Chapter 132

These high school students are scared!

They originally thought that even if Mifune Zongzheng is the leader and strongest of U-17, it is impossible to win easily in a one-to-two situation.

But the result was beyond their expectations.Mifune Zongzheng relied on strong strength and easily crushed Oniki and Ito in a one-to-two situation. This surprised these high school students very much, and at the same time realized that they are. U-17 master

The terrible strength of the Mifune Zongzheng, began to feel fear of Mifune Zongzheng.

“What are you afraid of? No matter how strong the leader is, can he beat all of us?”

At this time, a tall and strong high school student looked at the unconvincing high school students behind him, and couldn’t help but curse. This tall and strong high school student was called Ishii Tianichi. He was the boss of this group of high school students. At the same time, he gave Mifune Zongzheng feel

I was a little unhappy, because Mifune Zongzheng became the main player of U-17 only in junior high, which made Ishida very unconvinced, so he wanted to teach Mifune Zongzheng a lesson in this game.

“Ota, Nakajima, come on next!”

Ishida Iichi looked at the two on his left.


When Ishida Jing asked them to play, Ota and Nakajima were panicked.

In the one-on-two match just now, Ota and Nakajima realized the horror of the main player Mifune Zongzheng. Mifune Zongzheng is so powerful, who is going to die!

“Let you go on -, what nonsense!”

As soon as Ishida Jing saw Ota and Nakajima’s retreating and frightened adopted son, he became very angry and yelled at Ota and Nakajima.

As soon as Ishida Jing yelled at it, Ota and Nakajima shrank their necks, and then walked into the court with racquet bracing their heads.

But within six minutes, Ota and Nakajima walked out again in despair.

They lost, just like the first game, they lost a terrible defeat, and Ota and Nakajima were worse than the first game, and the elimination time was even faster.

Seeing that Ota and Nakajima were defeated so quickly, Ishii Tianichi was also a little panicked, but seeing that there was still such a person behind him who was not playing, he became more confident in his heart. Ishii Tian

If you don’t believe it, you can’t beat Mifune Zongzheng, the main general.

“Although your strength is very strong, I don’t believe it anymore. You can defeat so many of us!”

Ishii Tianyi, who did not believe in evil, continued to arrange people to play, but the result was the same.No matter who he sent to play, he lost within ten minutes, and some even lost within six minutes!

After an hour and a half, all the high school students had already competed, only Ishii Tianichi and the other high school students were not playing!

“How can this be?”

“How can the strength of the main general be so terrifying?!”

Ishii Tian’s whole person is like seeing a ghost. He did not expect the strength of Mifune Zongzheng to be so terrifying.The main general Mifune Zongzheng actually defeated them with one enemy and two. Trustworthy


“Boss Ishii, shall we still fight?!”

Behind Ishii Tian, ​​the high school student who also did not play was panicked. He did not expect that the strength of the main general Mifune Zongzheng would be so terrible. Is in

They defeated them within ten minutes, so even if he and Ishii Tian played, they were probably the same as the high school students who had lost before. This made the high school student feel very frightened.

“What’s the panic! After an hour and a half of fierce fighting, I believe that the main general’s physical strength has definitely reached the limit. At this time, even if the main general is strong, how can we beat us without physical strength!”

Ishiida yelled angrily. He thought that his previous wheel fight had already worked. After an hour and a half of Mifune Zongzheng, Ishida’s physical strength had reached the limit, so he thought he had a great chance to fight.

Won the current Mifune Zongzheng.

“Reach the limit?”

The high school student heard the words of his old Oishi Idaichi and couldn’t help but look towards Mifune Zongzheng in the field, only to see that Mifune Zongzheng was only slightly sweaty on his forehead, and he didn’t even breathe in the atmosphere. what

It is clear that Mifune Zongzheng’s physical strength is still very abundant, as if it has not been consumed!

But in front of his elder Oishi Ida, the high school student naturally did not dare to say that. He was afraid that Ishiida would scold him for a while, so he could only hold this sentence in his heart.

“I said you two are afraid of me and dare not enter the game?”

“However, it is useless. I told you before the start of the game that I am here to train you, which means that I am your coach, so each of you must play against me!!

Mifune Zongzheng smiled at Ishii Tianichi and another high school student who hadn’t entered the arena for a long time.

“Master, you think too much! We are just warming up!

Ishii Tian insisted. Although he was really afraid of Mifune Zongzheng, he wouldn’t say it.

Hearing that, Mifune Zongzheng laughed, and he said to Ishii Tian, ​​”Warm up? Then why didn’t you see you warm up? Can you warm up even while standing still? Now U-17 technology has advanced to the point. , Standing there motionless

Can I warm up? Why don’t I know!”

0……Look for flowers

Mifune Zongzheng’s words made Oniki Ishikawa’s face very red, but he couldn’t refute anything.

“When the nonsense is finished, come in quickly! Time is running out!”

Mifune Zongzheng chuckled at Ishii Tianyi, urging Ishii Tianyi and the two of them to play quickly.

“North Island, let’s go!”

As soon as Ishii Tian glanced at the man beside him, then a striding meteor walked into the court.

Looking at the figure of his elder Oishi Idaichi who entered the arena, the man known as Kitashima had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Seeing Ishii Tianichi and Kitashima entering the arena, Mifune Zongzheng’s mouth twitched, and Mifune Zongzheng could see that this man named Ishii Tianichi was very unconvinced with himself as the U-17 leader, so Mifune Zongzheng prepared Ishii Tian one thorough


Mifune Zongzheng just got ready to serve, but Ishii Tianichi started talking.

“Wait, the first few rounds were served by the main player first. In this game, we will serve first!


Mifune Zongzheng shrugged, and didn’t care who would serve first.

Moreover, Mifune Zongzheng knows what Ishii Tian is thinking, and probably thinks that serving first can gain a bit of advantage.

But as everyone knows, this advantage is only based on the situation where the strength of the two sides is similar.If the strength of the opponent exceeds too much, even if the right to serve, what can be done, it is not the same as losing the game!

Just like San Zongzheng and Ishii Tianichi, Mifune Zongzheng’s half-step world-level strength is far superior to Ishii Tianichi’s strength. Even if Ishii Tianichi serves, he still can’t beat Mifune Zongzheng, and will still be defeated.

So in Mifune Zongzheng’s view, even if I let Ishii Tian serve first, he won’t have any chance of winning, even if the right to serve is given to him!

On the opposite side, Ishii Tian took a deep breath, arched his body and stared at Mifune Zongzheng coldly.

“After playing for so long, such a guy’s physical strength has definitely been consumed almost!”

Ishii Taichi thought that even if Mifune Zongzheng is very powerful, after such a long period of fierce competition, it will be exhausted.

As for the relaxed appearance of Mifune Zongzheng, in Ishii Tian’s opinion, it should be an imposing act.

How could the spirit be so good after playing for so long!

“Yes! Absolutely! This guy is absolutely pretending!”

Thinking like this in his mind, Ishii Tianichi thought that Mifune Zongzheng was pretending to be relaxed now, and then he started to serve.

PS: Collection is the motivation of the author’s writing. I hope everyone will support Xiao K’s book more, ask for subscription, ask for automatic subscription, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for reward, ask for monthly pass, ask for everything. NS.

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