Lynch didn't think that after returning to Earth, he would need to be forced to stand in line, but before Lynch sat in his exclusive seat, he already gave his answer.


"Agree with the requirements of those small countries. As for the World Security Council, don't care about them. They are chattering. We will flip the table. The construction on Reach is almost completed. We can live on a different planet. By the way, Carter , let Reina come back to me."


"Okay, boss."


What is a tough attitude? Those who have a way to retreat will naturally have a tough attitude. Everyone is an independent individual. Why should I be used to your unreasonable demands? The reason why big countries dare not start wars is mainly because of them. I don't want to die together, but now Lynch has the ability to avoid this situation, so let's start a nuclear war and see who is afraid in the end.


Skywatch is still an organization for the purpose of making money. Except for arranging people to participate in some actions at certain times, the members of the organization are not much different from the employees of ordinary companies.


Lynch believes that with this kind of power, Skywatch can guarantee that they will not have any idea of ​​ruling the world, and they are enough to keep themselves safe.


Carter got a reply from Lynch. This time was also the first time Carter had heard the exact existence of Reach from Lynch's mouth. After confirming that the planet really existed, Carter knew that the current earth's influence on Lin Qi's restrictions are almost gone, and the reason why Lynch is still willing to be so peaceful is just his own choice.


If someone really wants to move Lynch's nerves, then what kind of response Lynch will make is beyond the imagination of others.


Therefore, after notifying Reina in place of Lynch, Carter immediately contacted Nick and Tony.


Although Nick is now ready to sink into the darkness completely, but because of the current international situation, he has to wait for a response like Skywatch, and this time the news that Carter brought back, let Nick and Tony know that the current situation has How grim.


Later, after Nick left the communication channel, Carter and Tony connected to the communication channel of the World Security Council and started their video conference.




After receiving the news from Carter, Reina immediately rushed back to the Pillar of Autumn.


"Rena, Carter will reply from the World Security Council. If you want to contact the person in charge of production, we will expand the production of weapons and equipment, and those small countries will also become our customers."


"Yes, boss."


"By the way, the supply over there is doubled."


"Understood, boss."


As the person in charge of sales, there are some things that only Reina knows. This also allows Reina to guess what kind of face the man under the helmet might have, but before Lynch took off the helmet, he knew There will always be only a few people like him.


After receiving Lynch's order, Lena also hurriedly left from the Pillar of Autumn Wind. After all, the representatives of the countries who were waiting for a reply were now waiting in Gotham and New York. Carter was in charge of conveying Lynch's message. In response, Reina naturally had to discuss with them the issue of share. After all, this side has increased the amount of equipment manufacturing, and those big powers will probably spend more money to ensure their own national defense forces. The World Security Council, which has received the news from Carter, has sent their representatives to the address sent by Reina to prepare for this time's share allocation negotiation.


The reason why big countries restrict small countries from acquiring the equipment of Skywatch is because some of these equipments involve the application of nuclear energy. If small countries also have nuclear threat capabilities, then the international situation will inevitably undergo greater changes. For this reason, they must go Limiting this aspect of the problem, as to what the final negotiation can be, depends on what they can pay.


Because the previous share has been basically fixed, Reina has not had a formal business meeting with buyers for a long time, and this time is the first time Reina has done this kind of business after awakening her ability. The talks, so she still has some expectations. After all, after knowing the other party's purpose in advance, she will naturally have more initiative when setting prices. She even said that she can get more from those big countries by taking advantage of the small countries to form a group. the benefits of.


Regarding the business talks, Lynch directly handed it over to Leina, while Lynch himself called Banner to the Mound of Autumn Wind.


"Dr. Banner, this is one of the few meetings with me after you joined the organization. This time I asked you to come because there is a research task to be handed over to you. Next, you have all the members of the scientific research department. The right was transferred to his own hands to carry out this research.


When Lynch was talking, he showed Bruce the information about the energy linkage technology and the pictures taken on Xandar.


"I traded this technology from the Xandar star. This technology is one of the core technologies of their planet. If it weren't for the power of the gem with the same properties as the universe Rubik's Cube, it would be difficult to break through from the front. , I think you should know what this technology means for us."


"I am certain."


When Banner heard that Lynch had a task to hand over to him, he knew that the task this time was not easy. After all, he also knew that after joining Skywatch, he basically did research as he wanted, and now he is naturally raising soldiers. Thousands of days, one time of military use.


Just after hearing that this technology is the core technology of another developed civilization planet, Banner still feels some difficulties, especially when he sees the expressive power of the new type of Legion spaceship after starting the technology, he knows this technology. There are extremely high requirements for the level of technology, and he not only needs to convert this technology into the earth technology system, but also find that special energy wave frequency, only in this way can the technology analysis be successful.


"Boss, will there be any danger to the earth?"


Although Banner finds it interesting to understand the core technology of alien civilization, Lynch's attitude towards this technology makes Banner feel that there is definitely a reason for this, and the usefulness of this technology in the military field is too obvious. , Banner also had to think in that direction.


"Well, Banner, the Battle of New York is just an appetizer, you should know what it means."




An alien civilization invasion that almost destroyed New York turned out to be just an appetizer in Lynch's mouth, which made Banner almost lose confidence in the future of the earth.


"The Chitarians are only the subordinates of a cosmic overlord, that person has a more powerful fleet, and even if they defeat the overlord, there is an equally dangerous existence who is also paying attention to the situation on this side of the earth. That man was once repelled by the gods on earth, and Thor's father Odin also participated in that battle. What he was looking for was still on earth, so the earth is really a sweet pastry, who I want to come and have a bite." Lynch's answer made Banner silent in his heart for the disasters and misfortunes of the earth, and then he hesitated.

"You only know the problem, I can only guarantee that my own subordinates are my own, but if people from other forces are notified, whether those guys will resolutely resist, or be a gangster, we can't control it, so we still It is better to strengthen the defense force of the earth's native land through the current organization."


"I know, I will conquer this technology as soon as possible."


Banner, who understood how great his responsibility was, replied with a firm expression on his face.


He and Betty didn't live a stable life for a few years. Banner didn't want his hard-won happy life to be gone like this. Even for himself, he had to conquer this technology.


After sending Banner away, Clark came to the Pillar of Autumn Wind, and Lynch asked Lynch to come here for only one purpose, that is, to tell Clark the truth about the destruction of Krypton, and to prepare him to go. Against Icaris among the Eternals, as for the **** group that has not yet been born, Lynch is ready to deal with it by himself.


"This..." Clark saw the birth of the Celestial Group. The scene was very shocking, but according to the information that Lynch had just explained to him, Clark knew that when the Celestial Group was born, the planet had a large number of life.


"The reason for Krypton's demise is also the same. Your life magnetic field is stronger, so it only takes a smaller number of people to complete the birth of the **** group. There is also a juvenile of the **** group inside the earth. It is estimated that it will be born in a few years. Clark, what should you mean by that."


"What do you need me to do?"


"In order to allow the normal development of human-like civilizations, the Celestials will put two races when they breed the Celestials. One race will destroy the powerful predators, and the second race will destroy the former race. And protect us from extinction. If we do something to the Celestials, then the Eternals who are still active on earth will definitely take measures against this matter. At that time, I need you to stop them. The Eternals are just The robots made by the Tenjin group, they don't know their real mission."


"I see."


Lynch's later words made Clark understand what Lynch meant. The warriors who thought they were protecting humans were actually just to ensure the number of humans. When the task was completed, they would be recycled and restored to factory settings. Clark felt sad for the members of the Eternals. .


"Okay, don't tell Bruce about this first, otherwise he'll have to investigate the identity of the Eternals. They have different special abilities, and it's easy to scare the snake by rashly investigating."


Okay, I'll keep it a secret. "


Clark nodded after hearing Lynch's advice.


You must know that in the process of following Bruce to build the Justice League, Clark saw all of Bruce's methods. When he thought that he might be investigated by Bruce as if he had no clothes, he would feel very uncomfortable, but this also made Clark very uncomfortable. Trust Bruce, after all, at least there will be no one in charge of the command. When the strength gap between the enemy and us is not clear, he will send people out to deal with it.


After returning to Earth, Lynch didn't have time to rest, so he was busy for a long time, but it was not too much. After sending Clark off, Lynch was ready to rest. Having retrieved such an important thing, this time it was considered a relatively successful trip.


Afterwards, Lynch, who was leaning on the chair, was about to start watching the memories of World 2, but a new memory suddenly rushed into Lynch's mind.




On this country road, Lynch felt very special to this world, or that his debut was a little too early.


As a newly adopted three-year-old, Lynch couldn't do anything, but he knew that his adoptive parents were big names in this world, Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent, two names for Lynch. Couldn't be more familiar.


It's just that now Lynch has become like these two people, so what should Superman do? Just when Lynch started to think with his little head, something like a meteorite fell into the rice field by the roadside.


"Well, it looks like I'm going to be his brother."


Lynch, who got out of the car with Martha in his arms, saw the small spaceship and the baby exposed in front of the three of them after the hatch was opened.


"Oh my god!"


Because of their infertility, the Kents only adopted Lynch today. On the way home, they received this gift from outer space, which surprised the couple.


"Brother..." Little Lynch pointed at the baby in the spaceship and said in a milky voice.


Lynch's words made the couple look at each Martha sent Lynch back to the pickup, and then Martha went to help Jonathan get the spaceship onto the pickup, and used the The sheet blocked the ship.


Two days ago, Martha, who was still sad about not being able to give birth, is now holding the alien baby in her left hand and Lynch in her right hand, so happy that she can't even close her mouth.


But when Jonathan brought little Clark to go through the second adoption procedure the next day, he encountered some difficulties. After all, the couple only adopted Lynch from the orphanage yesterday, so if they wanted to adopt Clark, they had to meet him. some legal restrictions.


Fortunately, the nearby Kent couple were familiar with the people in the nearby town, and in the end, they went through the adoption procedures for Clark using a not-so-legal procedure.


Everyone knows about the Kent couple. It can be said that these two little angels are two gifts from God to them. If it is not a particularly serious problem, it will not affect the handling of this procedure.


Looking at Clark who was still sleeping, Lynch felt that it was necessary for him to take more photos when he was a child, as a means of suppressing his younger brother as an older brother in the future.


Presumably the photos of Superman wetting the bed as a child will be very popular.


It's just that Lynch still doesn't know which world this world is. He is still just a child. He can only rely on Clark's existence to determine some things, but more things can only be done when he grows up.


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