The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1495: Can't commit suicide

Chapter 1495

The Demon Tire was shocked. He didn't expect that Fang Chuan would really kill it.

However, in this case, it has no choice.


Hell flames burned on him, this is a fight to the death!

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, his hands moved forwards and backwards at the same time.

A ball of pill fire, like a cannonball, penetrated the magic tire at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, a flash of lightning, with a bang, directly pierced the sky and hit the front of the Demon Tire.


The demon tire's face was so solemn to the extreme, he immediately waved his hands, and **** flames burst out one after another.

He desperately squeezed Yu Liwen's potential in exchange for a frantic explosion.

In a moment, they had already fought a dozen times.

Fang Chuan blasted a dozen pill fires and a dozen lightnings in a row.

He was relaxed, without any pressure.

But the Demon Tire was panting at this moment, obviously having reached its limit.

"Blood Demon Disintegration Technique!" The demon fetus screamed, as if there was some power in it, penetrated through it.

This is the secret technique of the Demon Race again!

If it were displayed, even if Fang Chuan couldn't kill the current Fang Chuan, it would still allow him to escape.

However, Yu Liwen must have died immediately!

"Ha ha!"

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, his hands were urging his true energy, and a terrible and strong current was brewing, causing waves of current to surge around him.

All around his body are electrons, forming a terrible electric field.

"Kill!" The demon fetus' blood demon disintegration technique must be fully utilized, and the depressing aura is overwhelming, as if the sky has collapsed.

He also felt that the powerful force brewing in Fang Chuan's hands was enough to destroy his whole person.

However, he also believed that he had performed the Gorefiend Disintegration technique, which would at least keep his body alive!

This is the time to desperately!


However, at the next moment, he never dreamed that Fang Chuan's forehead instantly showed a mirror for refining a demon.

A golden light shone on Yu Liwen's body.


The Demon Tire screamed. This was a very strong mental power, which instantly sealed him and made his spirit reach an unprecedented downturn.

He was caught!

He wants to escape, wants to commit suicide, it is too late!


The blood demon disintegration technique it released stirred up a gust of wind, causing the surrounding trees to swing wildly.

However, at this time, its body was sealed by Fang Chuan with a refining mirror, and immediately the blood demon disintegration technique lost its support and dissipated without a trace.

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, and the terrifying thunder in his hand was also extinguished.

He landed in front of Yu Liwen and looked at Yu Liwen.

"What did you do to it?" Yu Liwen gritted his teeth and looked at Fang Chuan.

He felt that his strength was gone, and his heart was so uncomfortable that he wanted to die.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and did not intend to talk to him at all.

He saw that Yu Liwen was faltering at this moment. His originally healthy body had lost a lot of weight, and it seemed that he was only over 110 kilograms.

Yu Liwen's eyes were sunken, like a seriously ill person.

He shook his head and looked at Yu Liwen: "Magic Tire, you fell into my hands. I think you can give me a lot of things I want."

"Don't think about it!" The faint voice of the demon fetus was transmitted to the spiritual level through mental power.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "No matter what you say, you are my defeated man. You are also the first demon I captured!"

He waved his hand and said to Yu Liwen: "If you want to live, you should eat and sleep. I promised your dad not to let you become an idiot again. Unfortunately, you don't seem to be willing to do so. "

"That old thing?" Yu Liwen's face was grim, and his anger was hard to calm down: "He died when he died, and what did he do with hypocrisy, hahaha..."

He laughed a few times, then let out a violent cough.

His body is already very weak.

After a while, he coughed up pus and blood.

Fang Chuan waved his hand and shot a Qi therapy technique, which sank into Yu Liwen's body, barely stabilizing Yu Liwen's state.

He would not cure Yu Liwen directly, but just hang his life.

He waved his hand: "You'd better go with me, otherwise, if I do, you may be uncomfortable."

As he said, he turned and walked back.

Yu Liwen gritted his teeth and wondered if he wanted to go with Fang Chuan.

However, he also understood that this person is not so easy to get rid of.

Moreover, the thing inside him can no longer help him.

He must live and find a chance to take revenge!

His eyes shrank, and he followed Fang Chuan.

Before long, they returned to the villa hall.

Zhou Zhengfeng returned to normal at this moment, but he did not run, but was studying Wang Changfeng's situation.

He discovered that Wang Changfeng's nervous system had been completely destroyed by some force.

The current Wang Changfeng can only barely maintain his survival instinct.

"Do you understand?" Fang Chuan walked in with Yu Liwen.

Zhou Zhengfeng was taken aback, and when he turned around, he was relieved to see Fang Chuan.

"My brother, what is going on?" Zhou Zhengfeng looked at Fang Chuan suspiciously.

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "This requires your master to answer."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Zhengfeng frowned. "You mean my master made him like this?"

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "No! I mean, I want to take your brother to see your master, and ask your master to treat him."

"I don't want to see Master." Zhou Zhengfeng waved his hand quickly and looked at Fang Chuan again: "You tell me, you know what is hidden in my body?"

Fang Chuan smiled and pointed to Yu Liwen: "He knows this best, you can ask him."

"He?" Zhou Zhengfeng frowned.

Yu Liwen also glanced at Zhou Zhengfeng and gave a weird smile.

"Yeah." Fang Chuan nodded, then waved his hand and said to Yu Liwen: "Come here, I will ask you, what's the matter with your dad and why he died here. Why did you come here?"

Yu Liwen was very upset with Fang Chuan. After hearing Fang Chuan's question, he didn't want to answer at all.

Fang Chuan stared at him, "Don't tell me?"

Yu Liwen shuddered. Deep down in his heart, he still did not dare to offend Fang Chuan.

He gritted his teeth: "I was turned into an idiot by you, but sometimes I was awake and was taught by my dad. I was very angry. Then, that thing in my body suddenly appeared!"

He paused: "Later, it controlled my body and wanted to find Wang Changfeng."

"My dad thought I ran out crazy, so he drove over."

"I didn't want to kill him, but there is no way, he is too much!"

His gaze was fierce, looking at Fang Chuan: "You know what happened later, as for why it came to Wang Changfeng, I don't know!"

"Hehe..." Wang Changfeng laughed at this moment, which made people creepy.

Fang Chuan frowned and looked at Wang Changfeng, and Wang Changfeng's hollow gaze turned to him. gfbmmjD6vtLSaDjNAMr7x+cAJfrxmldLwH/ZzyO8z5GisJlPbdeDIGJfyq9N6ALntkPrNLIFSkmT6M4KHQWJrA==

"Fang Chuan--" His voice was hoarse and uncomfortable.

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