, they are relatively weaker than the urban area.

Presumably, to those people, this is a great opportunity?

Fortunately, there are more secluded places in the suburbs, just take this opportunity to fight well!

"I finally succeeded in building the foundation!"

When Yang Chen made up his mind, Miao Gaoliang cheered and he immediately greeted him with a smile...


Early the next morning, Yang Chen left the office building of China Metaphysics Portal, where he has been staying for several days, and drove a Passat commercial vehicle borrowed from China Metaphysics Portal to the suburb of Beijing. Uncle Zong's family.

There is only one gift box that doesn't look very luxurious, but nothing else.

In this gift box, there is only a fourth-order Taoist hand-painted by Yang Chen. This is a piece specially designed to improve the environment, which can make people living within the influence of Taoist health, fullness, ward off evil and suppress repression. A piece of "Tianguan Blessing" Taoist luck.

Of course, it is the energy particle version of the painting method, not the traditional Fulu painting method.

Speaking of it, although Yang Chen left the souvenirs prepared by his mother at home and did not bring them at all, the value of this fourth-order Taoist symbol was far more than those souvenirs.

Speaking of this, it is not too negligent to this uncle Zong.

It's just that Dao Fu Yang Chen wanted to draw as much as he could, but those souvenirs are very rare. In Yang Chen's view, his Taoist value is far inferior to those native products. This is the surprise of the value brought by different levels of cherishment.

Anyway, the uncle Zong is good to know the goods. If he doesn’t know the goods, he will be offended. The Yang family now has passed the stage of having to be sheltered by a senior official. Yang Chen can shelter himself.

When the car drove out of Zhongguancun all the way, and when driving out of the fourth ring road, Yang Chen found that there were several cars behind him all the time.

Now the sunburst on the top of his head, the breath of smoke, has been accompanied by his successful re-establishment of the foundation, and disappeared completely.

But Yang Chen can still clearly feel that there are many people from the metaphysical world in those cars around him.

Obviously, these people are just to follow him.

Two of them seem to have no plans to disguise their intentions. With Yang Chen's essence already reaching the spiritual power of the planetary stage, it can be judged that it is specifically responsible for ensuring the interior of the capital according to their breath of mind and spirit. The settled sect of Yonghe Temple and Baiyun Temple couldn't help but look at it more.

I might realize that I was found, the two people in the car speeded up to catch up, and some people waved at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen simply stopped the car on the roadside.

Then the cars of these two people parked next to Yang Chen. Lama Yong and Gong Liansheng and Qing Xu who Yang Chen had seen before came down from the car.

There were a few others behind them, and there seemed to be a maddening taste in temperament, which made people dislike it.

Came to Yang Chen's car, Yang Chen rolled down the window, but did not mean to get off.

Several people behind Liansheng and Qingxu immediately frowned, clearly expressing their dissatisfaction.

Liansheng and Qingxu didn't care, and respectfully greeted Yang Chen: "Liansheng and Qingxu have seen Yang Zhenren."

Yang Chen didn't feel bad about them, but obviously, it was impossible to have any good feelings about the people who tracked him, just nodded even if he responded.

Immediately behind Liansheng, a man in a jacket and looking daunted rushed forward: "Yang Chen, you are so big a shelf! Brother Liansheng and Brother Qingxu talk to you, are you ignorant?"

Yang Chen frowned and looked at Liansheng.

Liansheng quickly grabbed the man next to him and smiled to Yang Chen: "Don't be surprised, real people, Kampot is too young to understand..."

Qingxu also said: "True man, you are not in good health now, don't you go out?"

"Yes!" Kampot came up and sneered. "Yang Chen, you're still honest, don't trouble us! Do you know what this place is? A capital of a country! Don't spoil the good situation here, you scum!"

Why did I ruin the good situation?

Yang Chen just felt crying and laughing. Say where did this guy feel somehow superior?

"A lot of real people are forgiving." Lian Sheng saw Yang Chen's face was wrong, he whispered quickly: "Sorry, Kampot is a son of Rinpoche, the one who grew up... less experience, if there is any offense to real people , Also invite real people to watch Rinpoche's face and let him go..."

Rinpoche, UU reading www. is also called the Living Buddha.

However, Yang Chen, who was born again from a later generation, never cared about a living Buddha.

Later generations of the earth were invaded by the Trojan Federation. These modern propaganda gods are almost omnipotent guys, and they have not seen one come out to save people.

This thing is completely religious. Religion is about faith, and it is necessary to dedicate itself completely, but metaphysics is engaged in self-cultivation. It is necessary to cultivate yourself as much as possible. Mixed together. Although later generations of the Western Holy See can also be regarded as meritorious, Yang Chen has always believed that letting the Holy See preside over the overall situation of Europe is completely a mistake, and the Magic Council of Magicians should preside over Europe.

His proposition has always been that metaphysical circles should allow monks to speak with cultivating instead of letting the **** and the **** on his head be swindled and deceived in the name of God.

"All right," but the face of Yonghegong still has to be given, Yang Chen waved his hand: "That's it. Well, I still have things, I'll go first."

After talking, driving away in a long car, leaving only the humiliated Kampot, looking at the back of his car with a somber face... (to be continued.)

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