The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

069 The Enemy's Reinforcements Are Coming (Full Order)

After all, his stiff face began to ease, and finally a smile leaked out.

"It's really interesting!" The mysterious man laughed.

And at this moment, the tree spirit ran towards the mysterious man again.

The mysterious man sneered, just flipping Grimoire to use magic.


The tree spirit's fist had already reached his abdomen, and the next moment, his whole body was directly blown away by the impact.

bang bang bang...

He rubbed directly on the ground for a while before finally stopping.

"Pfft!" A big mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, but because he was wearing a mask.

Blood trickled down the edge of the mask.

"Damn it, what happened just now! There is still such a long distance, why did it suddenly appear by my side.

The mysterious man began to meditate, and the next moment, an idea flashed in his mind.

"Could it be... 16 is this guy distorting the space."

In his cognition, there is only this one answer, which is in line with the tree spirit's move just now.

"Fuegoleon Vermillion, although today's plan has collapsed, I still have something to gain." After the mysterious man said, he muttered a few more words, and followed closely at his feet.

A black object suddenly appeared, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared into this space.

The reason why they didn't fight was because most of them were because of the tree spirit.

The power of the tree spirit was something he couldn't pry into. For example, it was the first time he had seen the space-distorting move before he was alive.

If you continue to fight hard with the tree spirit, it is tantamount to gambling with your own life.

However, he wasn't too disappointed. Although Fuegoleon Vermillion was not resolved, he saw Lin Hao's future.

After seeing the mysterious man fleeing here, Fuegoleon cast his eyes on Lin Hao.

"This guy...what kind of magic is he using? Since it's so terrifying, even I shouldn't be able to stop this titan!" Fuegoleon thought to himself.

"Captain Fuegoleon, what should we do next?" Lin Hao said suddenly.

Fuegoleon hesitated for a while, and said: "Let's find a way to get out of here first, I just saw this titan tear up this space when he attacked the enemy, you might as well try it first

After Lin Hao heard this, he was slightly taken aback, because he didn't know if the tree spirit would listen to him.

After all, he came out twice by himself, but if it was hostile, Lin Hao could be sure.

This tree spirit is not hostile to him, otherwise, he wouldn't have come out to help him.

"I'll try to talk to it!"

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he jumped to the back of the tree spirit and said calmly.

"Although I don't know your name? But can you take us out of here?"

The tree spirit turned his head slowly, stared at Lin Hao, and finally said: "Yes!"

As soon as the sound fell, the tree spirit slightly opened his hand and stretched out to the ground.

There was a sound of "tearing".

The ground was torn apart by him like paper.

And below is the place that was originally transferred.

After the tree spirit tore it apart, it changed into a spot of light and disappeared from the sight of Lin Hao and the others.


Suddenly at this time, the ground of the space is slowly healing.

"Quick, Captain Fuegoleon, the ground is about to heal, we have to get out quickly." Lin Hao jumped into the crack while talking.

And Fuegoleon followed closely behind.

"Lin Hao!"


Members of Asta and the Red Lotus Knights stepped forward one after another.

"Are you all right?" Asta asked.

"Thanks to the little brother in front of us, we can get out of it." Fuegoleon said calmly.

Although Fuegoleon is a royal family, he did not discriminate against civilians like other royal families.

"No...Impossible, Fuegoleon Vermillion, why did you come out of it." After seeing Fuegoleon come out, Cyclops' face suddenly became stiff.

"It seems that your plan is going to collapse?" Fuegoleon said to Cyclops.

"The plan collapsed? Impossible! Why can you escape from his hands." Cyclops said in disbelief.

"He? Are you referring to that person just now?" Lin Hao said, walking towards him step by step.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in midair.

"It's really surprising that Fuegoleon Vermillion escaped after receiving the news from that lord!"

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