Chapter 442

“Finally won”

Knowing that he had won, Mifune Zongzheng breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

The Spanish main player Puyol is very strong, and you can know the strength shown in this game.

But Mifune Zongzheng is stronger than him.

So the winner of this game is him.

“Both parties salute!”

Ten minutes later, with a whistle, Japan Rikkai team and Spanish junior high school team came to the net.

Mifune Zongzheng and his party were naturally extremely happy.

Because they defeated the Spanish junior high school team, won this international exchange competition, and completed two consecutive victories in the international exchange competition.

However, all the members of the Spanish junior high school team were silent.

As the world’s tennis power, they not only lost, but even the team’s strongest player and Spanish player Puyol were blasted into the hospital by Mifune Zongzheng.

And I heard from the doctor that it seems that surgery is still going on.

“I didn’t expect the Japan Rikkai team to be so strong, how strong should the complete Japan team be!”

Spain’s No. 1 supernova Medanore smiled bitterly. 08

Before the game started, who could have thought that the final result would be like this.

Moreover, the current Japan Rikkai team is only a part of the Japan team, which is not complete.

Looking up, Medanore’s gaze scanned all the members of the Japan Rikkai team.

In the end, his eyes stopped on the target he had always wanted to chase, Mifune Zongzheng.

The Spanish junior high school team might have won this international exchange match, but in the end it was completely ended by the extremely powerful Mifune Zongzheng.

Even Puyol, their extremely powerful general, is not an opponent of Mifune Zongzheng at all.

All kinds of emotions rushed to my heart, and finally Medanore could only sigh.

Players from both sides shook hands.

And Mifune Zongzheng also led the team to turn around and leave.

“Maybe next year’s World Cup in France will really change!’

Medanore sighed slightly.

There was some expectation in my mind inexplicably.

Rikkai brigade rests at the hotel.

Mifune Zongzheng was sitting on the sofa, with an ice pack on his swollen arm.

“No problem, right?”

Tanegashima Shuji spoke and looked at Mitsuya Akuto.

Mitsuya Akuto, who is proficient in data tennis, still knows some medical things very well.


“It’s just the swelling of the arm. One day is enough to reduce the swelling.”

Mitsuya Akuto replied.

Mifune Zongzheng’s arm seemed a little swollen, but it didn’t hurt the ligaments, so it was not a major problem.


After hearing Mitsuya Yameidou’s words, the members of Rikkai University breathed a sigh of relief.

Mifune Zongzheng is very important for the Rikkai team and even the Japan team.

Because the Rikkai team or the Japan team, there is only one professional player, Mifune Zongzheng.

If injured and unable to participate in the next international exchange competition, it is undoubtedly a loss.

“Do not worry!”

“Even if the right hand is injured, it doesn’t matter much!”

Mifune Zongzheng smiled.

Although he is right-handed, he has also learned and mastered the second sword art from Echizen Nanjiro, so now Mifune Zongzheng’s left hand is not much different from his right hand.

“The opponent we will challenge next is Switzerland!”

After hearing that Mifune Zongzheng was okay, after being treated by the hospital, Oni Jujiro, who had recovered from his injuries, spoke in a deep voice.

The Swiss U-17 team ranks third in the world.

The Swiss main player Carlos is also a strong professional player, and his strength is not lost to the French main player Leo.

Stronger than the Spanish general Puyol.

In the junior high school team, Amadeus has the strength and reputation of Switzerland’s No. 1 supernova, which is not inferior to Polk and Medanore.

“Akuto, you should have collected information on the Swiss team and the Swiss junior high school team?

At this time, Mifune Zongzheng looked at Mitsuya Yameidou.

Akuto nodded, and handed the prepared information to all the members of Rikkai University.

“As expected of Akuto, the data guru!

Echizen Ryoga exclaimed.

Because of the presence of Mitsuya Akuto, their Rikkai team has saved a lot of worry.

“The Swiss team has a total of seven world-class powerhouses, and among these seven world-class powerhouses, only Amadeus is a junior high school student, and the rest are high school students!”

“That is to say, only Amadeus and Swiss main player Carlos are the only players above the world-class strength in the Swiss junior high school team!

“Swiss leader Carlos, ranked third among high school students in the world, has a professional level!

“Amadeus, Switzerland’s number one supernova, world-class strength, infinitely close to the world’s pinnacle level!

Mitsuya Akuto briefly explained the situation of the Swiss national team and the Swiss junior high school team.

This made the other members of Rikkai University become somewhat silent.

Although the Swiss junior high school team has only two players above the world-class strength, it is still a bit tricky for them.

“Although the Swiss junior high school team only has two world-class and above players, in doubles, at least two half-step world-class players will definitely be sent to the field to ensure a victory!”

Mifune Zongzheng said in a deep voice.

“In that case, we will use Tian Ji horse racing tactics!”

Mifune Zongzheng then spoke, and then looked at Oni Jujiro and Tokugawa Kazuya: “Oni, Tokugawa, the doubles game will be left to you two!”


Oni Jujiro nodded heavily.

In their Rikkai team, only he and Echizen Ryoga are world-class players. There must be one person serving as singles and one person serving as doubles in order to guarantee three victories.


Tokugawa Kazuya also nodded heavily.

“As for doubles one

Mifune Zongzheng glanced around, and finally the 787 was locked on Tanegashima Shuji and Mitsuya Akuto.

Because I don’t know how many half-step world-class players from the Swiss junior high school team will serve as doubles.

So Mifune Zongzheng dare not send players with insufficient strength on the field.

“Leave it to us, Minister Zongzheng!”

Tanegashima Shuji and Mitsuya Akuto looked at each other, then nodded.

“The three singles who want to serve?”

The singles third of the Swiss junior high school team is either Amadeus or a half-step world-class player.

Among the remaining players, unless he plays with Echizen Ryoga, no one is an opponent at all.

So singles three is a battle that will undoubtedly be defeated.

“Let me play, Minister Zongzheng!”

Mōri Juzaburō stood up.

The chance of losing this game is 99%.

But Mōri Juzaburō hasn’t played since their Rikkai International Exchange Tournament, so naturally they want to play again.


Mifune Zongzheng nodded, then turned to look at his good friend Echizen Ryoga: “I’ll leave it to you for singles two, Ryoga!”

“Don’t worry, Zongzheng!

Echizen Ryoga smiled lightly, but there was a touch of sharpness in his eyes.

PS: Thank you very much for your big flowers, support and 10 points to score!

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