The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 383: A chilling discovery

The plane landed in the roar, and Shazhou Airport arrived.

Yang Chen walked out of the airport unhurriedly, took a taxi, and went straight to the train station.

And in the process, he still kept the look of the man he turned into by makeup.

His make-up uses ordinary people's make-up methods completely, and does not use spells to avoid detection. Although it should be safe after arriving at Shazhou, in order to ensure foolproofness, Yang Chen still maintains this face. He will not return to the original appearance until he arrives at Lingwu Mountain Villa.

After buying a recent train ticket to Jinzhou, Yang Chen waited for the train to Jinzhou in the waiting hall.

During the waiting process, he stared at the big screen in the waiting hall, and suddenly his eyes narrowed and he paid more attention to the TV program.

Because he discovered that the current program was actually broadcast by the Yumu earthquake.

When he saw the broadcaster broadcasting the news of the earthquake with a heavy tone, Yang Chen only felt a sudden shock in his heart, and his eyes were unbelievable:

"What's the matter? Impossible? In the history of later generations, there was indeed a major earthquake in Yumu in 2010, but that should have happened on April 14? Now it's just February 4!"

The flight he took was from Beijing at 8 o'clock on the morning of February 4, and it took only more than two hours from takeoff to landing. When he arrived at the train station, it took another hour. It is exactly noon.

But in any case, this is far from April 14.

Could it be said that besides the earthquake that shocked the whole country, Yumu had another one before?

Not right, according to the news report, today's earthquake, the Richter scale reached eight! Such a large earthquake is absolutely impossible without any news. The April 14 earthquake recorded in the history of later generations was only 7.1.

Otherwise, is it the butterfly effect caused by rebirth?

Thinking of Yang Chen, he shook his head again: "This is impossible!"

The butterfly effect is not as magical as the legend. Moreover, the butterfly effect produced by a reborn person. It can only affect human activities at most. Large-scale geological activity like a major earthquake. It is simply impossible to be affected by the butterfly effect.

You know, even the ancestors of the eighth level, even the monks who have reached the satellite level, want to create such a powerful earthquake. It is also impossible. Planetary order is okay, but now there is no such powerful monk on earth!

Even Yang Chen himself. It also just has the spiritual quality that has reached the planetary level, and it does not meet the quantity standard, let alone spiritual power.

what the **** is it?

What happened to Yang Chen suddenly. My heart was even more shocked: "No! According to the research results of later generations, the Trojan Federation's invasion of the earth. In fact, it was not calculated from their army stepping on the earth's land, but should go forward for a hundred years. In their army Before arriving, the Pioneer Invasion was dispatched. It was just that the people of the earth did not know it at the time."

The more he thought about it, the more he was shocked: "It seems that later generations are still discovered. The invasion of the earth actually starts with the strong geological changes in the early 21st century! The unknown Trojan Federal invasion pioneer adopted unknown technology to affect the activities of the earth. After entering the 21st century, the earth began to enter a peak period of geological activity, and there were continuous earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Including the Tiankeng, it was the result of the Trojan Federal invasion pioneer!"

However, the results of this research are also facing controversy in later generations. Many people do not believe that the people of the Trojan Federation can actually do this. If they really have such a powerful force, why should they wait until a hundred years later to invade? When the explosion of geomagnetic core energy caused a catastrophe, it was the most vulnerable time of the earth. At that time, the invasion could easily completely annex the earth without having to fight the earth for so long.

But now, Yang Chen suddenly found out that he himself was smiling at this later time, just looking at the research results as a pastime, I am afraid it should be true!

In that case...

Yang Chen suddenly shuddered: Why was the time advanced? Could it be said that the butterfly effect caused by my rebirth made the pioneer of the Trojan Invader feel wrong, so it caused a big change in the geology of the earth in advance?

The more he thought about it, the more desperate he felt.

The people of the Troy Federation have such a skill, and naturally they can also allow their invasion army to reach the earth in advance, then...

Is there still hope for the earth?

Can the earth really fight the invading army?

In the history of later generations, when the Trojan Federation invaded, the earth civilization had recovered from the cataclysm. It can be said that it was basically ready to fight against the invaders.

But now... nobody is ready at all...

Yang Chen had also thought before that if possible, he might be able to change the history of geomagnetic core energy explosion and save the earth.

Now it seems that this is completely delusional delusion!

He couldn't change the history of geomagnetic core energy explosion at all. Because it was simply caused by man. With the technology of the Trojan Federation, he could only watch the other party trigger the geomagnetic core energy burst, or even trigger the geomagnetic core energy burst in advance...

and many more!

He suddenly remembered that there are other things in the study of this in the history of later generations-fortunately, he remembered those things, although at first it was just a relaxation as a novel. But with his cultivation practice at the time, of course, I remember clearly.

And when the foundation is re-established and the body changes towards the strongest chaotic Promise God's body of the ten spiritual martial arts bodies, because the body's endurance of mental power is greatly increased, in order to avoid being unable to bear the sealed memory when it was just reborn, Also released a part, which happens to include this part!

In his mind, a flash of pages of research materials flashed in an instant. He relied on his powerful mental power and brain evolution to read these materials with lightning speed, and his face showed a happy look!

Because the research data shows that the Trojan Federation is not as powerful as he had imagined.

That's right, this civilization, whose location of its parent star is unknown, can already cross the vast sea of ​​stars, interplanetary sail to the earth, and carry out aggressive activities against the earth. However, they do not yet have ultra-long-range space technology and cannot reach the Earth from their parent star in a short time.

Or to be precise, large-scale troops are not good.

Studies in later generations show that the so-called pioneer troops of the Trojan Federation actually put some kind of power and information of the Trojan Federation on the earth through some wonderful space technology, and then they possessed the organisms of the earth and slowly grew. To affect the earth.

And this pioneer that was put in advance is simply the interstellar beacon of the Trojan Federal Invaders. Once this vanguard is eliminated and the interstellar beacon is not issued in time, the Trojan Federation will not be able to find the location of the earth, let alone the invasion.

In addition, the study of the Trojan Federation also shows that this kind of trans-planetary force deployment of the Troy Federation is very costly. It can only put strength and information, and cannot directly put human bodies and military equipment. Moreover, this delivery is not purposeful. They can indeed discover the possibility of living and invading planets beyond a few light-years by some advanced technology, but they are not ready to judge this possibility, let alone the precise coordinates observed.

To this end, they will launch a similar invasion avant-garde force for the star field that currently has the possibility of invading planets. The pioneer force will grow in the target area and send interstellar beacons before it begins to form an aggression army to launch an invasion.

And if this beacon is not sent for a certain period of time, it means that the target area is dangerous or simply a dead star zone, and there is no living planet.

In this case, their army of aggression will not be formed. Because according to the intelligence of the Trojan Federation, the interstellar invasion is very expensive even for the interstellar civilization like the Trojan Federation. It is impossible for them to form a huge invading army, but it is just not sure whether there are invadeable objects. Without accurate information, they will not act.

Well, in this case, if the vanguard of the other party hands off the interstellar beacon before destroying it, the earth can be safe for at least a period of time!

Of course, even if the other side sends the interstellar beacon, it will take a hundred years from the time the interstellar beacon is sent until the other side's army arrives. This is why it took more than a hundred years after the cataclysm before the Earth was invaded by the Trojan Federation.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen couldn't help but secretly rejoice: Fortunately, he was bored and had read this report. Otherwise, today, it will be blind.

You must know In addition to the question of the judgment of the time of Trojan invasion, the report was based on the mysterious source of Trojan federal information. There is no credible source at all. Even the researchers themselves are unclear.

Although these researchers are very convinced of the intelligence information of the Trojan Federation, they cannot say why. I only knew that it appeared in the Institute somehow someday.

This unreliable source of intelligence is also one of the important reasons why this report is not accepted.

But now, Yang Chen understands that the information should be accurate. Because he has now basically confirmed the existence of the Gaia consciousness on earth. Presumably, this information should be the action of the Gaia consciousness of the earth to save itself. Of course, to do this, the Gaia consciousness of the earth may have to pay a great price.

At that time, the situation of the Trojan Federal invasion was not precarious. If you believe this report, according to the report, human civilization actually has a chance to overturn.

It is a pity that the mainstream at that time did not believe in this report. The Gaia consciousness of the Earth paid a large price to win the opportunity for human civilization, so it was wasted. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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