The Strongest Equipment Supplier In the Marvel

Chapter 232: Symbiosis Mechanical Transformation

Although the memory of that world was equally impressive, Lynch drew his attention back to the current study.

After all, this period is the most critical stage of the core transformation plan. Whether it is a symbiotic mechanical life or the transformation of the human body, it requires the participation of the core people on Lynch's side. However, the wealth value obtained from World No. 2 is still for Lynch I feel very satisfied.

With the unlocking of each technology, Lynch's wealth value is not enough. Fortunately, he can directly buy the technological products of other civilizations, and make corresponding imitations through dismantling and analysis, but this is not for Lynch. Whatever the difficulty, learning has always been Lynch's greatest strength, and currently Lynch is analyzing the internal structure of the scarab.

It's just that Lynch's research on scarabs is still the tool that awakened this alien. It's just that in the absence of a host, the scarabs have no fighting ability, and the people who can enter the pier of autumn wind are all Lynch's. Subordinates, even if they are parasitized by scarabs, Lynch will have a way to solve this problem.

It can be said that the scarabs could only stay on the processing device obediently in the end, and let Lynch conduct research.

"As long as you cooperate with me, then I will let you go at the right time. At that time, whoever you choose to parasitize will not be my concern. Of course, I am not optimistic about the plans of those aliens behind you. , To be honest, there are too many people who want to occupy the earth, and the people behind you are the old ones."

"Who exactly are you?"

"A mediocre equipment manufacturer, aiming to create the warrior of his dreams, is working hard to move forward. Your strength is an important part of my goal, so as long as you cooperate, I will find you a quality Pretty good host, or I'll keep you locked up here until one day I'll be able to change your core count."

During the research, the communication between Lynch and the scarab was full of Lynch's threat to the scarab, and now the scarab, which is a fish, has no other choice but to accept his fate.

After a period of research, although Lynch has not been able to completely crack the internal technology of the scarab, the parasitic mode he is most concerned about has already achieved results. As long as it is combined with b't's technology, a symbiotic mechanical life can be created. Then the next difficulty is to create a fusion version of the original enhanced crystal.

The enhanced crystal used to store the genetic information of the super genetic warrior is the product of the fusion of the crystal and the transformed crystal of the cosmic knight by the beast god, but the manufacturing process is very difficult, even with the current technical strength of Skywatch, every year There is only one enhanced crystal made, and it is only the original version. In the future, some things need to be added to it to complete the body transformation of the implanter.

However, because this research has been going on for a long time, Lynch has such a trial version of the enhanced crystal on hand.

"Jack, what animal do you like?"

"Animal? It should be a lion."

When it comes to human experiments, Jack is naturally the first candidate. As a transformation warrior with an almost immortal body, Jack's vitality is very strong, and he cannot withstand the genetic collapse after such transformation.

After Lynch asked Jack what animal he likes, Lynch spent a week creating a half-palm-sized mechanical lion. Inside the lion's body is a strengthened crystal that has been recorded with Jack's genetic module. The first stage of core strengthening can be strengthened.

Although this research project has only been carried out for a few years, the technology applied in it is a combination of human enhancement and transformation technologies from multiple worlds, and even some technologies native to the earth.

Now there is finally a result. Lynch, who specially came to Reach for experiments, and the scientists who were sent to Reach for research by him are waiting for the mechanical lion to fuse with Jack's body, and then start to Jack gets a makeover.

Jack, who took off his clothes, looked at the mechanical lion in front of him in the open-air experiment field. He felt that it was part of himself. After noticing that Lynch nodded in the distance, he immediately faced the mechanical lion in front of him. Shouting: "Enhancement begins, gene sublimation!"

Jack shouted out the password, and the eyes of the mechanical lion immediately emitted green light, scanning Jack's body.

"Identity information has been verified, strengthening begins..."

The electronic sound came from the mouth of the mechanical lion, and then the group of scientists saw that the mechanical lion almost teleported, appeared behind Jack, and quickly drilled into Jack's body, but the mechanical lion drilled into it. The place, but it didn't seem to be a wound, not a drop of blood came out, and Jack seemed to have no feeling, accepting the fusion of the mechanical lion.

"Please name..."


"Mechanical lifeform Leon is at your service, and the transformation is about to begin. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the transformation, the host's consciousness will be kept awake during the transformation stage..."


Jack, who suddenly collapsed to the ground, only had time to make a painful sound, and then he was powerless to even wailing.

The enhanced crystal that was originally stored in Leon was transported to the vicinity of Leon's heart by the nano-robot carried by Leon, and an organ similar to the second heart was quickly built next to the heart, and the enhanced crystal was stored in it. , As for Leon's body at this time, it immediately decomposed into a large number of nano-robots, and only Leon's head was attached to the top of the first thoracic vertebra.

As Jack's symbiotic machine, Leon needs to be able to ensure that after Jack is broken into pieces, there are still nano-robots stored in Jack's tissue for rebuilding his body. At that time, only the nano-robots need to be replenished, then Leon has built it in the past. Everything can be quickly repaired.

Compared with other people's symbiotic machines, Jack's Leon has also been modified many times during the manufacturing process. First of all, Jack's fighting style itself is different from other people's. After all, they are like them. Basically, it relies on immortality as the core method of combat, so the symbiotic machine must have the same characteristics, otherwise if the battle situation is more tragic, then the symbiotic machine may need to be reloaded.

At this time, nano-robots are the best choice, but Lynch feels that if Jack's body cells can be turned into nano-robots, then Jack will be really powerful.

The body modification for nearly an hour was completely completed independently by the symbiotic machine Leon. The core process is the modification of stem cells, so that the new gene sequence replaces the past gene sequence, and in a subtle process, the strengthening of the body is completed.

Of course, because Jack himself has already completed the first phase of the transformation, the transformation time this time is not long. If it is the kind of newcomer who has been transformed for the first time, it is estimated that it will last for more than ten hours, and it will take more than ten hours. Put it in the nutrition warehouse, this is a change of life form, if there is not enough energy, maybe in the process of transformation, the person receiving the transformation will directly "starve to death".


Jack stood up again and gave Lynch a thumbs up. Lynch happily told the results of this experiment.

But this time there is still a second stage of the experiment. A battle suit with a lion pattern was sent to Jack. After Jack picked up the belt, he heard a prompt from Leon, saying that it was a battle suit. The function is unlocked to enter the battle mode.

After Jack put on the battle, the battle suit disappeared, but as long as Jack's mind moved, the battle suit would appear on him.

The technology belonging to the space knight must be used naturally at this time.

In the past, the main reason why Lynch studied armored teleportation technology was that he initially thought that the transformation of the cosmic knight was because the incarnation was transformed, and the internal structure of the body became different. As a result, he read some universes carefully. It was only after the knight's related abilities were discovered that those modifications were only to allow the transformants to withstand the influence of spatial fluctuations when transforming.

Combat suits can be summoned to fight at any time, which is very important for those with weaker bodies, but the transformed warriors on Lynch’s side can basically summon battle suits, and they all have strong bodies, after all, in order to be able to withstand teleportation. The pressure on the body, the body must be stronger, otherwise people can't bear it once or twice, so the armor transmission technology is not necessary.

It's just that now Lynch can't perfectly restore the transformation method of the cosmic knight, otherwise this battle suit will not be necessary.

According to Lynch's expectations for the transformation stage, the battle suits will be abandoned sooner or later, but it is not completely useless. After all, in the process of transforming the warriors to receive reinforcement, these battle suits will also be strengthened together. wasted.


The sudden roar let those scientists see the destructive power of the current Jack.

"Boss, the body function is normal, the symbiotic machinery is running normally, and the destructive power is greatly improved."

After trying to launch an attack, Jack came to Lynch's side and reported his current situation to him. After hearing this information, Lynch nodded with satisfaction.

Because the current Phase 1 study is over, it's also time for Lynch to deliver on his promise.

Lynch asked Xiao Long and Mary to bring the scientists he forcibly invited to the conference room, and those scientists also knew what they would face next, but many people who originally wanted to go home when they first arrived have begun to enjoy It is a pleasure to work here, especially those who are lonely, and they don't have to worry about the problems of their relatives and friends. On the contrary, this excellent research environment makes them a little reluctant to leave.

However, those older scientists still hope to return to Earth. Although they do not have any inseparable feelings for their homeland, they are always troubled by the longing for their relatives when they are old.

"Thank you very much for your contributions to this research project over the past few years. The means used at the beginning were indeed not so suitable, so I prepared compensation for everyone who was going to leave. At the same time, your family members have also been taken care of by us during these years. The illnesses they suffer from have been treated. After you return to Earth, we will give you a bonus, which is enough for you to splurge. Of course, everything that happened on Reach cannot be disclosed to the outside world. I hope everyone can understand."

"Will we be killed?"

"Of course not. Although the original method was indeed not so glorious, you can ask the newcomers who were sent over a while ago, what level of treatment we Tianji Watch treats our own employees, my philosophy is to get together and leave. After getting what they want, there is absolutely no need to become enemies because of the issue of ideas, as long as everyone obeys the last requirement, we can even arrange a place for everyone to retire."

Lynch gave a clear answer to the question of a scientist who was less than fifty years old.

Although even if the existence of Reach is exposed, for other organizations on earth, it will only make their attitude towards Skywatch more gentle. After all, when the earth is facing resource exhaustion or other problems, Reach, which seems The planet that has not yet developed will be the second hometown of mankind, but how to get the ownership of Reach from Lynch's side will be a difficult problem for those big men.

Now Lynch keeps these scientists secret, just to reduce some troubles. After all, even if Lynch can ignore some people, there will still be other people who will contact him after all. Like Bruce, who secretly doesn't know how much he has prepared to deal with them. The person who planned his own plan, it is estimated that after learning of the existence of Reach, they will contact Lynch as soon as possible and start to inquire about the situation of Reach.

The reason why the current major powers are relatively restrained on diplomatic issues is because everyone does not want the earth to be completely destroyed, so as long as nuclear weapons are still effective, at best everyone is fighting in private. It has opened up a new planet. Unless it will take the initiative to develop it with other countries, it will inevitably be boycotted by other countries. After all, having a new planet to live in means that the earth can be completely abandoned. People give a big gift, which is unacceptable to other countries.

Therefore, the Reach in Lynch's hands has an important impact on the relationship between countries on earth. Even if Bruce does not want to get involved in these matters, when he needs to face the outbreak of a nuclear war at any time, even if he concentrates on dealing with Bruce in Gotham City , and had to take the initiative to stand up.

At least for now, Lynch has no plans to completely leave the earth, so there is no need to expose the existence of Reach. It is enough to let others know the power of Skywatch and its development into the universe.

Lynch's sincere attitude made those scientists who wanted to return to their hometowns choose to believe in Lynch. As for the necessary means of confidentiality that Lynch said, it did not have much impact on these scientists, because Lynch had already explained the problem. I have told these people about the seriousness of the incident. The summary is just one sentence. If you say it, there is a 90% probability of triggering the Third World War. At that time, whoever said it will be the sinner, and there is no need to say more about other issues.


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