The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 514 Accidental Collision

And if a battle really breaks out, these people will definitely create the first line if all these things are resolved.

Then we can only let the disciples of those big families grow up on the front line, even if there is a huge loss.

"They have to bear it themselves, so as long as those people from big families have no problem with their minds."

They will definitely not be killed. At most, they will only be severely punished. As for some substantive punishments, there should be no real punishments.

At least not now. As for whether there will be other punishments after this matter is over.

That is not what they have to consider. The most important thing now is how to save their own lives.

Moreover, the person in charge of giving gifts to these two families was the same at that time, so the positions they were assigned were relatively close to each other.

"Before launching the battle, the heads of the two families also communicated in advance."

That is, no matter what happens on the battlefield, from two angles, these must take care of each other.

You can't stab someone in the back, so the first moment those light balls fell.

The heads of the two families were already preparing to retreat. And their thoughts on the battlefield.

They are also observing carefully all the time, and they can also see that after the first wave of light attacks.

"Many small families present have already thought about retiring, but they have no intention of implementing it."

At the moment, they didn't have the courage to implement it. In fact, they originally thought that if I said this disc would only have one wave of attacks.

Then they could grit their teeth and get through it, but when the second wave of light group launched an attack, they all retreated without hesitation.

Moreover, two families retreated together. In fact, if we look at it from the perspective of the entire battlefield.

Even if any one of their families retreats alone, it will not cause too much waves, just like small waves in the sea.

It is even said that even if the two families unite to retreat, they will not cause such a big commotion.

"But, the crux of the problem is that the two families are in particularly awkward positions.

…Please give me flowers…

After the first wave of light attack was consumed, the two families were located vaguely in the center of the entire battlefield.

In this case, every move they make can be seen by the surrounding families, and every move they make next can be seen.


It is possible that the actions taken by other families will have an impact, and these two families will be affected invisibly.

"Just like the leader of the entire battlefield, other families already wanted to retreat under the first wave of attacks."

But when they think about it, the consequences if they retreat without permission are not something they can bear.

So there was a little hesitation, and I was thinking about what to do next. I couldn't die in vain like this.

Now that I see these two families in such important positions, I immediately think of the status of these two families.

It was probably unusual. After the first wave of attacks, there was some chaos on the battlefield. .

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