The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 227 Meeting The Bandits

He kept walking like this until he came to a complicated street. There were many people on the street, but he couldn't see anyone who belonged to him. They were all foreigners, either white or black. He couldn't find anyone. I can't even find myself, a Chinese.

He walked along the complicated street to a small alley. There were very few people in this small alley. He was walking like this, and suddenly a foreigner came out from behind him. This time the foreigner spoke in foreign language. He didn't know what the hell he was talking about. .

But he just looked at Han Shuang with lustful eyes, beating him from bottom to top, and pointing at the things on Han Shuang's body. Only then did Han Shuang realize that he wanted the things on his body to be robbed.

Oh my God, foreigners are so blatant and dare to rob in broad daylight. Han Shuang laughed loudly and said, "But, this gangster had companions who came to him one after another. He couldn't get away. They dragged him towards his suitcase."

All of Han Shuang's belongings were in this suitcase. Han Shuang was 40 years old and couldn't keep his people in the suitcase. He shouted ferociously, "Help, help, is there someone to save me? Robbery." -ah."

The weak Han Shuang still had some strength to argue with them for three to five minutes. A man who had studied underworld waved to them.

This man is a Chinese man. He is like these two foreign black men. He has the best of both worlds when he goes back. He beats these foreigners who are looking for teeth all over the place. Those who don't care about things run away in the deep alleys of this street.

The man said, "How are you, little girl? Are you injured? Did you lose anything? Check your backpack."

This man can actually speak Chinese. He is Chinese. Oh my God, this is the first Chinese I have met in the island country. I am so happy.

I hurriedly returned to this countryman and said, "I'm fine, thank you for your help."

The Chinese man quickly handed me his business card, "Little girl, this is my business card. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can call me. My surname is Liu."

Liu Chen. 17

Han Shuang took the business card with both hands, "Okay, thank you, brother Liu Quan, I'm really sorry to bother you. Having said that, it's unreasonable why these foreigners come to the street to rob them during the day."

"I don't understand. Foreigners also have economic crises. That's it. Let's take care of each other again in the future."

His strong and tall body has dark and shiny skin. He should be a Chinese who exercises regularly and his Chinese is very good.

…Please give me flowers…

That's it, I walked along this alley to the end, walked to a small hotel, and prepared to stay.

My own mood is very complicated, because I can't find the person I'm looking for, but I've encountered some very complicated things, and I don't know what to do.


At this time, Lin Hao asked his secretary to follow Han Shuang. He followed Han Shuang to a small hotel, and then came back to report to Li Hao and tell Lin Hao everything that happened to Han Shuang, including the robbery.

Lin Hao was so scared that he wanted to see if Han Shuang was frightened and if he was okay, but his mother stopped him.

His mother said, "Why are you giving up now? Doesn't what we said before count? We haven't contacted each other for nearly a month. Now you can contact us. The agreement by contacting us is over. Do you want to pursue this again?" There is no door for girls.”

His strict mother was so strict with her children. Lin Hao had nothing to say. He just sat there quietly, clenching his fists tightly. .

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