The Strongest Life Reborn

Chapter 806: The Chinese TV industry is inseparable from you!

"Because I am also a businessman now, I naturally want to sell good things to the best price." Yin Jun shrugged.

"I didn't ask this." Shao Yifu took two documents and said, "The first Hutchison Whampoa you got it in February last year, and the second one from HSBC, you got it in June last year. By the way, when you buy Jiashi's stock, it started at the end of last year.

With more than 47% of your TVB shares, you can kick me out and become the only master of TVB. TVB's market share, the number and quality of stars, and even various rules and regulations are definitely better than Jiashi and BiaTV. Why did you not buy TVB, but picked up the worst TV among the three TV stations to buy it? "

Shao Yifu almost said, "Did you look down on my TVB"?

Yin Jun heard a slight jaw, "Six Uncle, do you remember what you said to you when you came to me for a script for the Shaw movie?"

Shao Yifu sneered: "Of course I can't forget the answer like this."

"I think Shao's film model is not good, it is a kind of harm to the film industry. Unwilling to let such a film company continue to exist, this is the reason why I don't give you the script." Yin Jundao, "But TVB is different You have done very well in TVB, and such a model will have a greater future in the future, so TVB is in your hands and will definitely carry forward. "

"So you are kind enough not to **** TVB?" Shao Yifu asked in surprise.

"Do you remember what I said to you and Qiu Bo when I wanted to be a satellite TV?" Yin Jun said to himself, "The world is so big that we can accommodate three of our Xiangjiang TV stations to fight together. If only me One person seems to be weak. You and Qiubo are both business people and you know how to be a TV station, so I need you guys to join me in pushing Chinese TV stations all over Asia and even Asia. Yu can go to Europe and America to work hard. "

Shao Yifu recalled what Yin Jun said, and then he suddenly realized.

So he said this before!

It's ridiculous that he thought he had no choice, so he pretended to pretend to talk about the three joint.

As a result, people can eat TVB long ago, but they haven't done it, just to realize his ideal!

Sighing slightly, Shao Yifu said, "Ajun, I can't guarantee that you can do what you said, but TVB was created by me, and I will work hard to develop it! I also believe that no one can compare I do better! "

"If someone can replace you, you will not get these two equity transfer books today, Liu Shu." Yin Jun smiled.

Shao Yifu nodded, "Since the goods came out, I am also very satisfied, so what price do you want?"

"The land of Qingshuiwan, really does not work?" Yin Jun asked.

"No." Shao Yifu shook his head, "I have decided to use this land for TVB. The current broadcasting station is too crowded and there are not enough studios."

According to the history of the previous life, in fact, the current Kirin Satellite TV headquarters building was already annexed by TVB two years ago and used as their shooting base.

Now that Kirin Satellite TV is developing well, the TVB shooting base is naturally not enough. It is a natural thing to get the idea to the studio on the side of Qingshuiwan.

Maybe I felt that my speech was too stiff, and Shao Yifu replied: "But I have a 20,000 square foot of land in Des Voeux Road, Central. Do you want it?"

"Where is it specifically?" Yin Jun said, "I have not heard that there is such a large undeveloped land in Central."

Zhonghuan has a lot of money, and prices are rising so much now. If Shao Yifu really has such a large piece of land, it should have been spread all the time. How could Yin Jun not know?

Shao Yifu coughed a little: "On Gefu Road, it is an old building with only 5 floors. Now it is rented to others as an office building. But it covers a good area. If you buy it, you can push it down. reconstruction."

"How much do you want?" Yin Jun asked nonchalantly.

"How about changing your two shares?" Shao Yifu said flatly.

Yin Jun could n’t help laughing, “Six Uncles, my two share contracts, at least worth 400 million, you want to get 20,000 square feet of land and want to change it? If you say that the land is really in Admiralty or Central, then That's it. But do you bully me that I don't understand the map of Xiangjiang? Gefu Road is still four or five hundred meters away from Central, okay?

Now the average land price in Central is only 25,000 psf, and the price at 100 meters is much lower, not to mention your house 400 meters away. If you really want to sell, I am afraid that the price of 15,000 psf is enough? You are asking for 20,000, which is really business! "

"Even if it is 400 meters away, it is still near Central." Shao Yifu said unwillingly. "Now the land and houses in Xiangjiang are one price a day. Especially in Central and Admiralty areas, you can't buy land Is that right? With such a large piece of land, you can use it as a new commercial office building or as your own headquarters, it will be very good! "

Reasonable, Shao Yifu's statement is also correct.

In this crazy era, although Gefu Road is more than 400 meters away from Des Voeux Road in Central, it is definitely an area of ​​Central. It belongs to the core of Xiangjiang and the price will not be low.

Although does not reach the 20,000 psf that Shao Yifu said, but about 18,000 is still possible.

Moreover, the price of land is too crazy now. By the middle and end of this year, the price is really unlikely to be 18,000, 20,000, or even more than 20,000.

But why did Shao Yifu still feel a little lack of confidence?

The reason lies in the relationship between supply and demand.

Shao Yifu must get the shares in Yin Jun's hands. It didn't matter if he didn't know before. Now Yin Jun has got more than 47% of the shares and said that if he wants to sell to him, if he misses it, he won't be in this life Forgive yourself.

Because Shao Yifu knew that no matter who bought these shares, TVB would never be with him.

This is the biggest focus of his career in the next few decades, and it is also the first Xiangjiang TV station he built with all his efforts. How could he be willing to give up?

Conversely, Yin Jun does not have to do this business with him.

This is not a matter of price, but depends on what Yin Jun needs.

For example, now, Yin Jun is obviously not interested in real estate, and Shao Yifu hardly plugs him in, which does not mean much.

Shao Yifu was afraid that Yin Jun did not like it, which caused the business to fail, which is why he had no confidence.


And Shao Yifu looked at each other for a while, and Yin Jun suddenly chuckled. He took out two more documents from his bag, then picked up the pen, and signed his name on it.

Shao Yifu was thinking, he would n’t do such a thing ... Yin Jun turned the contract to face him.

"Wireless TVB share transfer contract ..."

"Party A (transferor): Yin Jun"

Looking at this thin document, Shao Yifu felt a lot of emotion at one time, and he had a feeling that he could not believe in dreaming.

It's that simple?

So simple! ?

Just when I said a price tag, he agreed, and the contract was signed? !

"Do you know that as long as I signed this contract, you will never get back TVB's shares?" Shao Yifu sat upright and asked Yin Jun: "You let yourself go by someone who might break yourself. Opponents, have n’t you thought about the consequences? One day, Qilin Satellite TV finally went bankrupt because of your mistake, will you regret it? "


Yin Jun also said, "I would be very pleased because Kirin Satellite TV has proved that it is out of date and should be eliminated. But our Chinese-language TV station and Optimus Prime of wireless TVB can spread our Chinese culture. Even more profound! "

Speaking of this, Yin Jun stopped and looked more sincere: "I have another sentence ... Six Uncle, Chinese TV industry, can't leave you!"

Listening to the last sentence, Shao Yifu was touched, but it was still funny. "Don't say that you are like a saint, your career has collapsed, will you be pleased?"

Yin Jun didn't excuse any more, shrugged, and stopped talking.

This attitude made Shao Yifu a little embarrassed and felt that he was a bit ignorant.

But Shao Yifu is definitely not a soft-hearted person, nor a person who has the opportunity to waste in front of him.

So, instead he picked up the pen, filled in the contract with the specific identification of the property and land he promised, and then signed his name.

Two copies of the contract ~ ~ Each person gets one copy.

After Shao Yifu transferred the rights of the building and the land under it to Yin Jun ’s name, the wireless TVB share sale agreement came into effect, and these shares belonged to him.

Previously, Shao Liuye had 5% of the shares. Now with Yin Jun ’s more than 47% of the shares, he has exceeded 51% of absolute holdings. That is, he is the master of the house, and all Lilu Yanqun and Yiheyangxing must obediently obey.

Thought of this, even if he paid a great price, Shao Liuye's thin face also showed a smile.

Life in his seventies has been sparse for a long time. He has reached the point where he has no desire for money. It is this kind of career that can achieve his own wishes, which will make him more happy.

Yin Jun also smiled in his heart.

Do n’t look at Shao Liuye ’s age, but his mentality is very young, he is still determined to forge ahead.

Although TVB may not be able to reach the height of the previous life now, but with the control of him and Fang Yihua, and the excitement of Yin Jun, TVB will definitely not be worse.

With such competitors and such partners who are expanding outward together, how can Qilin Satellite TV be lonely?

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