The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2740: Strength again!

Emperor Ziwei accepted Fang Chuan's holy level technique and immediately hit a magic trick, and yes, he was wrapped in a purple light.

He chose to retreat immediately.

Fang Chuan waved his hand, and received the Shifang Tianlun into his hands. After sweeping away his consciousness, he immediately found that the spiritual imprint in it was very light.

He couldn't help but nodded. The Great Emperor Ziwei is a person who likes calculation very much, but he is also a decisive person.

Once the transaction was decided, it was done so thoroughly without any thoughts of repentance. This made Fang Chuan feel more fond of Emperor Ziwei.


The divine consciousness turned into light, shining all over the ten-pointed sky wheel, just as the sun melted winter snow. In a moment, the spiritual imprint left in the ten-pointed sky wheel had completely disappeared.

After playing a treasure refining technique, the ten-pointed sky wheel shone with golden rays, and then a subtle connection with Fang Chuan was formed.

From this moment on, the Shifang Sky Wheel was Fang Chuan's magic weapon.

"Ten Fang Yuxi, come!"

Fang Chuan said lightly, the Shifang Yuxi immediately flew out of the mustard space.

With a buzzing sound, the Shifang Heavenly Wheel saw the Shifang Yuxi, and immediately flew over the Shifang Yuxi as if it had recognized the ancestor and returned to the ancestor.

The two shining brightly, each of the golden dragons of merits circled, and then, the ten-square heaven wheel shrank ten times, and it was directly inlaid in one direction of the ten-square jade seal.

At that moment, there seemed to be a sound of gold and iron clashing between the heaven and the earth, and it was like a drum beating, which was thought-provoking.

The golden dragon uttered the sound of dragon roar, and Fang Chuan's mind was purified once, and his whole body was extremely comfortable.

Every knife wheel of the Shifang Tianlun was sharpened at this moment, and the sharp blade made people feel terrible just by looking at it.

The Moon Blade is already a magic weapon of the Immortal Class, and its sharpness is not trivial.

However, the Moon Blade was slightly inferior at the level of sharpness, which shows how terrifying the ten-pointed heaven wheel is.

And all of this is due to the role of the Shifang Yuxi.


Before Fang Chuan had time to be happy, suddenly Shifang Yuxi let out a roar, and then poured directly into Fang Chuan's Dantian.

The golden dragons of merits circling in his dantian, golden light.

The breath of merit has greatly changed his true qi.

The pill fire obediently fell under the ten-fang jade seal, and the flame burned the ten-fang jade seal, but it made the ten-fang jade seal look more delicate.

Fangchuan’s golden cores are all rotated around the Shifang Yuxi like a satellite.

Fang Chuan couldn't help being overjoyed.

This is because he has enough merit heaven seal fragments, and the special effect produced, this kind of change will change as he has more, the bigger the change.


In just such a moment, the more primitive and solid cultivation barrier appeared above his dantian.

He couldn't help taking a breath, this is another rhythm to break through!

However, what makes him regretful is that besides some Nascent Soul spirits and a huge number of spirit stones, he has no other energy at all.

And these energy sources are simply not enough for him to break through again.

However, the golden light of merit shining on him all the time, and his body is also undergoing subtle changes.

The original purple-golden blood is slowly changing into gold at this moment.

His temperament is more ethereal, and his blessing technique can be said to have made a great improvement, as long as he is willing, he can bless some ordinary people.

He already has a power close to the gods.

Of course, this ability is also limited.

He felt that his luck seemed to be changing.


The Great Emperor Ziwei had completely absorbed the Saint-level exercises Fang Chuan gave him, and his strength had also been improved a bit. He believed that he was no worse than the previous Emperor Vast Sky.

But when he came out, he noticed Fang Chuan's changes, and also discovered a very dangerous aura in Fang Chuan's body.

He finally understood what Mingzhu secretly cast.

The ten-pointed sky wheel in his hands is at best speeding up cultivation and possessing a trace of power to control the world.

But when it fell into Fang Chuan's hands, it was completely different, and the Shifang Sky Wheel also played its role.

Moreover, Fang Chuan's temperament has changed.

"Your decision is very correct. The ten-pointed sky wheel is of great benefit to me, and I need more celestial seal fragments of merit."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly. In fact, he knew that the four emperors had already used half of the Heaven Seal Fragments of Merit.

As long as he collected the fragments of these four great emperors, and then obtained the fragments from the Taoist Zhenyuan, he would be able to collect almost two-thirds of the fragments.

As for the last fragment, he only needs to use the two-thirds of the fragments to deduct, and he will soon know the answer.

"You can go to Emperor Xuanyuan to have a try now. Except for Emperor Vast Sky's great ability to use the Heavenly Seal Fragments of Merit, our use rate of the Heavenly Seal Fragments of Merit is not high."

Emperor Ziwei took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and said: "Emperor Ziwei is like us, he also needs a holy level technique."

"This is natural."

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, but a strong war spirit gushed out from his eyes: "However, I want to discuss it with you now."

"it is good!"

The Great Emperor Ziwei roared, and suddenly there was a purple Shennong ruler in his hand, surrounded by purple bamboo vines like tentacles.

He also wanted to try how powerful Fang Chuan is now.

Boom, boom——

The two people were thinking of discussing each other, but they drove the power of horror and furiously blasted each other. The entire space was shaking and tearing...

The cracks are enough to shock people.

Xuanyuan Yourong, who had been watching, was shocked, but Fang Chuan had already sent a magic formula directly outside.

The fighting is fierce.

The world seems to be about to break apart.

Those disciples of Emperor Ziwei, including Shennongye and Shennong Changkong, were completely impressed by Fang Chuan.

The gap between them and Fang Chuan has reached an insurmountable point.

The world finally calmed down.

Fang Chuan had many scars on his body, and he slowly recovered as the light of the white Qi Healing technique flickered. After possessing the Shifang Heaven Wheel, he found that his spells and physical strength had been improved.

Especially when using the power of nine candles, it is a greater degree of improvement.

The light of merit can be said to be a very pure and very mysterious regular force in this world.

He just used the power of Nine Candles, and he was completely able to draw a tie with the Great Emperor Ziwei.

And the most important thing is that his continuous combat ability far exceeds that of Emperor Ziwei.


The Great Ziwei was also very embarrassed at the moment, but there was an open smile on his face. After so many years of careful calculations, he did not completely conceal his fighting madman character.

This time, he let go of everything to fight, allowing him to regain his original intention.

The bamboo vines on his body had been beaten long ago, and the scars on his body were still bleeding.

He took a deep breath and recovered a lot, then smiled: "You are really amazing. If you continue, I will be defeated by you. What you said before is true!"

He gave up!

Convincingly admit defeat!

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