Chapter 415

early morning.

Mild sunlight fell over the Spanish capital Madrid.

Madrid National Stadium, Spain.

A Spanish spectator holding a ticket walked towards the gymnasium.

In the past few days, Mifune Zongzheng, the world’s number one junior high school student, led a team of Rikkai to defeat the French junior high school, and the news that Mifune Zongzheng defeated the French leader Leo and entered the professional level has spread throughout Europe- country.

Many Spanish spectators are very interested in this match between the Japanese Rikkai team and the Spanish junior high school team.

Today was the day when this game was held, so a lot of Spanish spectators came to the game.

They are all here to cheer for the Spanish junior high school players, and at the same time, take a look at Mifune Zongzheng, a player who has been very popular recently.

“Our opponent is Mifune Zongzheng, the world’s number one junior high school student and his team members?”


“I didn’t expect that Japan, a country with the lowest tennis strength in the world, would have such a powerful player as Mifune Zongzheng, and also defeated the French leader Leo, who has the title of the world’s second high school student!”


“But so what, it must be our Spanish junior high school students who won this time!”

Mifune Zongzheng led Rikkai Yamato and Spain’s strongest junior high school students at the venue where there was a long queue.

Every Spanish audience was discussing with excitement, but it was obvious that all French audiences were not optimistic about Mifune Zongzheng and the Rikkai team members he led.

Even if Rikkai has Mifune Zongzheng, the world’s number one junior high school student, professional-level master.

Even before, Mifune Zongzheng led the Japanese Rikkai team to defeat the French junior high school team.

Even if Mifune Zongzheng defeated the French leader Leo, the professional powerhouse known as the second high school student in the world.

These Spanish audiences are still not optimistic about Mifune Zongzheng and the other Rikkai players, and they feel that Mifune Zongzheng is not the opponent of Spanish junior high school students.

Because this is Madrid, Spain.

The home court of the Spanish team and these Spanish junior high school students.

In the lounge.

Mifune Zongzheng, Tanegashima Shuji, Oni Jujiro and other Rikkai Taisho elections gathered.

“Are everyone ready?

Mifune Zongzheng glanced at all of Rikkai’s candidates and freshmen benches, and said in a deep voice.

“Minister Zongzheng, we are all ready!”

When the Rikkai elections heard Mifune Zongzheng’s words, they all replied in unison.

“Then let’s go!”

Mifune Zongzheng did not say any more encouraging words.

Because at this time, any words are superfluous.

Mifune Zongzheng believes that the players all know the importance of this game.

Competition venue.

The audience is already seated.

Before the battle began, bursts of enthusiastic cheers rang through the sky, and tens of thousands of Spaniards shouted together, raising the atmosphere on the court to a climax in an instant.

Step! Step! Step!

There was a steady sound of footsteps, and in the passage on the left, a team was walking out with their heads high.

It is the strongest team of junior high school students in Spain.

They walked towards the court under the leadership of the Spanish team leader Puyol, the world’s fourth high school student.

The faces of every Spanish junior high school player are full of confidence.

Coming in a unified pace, the momentum is like a rainbow.

Puyol, who walked in the front, and Medanore who followed Puyol, became the focus of the audience.

“Captain Puyol!”


“The world’s fourth high school student, Spain’s hope!

“Spain’s first genius, Spain’s future!

“The two of them will lead the Spanish team to next year’s World Cup championship!

The Spanish audience suddenly burst into cheers.

Every Spanish audience shouted in excitement.

Some even took out the flags prepared in advance and danced vigorously.

Soon a loud singing sound also rang, and in a blink of an eye the singing spread throughout the stadium.

“Long live Spain! We sing together, with different voices, one heart

“Long live Spain! From the green valley to the vast ocean, it is the hymn of brothers.”

“We love our motherland and we are going to embrace her. Under her blue sky, all ethnic groups are like a family.”

“Glory children, great history, sing justice and prosperity, sing democracy and peace”

Tens of thousands of Spanish audiences sang Spanish songs of praise, and the singing went straight into the sky, even far away from the Madrid National Stadium.

“Spanish junior high school students must win!

Listening to the singing that resounded across the sky at the game, the Spanish main player Puyol squinted his eyes, with a fiery flame burning in his heart.


Even Medanore, the second supernova in Europe, and other Spanish junior high school players also snarled, their eyes full of fighting spirit.

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Right channel.

Mifune Zongzheng led the Japanese Rikkai team out of the passage.


Although the loud singing and bursts of cheers at the scene created a huge momentum, it had no effect on professional-level masters like Mifune Zongzheng.

After all, such a situation, Mifune Zongzheng had already experienced this before leading the Japanese team against the French junior high school students, and had become accustomed to it.

“But the one who wins must be our Rikkai!”

Mifune Zongzheng’s mouth was drawn with a smile, and there was more oppression in his eyes.

The pace of the feet quickened, and the team soon came to the sun.

The original loudly singing arena suddenly stagnated after Mifune Zongzheng and other Rikkai major candidates appeared, and the entire arena became quiet.

After a few seconds, the audience burst into boos.

Immediately came the sound of shaking the sky.

“The Spanish junior high school team will win!

“The Spanish junior high school team will win!

“Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng!”

Except for Mifune Zongzheng, the other Rikkai team members instantly looked stagnant, even if they had experienced such a scene during the exchange game with the French junior high school team before, even if they had been prepared before.

But in the face of this fanatical atmosphere, the heart beats and feels a little pressure.

The Minister of Rikkai, Mifune Zongzheng, looked calm and unaffected by the audience.

Although there are also some Japanese students in the audience cheering for Mifune Zongzheng.

But compared to tens of thousands of Spanish audiences, their voices could not reach Mifune Zongzheng’s ears at all.

“Is this the baptism from the Spanish home court?”

Mifune Zongzheng chuckled and didn’t care, and then strode to the front of the net.

The Rikkai team led by Mifune Zongzheng and Spain’s strongest junior high school team led by Spanish player Puyol stood far away across the net.

The originally frenetic atmosphere on the scene instantly became depressed, and the eyes of the players on both sides clashed in the air.

Although this game is an exchange game.

But for both teams, they can only win without losing.

PS: Thank you very much for your big flowers, support and 10 points to score!

Collection is the motivation of the author’s writing. I hope everyone will support Xiao K’s book more, ask for subscription, ask for automatic subscription, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for reward, ask for monthly pass, ask for everything. NS.

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