And once he succeeds in sneak attacking the meditating person, then the biggest threat to him has already been dealt with.

There is only one person whose aura is not so strong, and how he wants to deal with it at that time depends on his mood.

I have to say that this black shadow also made a good plan, and he said that there is no problem with the plan he took.

It is indeed Lin Hao who poses the greatest threat to him, and his choice to sneak attack Lin Hao is also the most correct choice~.

It's just that he made a fatal mistake, that is, he underestimated La-Ke's strength.

Luck is far more powerful than he feels, and now all their hopes are pinned on Lin Hao "How can Luck Wen make this black shadow succeed in sneak attack so easily.

The strength that Luck displayed at this time, although he did not try his best, he still used 80% or 90% of his strength.

And the black shadow was caught off guard, and was also sent flying by Luck, but it was obvious that the black shadow's defensive power was also very astonishing.

Although Bei Luck was sent flying with one blow, he didn't seem to be seriously injured.

The black shadow shook its head before struggling to stand up from the ground, as if a drunk person fell to the ground and then struggled to get up.

And at this moment, the black shadow seemed to realize that Luck was not as simple as he imagined.

So he turned his head and stared at Luck with his huge eyes, full of vigilance.

And Luck finally saw the true face of this black shadow, it was a very strange monster.

At first glance, it looks like a shadowless cat, but it is different from a shadowless cat when you look closely.

The first is the pair of sharp claws. Shadowless cats don't have such sharp and strong claws.

Even though the pair of sharp claws were pulled apart after such a violent collision, there was no sign of breaking them at all.

This is enough to prove how strong this pair of sharp claws are, and such sharp claws are far from what the Shadowless Cat can possess.

Even the king of shadowless cats might not be able to have such a pair of strong and sharp claws.

Because this black shadow has pure black fur, without any messy hair.

For shadowless cats, it is absolutely impossible for such a kind of alien to exist. Ordinary shadowless cats have colorful fur.

Only in this way can they be better protected. After all, their strength is not so tyrannical, and they can only rely on sneak attacks to obtain prey.

One is the sharp teeth of this black shadow, which has far exceeded the limit that a shadowless cat can have.

Moreover, the facial features of this black shadow are completely different from those of the shadowless cat. It seems that some unknown mutation has occurred in this strange space.

Maybe the body of this black shadow is a shadowless cat, but it is infected by such a strong devil energy.

It caused it to mutate and become what it is today, and in this space, the law of the jungle is also interpreted to the extreme.

If it weren't for his sharp teeth and its strong claws, I'm afraid he wouldn't be alive today.

I didn't expect that there was a trace of bloody red in the eyes of this black shadow, which looked very abnormal in this space.

…… Ask for flowers………

This should be, being devoured of reason, leaving only the last instinctive expression, but this made Luck very confused.

It stands to reason that this space is so beautiful, Luck didn't even notice a trace of magic energy.

So how did this monster become what it is today? Moreover, if it wants to become what it is today [I'm afraid it needs a very strong magic energy to achieve this effect


But now is not the time to think about these things, the top priority now is to get rid of this monster.

Otherwise, if Lin Hao's safety is endangered, at that time, there will be no place to regret it.

And the monster room also took a fancy to Luck and was not easy to mess with, so he didn't choose to attack immediately, but stayed where he was and watched Luck's every move.

And Luck's hand that attacked the black shadow's strong claws just now was still a little painful at this moment.

After all, Luck did not intend to restrain himself just now, so the force given back to him is equally huge.

Luck's threat level to this black shadow has also risen, it's a very high level, and we can't take it lightly.

Otherwise, it is very likely that this monster will fight back, and what he is responsible for now is not his own life, but Lin Hao's.

However, Luck did not dare to delay at all, after all, the current situation is very unfavorable to him, and the more the delay continues, the worse the situation will be.

So Luck decided to attack first, to be strong first, and then to suffer disaster, taking advantage of this black shadow, he has no intention of actively attacking.

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