The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 260 The Original Intention Of Last Resort

But at least Lin Hao's original intention is forgivable, otherwise, Han Shuang would have abandoned him and gone away alone.

And Han Xue also knows how much pressure he faces because he is with Lin Hao.

The reason why Lin Hao didn't come to look for him in the past few days was also because of him.

But he always firmly believed in his heart that Lin Hao would not abandon him.

He also believes that Lin Hao is now thinking of ways to solve these problems, and when the time comes, he will definitely be the one he chooses in the end.

This should be the basis for two people to be together, not to trust each other.

Only this kind of trust can make the two people go on for a long time. Otherwise, even if they are together now, they will not be able to stay together for long.

The most important thing is that the relationship between the two people has also gone through many hardships and tests, which is why the two people have little trust in each other.

But no matter how good the relationship is, it cannot be maintained with words alone, although it may be a bit too realistic to say so.

But after all, this is nothing. An ideal life is better to be more realistic.

What's more, doing this will also help them go longer in the future, and he doesn't care about this.

In fact, if two people want to be together for a long time, they must maintain a certain sense of freshness.

The best way is to give each other some small surprises occasionally. Of course, this kind of surprise does not need to be too big.

You just need to prepare yourself carefully and let the other party feel your friendship.

And the frequency of preparing surprises does not need to be too frequent, otherwise it will lose its meaning.

If it happens often, it can't be called a surprise, it can only be called some small gifts.

Lin Hao did the same. Without delaying time, he immediately headed towards the place where Han Shuang lived.

He hasn't seen Han Shuang for several days now, and now his mind is full of Han Shuang.

As for the guilt he felt towards Lin Mei, he had already put it behind him at this moment.

After all, Han Shuang still occupies the most important position in Lin Hao's heart, and no one can compare with him.

Of course, except for his own mother, but that is his biological mother after all, there is no comparison at all.

…Please give me flowers…

The place where Han Shuang lives now was also found for him by Lin Hao. It is not that far from where Lin Hao lives.

But there is still a certain distance, otherwise if you are too close, it will be difficult to explain your mother's face.

Of course, it won't be too far away. This will make Lin Hao worried. After all, Han Shuang lives alone.


In addition, her mother did not agree with this concern, and she also played some tricks behind her mother's back.

Although he said that he shouldn't speak so badly of his biological mother, but for some things it's better to prepare for the worst.

So Lin Hao arranged for Han Shuang to be at a moderate distance from him, and he had bought this room earlier.

Of course, it is not very luxurious, but it is more than enough for Han Shuang to live alone.

And the functions are also very complete, and the cleaning lady will usually come to clean the room. .

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