The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 419: Purification from the saints

The raging fire devoured the ruined small village, including the only magnificent temple in the small village, and the fortress-like house.

Looking at the burning village from afar, Ganash's face was filled with black gas, and his eyes were full of blood flames. He watched the village's burning coldly, and watched the village he grew up in ashes.

Behind him, there were several young men in ragged clothes like him who were all black, and all eyes were full of blood flames, standing quietly behind him.

These people are almost indistinguishable from him except that the black energy on their bodies is a little lighter than Ganash, and the **** flame in their eyes is less than Ganash.

Their faces were also indistinct, only the black gas and the blood-colored flames in their eyes showed their identity.

In addition, there is no longer a living life in the entire village, not just the lord and his running dogs that Ganash wants to avenge, including his beloved Naya, the temple priests and monks, and the young people behind him All of their parents and relatives are dead.

And not only people but also animals, whether it’s chickens, ducks, cats or dogs, or even the divine cows regarded as holy spirits, all turned to ashes in the flames.

Among them, the deaths of these young parents and relatives behind Naya and Ganash are especially frightening.

Because Naya was eaten by Ganash in one bite. The reason is that only in his stomach, this defiled woman who loves deeply can restore purity and be united with him forever.

The parents and relatives of these young people behind Ganesh were also eaten by these young people, for similar reasons to Ganash.

This notion of violating human relations and morality, instead of making them painful and unacceptable, is crazy for it.

And when they do this kind of thing, on their bodies, they have forever lost a lot of human characteristics-they no longer have the internal organs of human beings, instead they are a fusion of black gas and blood. Unknown objects.

This change allowed them to stab their bodies in the face of Lord Benzava's dog legs before. There is no damage at all. Because of this situation. This shocked the dogs and let them kill Lord Benzava with ease.

Voices came from afar, people from far away from the village called the police.

This village, after all, has a high caste master. When anything happened, the pariah had to call the police and dared not come over and deal with it by themselves. This just helped them escape.

Seeing driving a motorcycle, the seven policemen who came from the external suspension system of the Indian-owned god-like talented vehicle organism, and the villagers in the village next door who cringed behind them. Ganesh and others showed a grin that was not humanoid, and ran forward.

Their running speed far exceeds the limit of ordinary people. It is no longer the untouchable young people who were short of clothes and food and quite thin.

Now they have muscles stretching all over their bodies, and their tendons and flesh jump up and down as they run, full of vitality. Even if it's black, it still has a ghostly evil beauty. Their bodies are as agile as cheetahs. Just a flutter, the severely overloaded motorcycle fell over the ground.

With a loud noise, the motorcycle lost its balance. Fortunately, because the road was too broken, the police did not drive fast. Several policemen also experienced this kind of motorcycle overturning traffic accident many times before. With rich experience, one by one, they evaded the injuries caused by the overturning of motorcycles. Some have scratched their skin.

But then the beast roar of "Ao", and Ganash and others who swooped in, were not able to fight them.

"Damn! Brahma! What a terrible demon this is?"

"Shoot! Shoot now!"


In the clamor of fleeing behind the untouchables, these policemen barely wanted to resist the attacks of Ganash and others. But their speed is too fast, and several policemen are local policemen of such scum and corruption as government agencies in India. Since the moment they became policemen, they have not asked for skills. Where can they deal with these people?

Not to mention the fact that these police officers who have become sparsely trained while eating and holding cards add up to a gun. I have never encountered such a problem that can only be solved by combat power. People threw these people on the ground, opened their mouths, and bit them down!


"What is this? Get away! Get away!"

"Shiva! Save me!"

The policemen screamed and struggled desperately, trying to lift the cold, evil and terrible demons that were biting on their throats.

But their power is completely unable to follow these demons who seem to have been optimized by some inexplicable power and possess the most powerful and efficient muscle group at present.

Then Ganash and others were filled with black energy and penetrated into these policemen.

It didn’t take long for the policemen who were struggling and shouting to have only wild beasts irrationally roaring in their throats, and turned into a black mist over their bodies, but there was no **** flame in their eyes, just bloodshot eyes. At first glance, it is a monster full of beasts, and then pounced on the untouchables who are running away from all sides!

Fortunately, these pariahs are far away, but these monsters have not been transformed like Ganesh and they have extremely strong muscles. They are almost the same as when they were humans before, but their speed is still faster than those who can’t eat. The pariahs who are full of food are fast, I am afraid that they will not be able to escape after a short time.

Let go of the police who had been turned into monsters, Ganash and others straightened up, their eyes burning with **** flames, and looked at the only policeman left.

This is a policeman who looks better, younger, and looks better in the family than others. In the past, Ganash and the young people added up to a total of six people, and there were seven police officers, which left the policeman unattended. Moreover, he had the only spear in the police.

But he didn't know how to take this opportunity to run away, but he was scared to the ground and **** and urine were frightened, and he smelled a lot of stench. As for his gun, he shook the cable several times, but he failed to pull it out!

Ganesh stared at him, stepping towards him step by step.

Poor this young policeman just came to the police station for gilding and never went through the wind and rain. It was terrified to think of encountering such a horrible thing: "Don't! Please, don't come!"

"The devil spares you! Don't come! I am from the Gupta family! You are going to kill me, the Gupta family will not let you go!"

The Gupta family is the largest and most powerful big family in this state, but Ganash was a pariah before, and now the monster is transformed, how can he not mention his power, but it completely extends the previous Ganash, and completely Know nothing. Not to mention, even if you know it, there will be no softness at all.


The young man pumped hard and actually pulled out his gun.

"Go to the devil!"

He actually remembered to open the gun insurance, then raised the gun tremblingly, closed his eyes and screamed and fired!


After the messy gunfire, the young policeman opened his eyes and clearly saw that the bullets he shot randomly hit the target, but this made him more afraid than not hitting the target.

Because he saw that the muscles on the opponent's body were breathing black gas, dripping blood that looked black, and was pushing the bullet out of the muscle a little bit. Looking at the depth of the bullets, this obviously kills ordinary people's bullets, but just barely loses the opponent's muscles and can no longer advance half a point. Now it is even more squeezed out.

"Dangdang Dang..."

The bullets fell to the ground one after another, making a crisp impact sound, and Ganath's face showed a terrifying and terrifying smile, shaking his head slowly, and screaming in the throat: "Gun... no... OK..."

After talking about his body, he suddenly fluttered from a standstill, before the young policeman's eyelids blinked, he was thrown to the ground, and then slowly dyed black in his painful screams and Ganesh's roar.

After a while, the screams disappeared, Ganash stood up, and the young policeman stood up full of black gas. The only difference was that his double flames were also full of **** flames. The black gas and the **** flame on Ganesh became much darker, and looked weak. Obviously, creating a person like him was not an easy task.

Then, the policeman who turned into a monster threw himself to the ground, making some kind of prayer or worship in a weird posture, and then a black line came from all directions in the air, covering him like a Wrapped him like a big cocoon.

These black lines are thick and thin, and are still increasing. If you carefully trace the source of these black lines, you can see that the thickest six are from Ganash and others, and the second thickest are from the police who were finest It came from the untouchables who also became monsters after being attacked by the police.

After half an hour, the black thread was broken and dissipated in the air. The young police monster reappeared in the air. At this time, there was no more black gas in his body, and no one could see one. A little bit of **** flame in his eyes, on the surface, looked exactly the same as before he didn't become a monster.

But from his actions, it can be seen that he has indeed been turned into a monster-I saw him walking to Ganesh, with a look of reverence and even almost worship, bowing down and touching the feet at Ganesh's feet: "Respect Master of the messenger, I will go now."


Ganash spoke but gave orders so hard.

"Follow your orders, sir!" The young policeman did not have any dissatisfaction. He stood up and ran back. Obviously, he was not human anymore-he ran even to the level of a cheetah, nearly one hour per hour One hundred and ten kilometers. But completely different from the cheetah with insufficient endurance, the young policeman not only runs fast, but can continue to run at this speed until he disappears into the distance... (to be continued.)

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