The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2741: An ally of Emperor Vast Sky!

"Since you already know it, then I don't need to say more." Fang Chuan waved his hand and said, "Go on."

The Great Emperor Ziwei responded and immediately turned into a ray of light, and fell on a floating island with Fang Chuan.

"When I was fighting with you just now, I felt that your body's strength was surging and it seemed to have reached a bottleneck?" The Great Emperor Ziwei suddenly asked.

Fang Chuan nodded: "You feel good, indeed."

"Oh my God."

The Great Emperor Ziwei took a sip of water and took a breath. He had never thought that a person could be abnormal to this point.

He suddenly asked: "Why not break through immediately?"

"Less energy savings." Fang Chuan said bluntly.

"This is easy to handle."

The Great Emperor Ziwei thought for a while, and then said: "In Jianmu, there is an ancient mystery, which is full of cemeteries of demon heads outside the sky. There are many demon heads of the Out of Aperture Realm, the Demon Infant Realm, they There is what you need."

"The cemetery of the demon?"

Fang Chuan raised his eyebrows, and he knew this was a very dangerous place. However, the more dangerous the place, the better the chance.

"Yes, Jianmu is a world of its own. It is not easy for ordinary people to enter, but you have the origin of space, as well as the fragments of the heavenly seal of merit and your understanding of the formation method. You can give it a try. Only in this way can you Are you absolutely sure to defeat the Great Emperor Haotian?" The Great Ziwei said quickly.

"I will consider your suggestion."

Fang Chuan nodded, and he glanced at Emperor Ziwei again: "What I told you before, you should consider it carefully. If I come back again, you must make a decision."

"I will consider it." Emperor Ziwei's face changed slightly, but he nodded.

He understood that Fang Chuan wanted to include himself under his command. Originally, based on his character, it was naturally impossible to subdue to a mortal monk.

However, Fang Chuan's special origins and the enchanting breakthrough speed made him feel a little moved.

However, he needs to think about it carefully and make decisions.

Fang Chuan also understood that with the character of Emperor Ziwei, it was impossible to agree at once, he was just giving Emperor Ziwei a chance.

Fang Chuan left the Ziji Bamboo Sea with Xuanyuan Yourong, and he was in a good mood. This time the purpose of coming to Ziji Bamboo Sea had been achieved, and he had also obtained the Shifang Tianlun, and found a breakthrough opportunity.

Xuanyuan Yourong admired Fang Chuan to the extreme. There was already a trace of worship, even Fang Chuan had reached the height of her grandfather.

The Xuanyuan Sword Pond where Emperor Xuanyuan was located was full of sword aura, and one could feel the soaring sword intent from a distance.

There seems to be a world of swords.

They still have a few hundred kilometers to reach Xuanyuan Jianchi, Xuanyuan Yourong is so nervous that he no longer speaks to Fang Chuan.

She took Fang Chuan back, feeling like taking a man home.


A dazzling sword light came from the sky and blocked Fang Chuan and the others.


Fang Chuan just sneered and blasted out with a punch, and the other side's blade immediately exploded and turned into nothingness.

Between the air surging and the space torn apart, a tall man appeared in front of Fang Chuan and the others.

This person is the Great Emperor Haotian.

However, Fang Chuan knew that this was just a clone of Emperor Vast Sky.

"Want to talk to me?" Fang Chuan just looked at each other lightly.

"As long as you hand over the shards of the Heavenly Seal of Merit in your hand, I can smash Jianmu with you and let the realm of God merge with the mortal world."

Emperor Vast Sky threw out his own conditions.


Fang Chuan shook his head: "I want the Heaven Seal of Merit, and I will return to the realm of God. Both are my goals."

"Then you can't."

The Great Emperor Vast Sky sneered: "Don't think that you can beat me with some mobs."

His eyes dazzled: "Although those mobs chose you, but you forgot that there is another person who chose me."

"Who?" Fang Chuan looked indifferent.

In fact, he had already guessed it.


Suddenly, Fang Chuan's mustard space shook suddenly, a strange spatial force surged out, and then a man with a dark body and a big sword appeared behind him.

This person is exactly the clone of the mysterious statue among the stars.

This is the statue from the last cycle, forming his own spiritual consciousness, wanting a strong body, free from the shackles of the statue.

He had reached an agreement with Fang Chuan before, but at this moment he had already joined forces with Emperor Vast Sky.

The strength of this person is not trivial, compared to Emperor Vast Sky a bit stronger.

"Since you have united with Emperor Ziwei, then it is normal for him to unite with me."

Great Emperor Vast Sky sneered: "Although this is just a clone of the two of us, we can also severely inflict you on you."

"I didn't tell you last time. Although the body of the so-called Ziwei Great fits me very well, your body is more suitable for me!"

The statue life said lightly: "My clone is placed on your body, in fact, to detect you."

The three of them have become horns, and Fang Chuan now has a feeling of being attacked.

"Do it."


The Great Emperor Haotian started with the life of the statue, and a battle knife turned into the most brilliant light, falling from the sky and slashing towards Fang Chuan.

A big sword pierced through the space, blasting over at an extremely fast speed.

At that moment, Fang Chuan was completely enveloped by their sword energy and sword light.

The terrible breath made him have to deal with it carefully.

"Ha ha."

He laughed!

If he hadn't seen Ziwei the Great, he might have to burn his life in exchange for the power of fate to deal with them.

But now, his strength has taken a step further, the power of nine candles has become much stronger under the bath of golden light of merit.

"Heaven and earth martial arts, the might of heaven, break!"

Fang Chuan let out an angry roar, and Tiandi Boxing fought out instantly. With one punch, he blocked the two of them almost instantly.

Heaven and earth martial arts, containing the aura of heaven and earth, sneered over, turned into thousands of boxing power, and boxing power was completely composed of thunder.

There was a terrifying explosion, and their offensive was torn apart by Fang Chuan in an instant.


"Strong again?"

The statue of Life and Emperor Vast Sky both showed surprised expressions at this moment. They didn't expect Fang Chuan to be able to withstand such a terrifying offensive.

However, they snorted coldly and pinched a magic trick at the same time.

Boom, boom...

At that moment, there was a terrible and devastating aura from them, and the two clones chose to blew themselves at the same time.

Their clones are already extremely powerful and contain the terrifying power of leaving the Aperture Realm. Once they explode, their power can be imagined.

"If you put it before, you can really kill me, but unfortunately, you are one step late."

Fang Chuan's voice resounded in the sound of the explosion, and at the same time, he took a step, grabbed Xuanyuan Yourong, and teleported away.

Under the shroud of the light of merit, the Nine Flashing Pearl is more than twice as powerful!

Lead step by step, lead step by step!

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