Yaofeng's surprise, firstly, came from what Sun Sheng said, which made her feel desperate.

Because, a monster can easily kill them before, and it has almost reached the half-step exit state.

However, if there are many, they might be really bad luck.

The second point is that they have clearly cleaned up this different time and space before, and they have also assessed that this different time and space will not have too strong monsters.

Now, it was far beyond their expectations.

This level of different time and space should be dealt with by Emperor Yao himself.

"Yaofeng hurriedly issued a distress talisman to the emperor." Yaoxin clearly felt the danger, and hurriedly shouted.

"I know."

Yaofeng nodded, and hurriedly typed out a magic talisman. After a handprint, it exploded suddenly, followed by a strange wave of fluctuations.


This wave of volatility has obviously exceeded the blockade of this different time and space, and it has been transmitted in a blink of an eye.

"Mr. Fang..."

Yaoxin looked at Fang Chuan: "Now let's wait where we are. We can only see tricks and dismantle, waiting for the emperor's support."

"Sit and wait to die?" Fang Chuan asked Yaoxin, looking at Yaoxin.

Yaoxin's face sank, but she didn't know how to answer.

But, from her heart, she was still scared.

"Mr. Fang, do you mean to go directly to the ancient city?" Yaofeng frowned: "There is their base camp!"

"If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't be a tiger."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said, "If you two feel safe here and want to stay here, I will not force it."

As soon as his voice fell, Yaoxin and Yaofeng were obviously panicked, and the horrible scene before that came to mind automatically.

It is indeed very dangerous here.

Advance and retreat are dangerous, so Fang Chuan can only be left.

"Let's go with you." Yaoxin sighed: "The emperor received our help from us, and he should come as soon as possible. I hope we can live."

Fang Chuan just sneered when he heard it, and didn't say much.

They continued to rush towards the ancient city.

There are crises everywhere, and the space in different time and space is different from the outside world, so their speed can't actually be fully utilized.

The ancient city was far away from their previous location, and the actual distance was farther than they felt.

This is caused by the different laws of space in different time and space.

When they came to a hundred kilometers near the ancient city, Fang Chuan stopped.

A strong breath of danger surged.

Ten times more dangerous than before.

Fang Chuan stopped, and everyone stopped. They were shocked and sweated all over by the breath coming from around.

They seemed to be surrounded.

"Hey, the maidens of the Yao nationality are finally here again, killing so many of our tribesmen, how can we be worthy of our tribe if we don't trample you to death?"

A ghastly voice came with a strong hatred.


The next moment, five terrifying blood-red figures appeared above Fang Chuan's heads, and seemed to obscure the entire sky.

They are bigger than the monster before.

The extended wings, with spikes in the scarlet, gave people a very uncomfortable feeling.

They seem to convey a kind of mental fluctuations and mental fluctuations that attack people's hearts, making people feel more and more desperate.

Yaofeng and the others seemed to see the scene of their death, and they couldn't help shaking.

"How to do?"

"We absolutely can't live anymore."

"It's dead, it's dead."

Everyone is on the verge of collapse.

The five figures are like five peerless death gods, controlling their life and death.

This hideous face showed a disdainful smile, and when their eyes fell on Yaofeng and Yaoxin, they became very evil again.

One of them stretched out his scarlet tongue and slid across the corner of his mouth.

"How powerful do you think a group of ants are?"

"That kid is better, but that's it."

"Sucking their essence, we can go up to another level. When that happens, when some of their emperors come, we will **** them together, breaking the shackles, and going to their main space."

"This dimension is too uncomfortable."

These five monsters are discussing, and they can say such words as dimension, which seems that they are unusual.

Boom, boom——

"Wake up!"

However, at this moment, Fang Chuan's mental power suddenly exploded, forming waves of thunder and blasting past.

There were bursts of violent explosions, resounding continuously in this spiritual space.

There was a deafening noise in the mental space, and at the same time, the mental blockade on Yaofeng and the others broke apart.

Originally, they seemed to have fallen into the cold abyss. At this moment, Fang Chuan's spiritual power was transmitted, giving them a kind of warmth like winter sunshine.

The desperate heart recovered a lot at this time.

When they raised their heads and looked at Fang Chuan, they were filled with gratitude.



"I didn't even expect the old grandson to be overcast!"

Several of them also recovered quickly, standing beside Fang Chuan, no longer protected from the threat and influence of the other party.


Those five monsters did not expect that with their spiritual power, someone could break through their control.

Their gazes fell on Fang Chuan's body immediately, and the surging murderous aura enveloped Fang Chuan like a cold air.

"You guys are waiting here and watch me pick them up!"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and then the whole person turned into a long rainbow, and after that, he came among the five monsters.

These five monsters are powerful, stronger than the previous monster.

It's almost the limit of a half-step out of Aperture.

Fang Chuan's current cultivation base is already at the limit to deal with half a step out of the Aperture Realm. To deal with the five of them, some means must be used.

However, it is not impossible to deal with it!

Anyway, their lifespan is still long, so use some fatalism to kill these monsters.

However, in this way, his hole cards will be exposed.

However, Fang Chuan was not afraid, anyway, this time, the people of the Yaochi Realm had to deal with him.

"Boy, a little bit of strength, but in front of us, you only have a dead end!"

"Hey, this kid must have a strong spirit, I must have a share!"

The five monsters laughed, and did not put Fang Chuan in their eyes at all, but in the next moment, their strength had already accumulated to the apex, and they had to do it.

"It's just looking for death!"

"Succumb to death!"

However, at this moment, a terrifying roar came over, followed by Swish Sweep, five graceful and plump women appeared before Fang Chuan and the others.

The aura on their bodies is half a step beyond the pinnacle of the Aperture Stage.

Compared with the Yao girl before, she seems to be stronger.

"Ah, the five elders are here!"

"We are saved!"

Yaofeng and Yaoxin both showed joy and were extremely happy. They didn't expect the reinforcements to come so quickly, and they felt like they were left behind.

The five elders glanced at them, then at Fang Chuan, and then their eyes fell on the five monsters.

Their faces showed contempt.

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