The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2774: The soul is one!

The boxing skill that this person broke out was also the world boxing skill, a punch that contained terrifying flame power.

The furnace fire, surging surging, seems to be able to directly smelt everything in the world.

"Exit Aperture Boundary Sixth Layer?"

When Fang Chuan saw the other party, he already understood that this was actually just a spiritual sense brewed in this furnace.

For three thousand years, with the blood of his previous life and the power of the immortal venerable of the previous life, it was normal to brew a spiritual sense.

And this spiritual sense has ambitions, and even wants to swallow the deity, and then become a real person.

He wants to seize Fang Chuan's fate!

Fortunately, this furnace suppressed him, otherwise, he would only need a punch to knock Fang Chuan into ashes.

"But I practiced for some time longer than me, and took up such a good resource. It's ridiculous to rob my destiny from my deity!"

Fang Chuan didn't seem to care at all when facing such a terrifying attack from the opponent, but at that moment, the power of nine candles and the power of destiny burst out instantly.

On his body, there is not only a super-level true fire-level pill fire, but also a flame with the power of nine candles, and a fateful fire with a lifespan of a thousand years.


At that moment, he possessed unprecedented terrifying power, and the same move was punched out, producing thunder and flames, not only not weaker than the opponent, but also more lethal.

The two flames blasted together and suddenly exploded violently.

However, the space of this furnace is extremely solidified, and even the impact of their power has no effect on it at all.

Even the flame context didn't waver!


But in the next moment, this furnace spirit already carried the power of incomparable anger, slammed in front of Fang Chuan, and attacked frantically.

"You are just a substitute for me. It is a dream to seize my destiny!"

Fang Chuan sneered, roared, and punched out.

In fact, the appearance of this furnace spirit was completely similar to Fang Chuan, except that he was clothed in flames, with flames burning on his head.

The moves of the two are basically similar, except that Fang Chuan's world martial arts not only incorporates the pill fire, but also the power of the heavens.

His moves obviously need to be smarter.

And Fang Chuan burned his life, operated the power of fate, and power suppressed it.

But because the Spirit of the Forge occupies a certain geographical advantage, he is not afraid of any flame vein here.

Moreover, his power was suppressed, so the offensive that broke out was easy.

The two can bombard hundreds of times in each instant, forming an annihilation time and time again, with violent explosions, making the whole world full of ear-splitting sounds.

With one punch and one punch, the two of them would evade at first, but when they came back, the Spirit of the Forge went crazy, and Fang Chuan was full of fighting spirit.

The two hardly had any defense, punch after punch on each other's body, and terrifying power continuously exploded.

Both people were greatly hurt.


After a frenzied attack, the Spirit of the Forge showed a look of surprise. He underestimated Fang Chuan's physical strength and resistance.

After this battle, he was seriously injured, but Fang Chuan's injuries were not heavier than him.

Moreover, Fang Chuan also has the technique of Qi therapy, allowing his combat ability to continue to maintain its peak.

"You just got the profound meaning of my Pill Fire Art, you want to rob me of fate, I don't know what to say!"

Fang Chuan sneered and discovered the secret of the Spirit of the Forge. The corner of his mouth twitched. After several consecutive punches, he suddenly pinched a magic trick.


The next moment, the power of the seal of heaven and earth surging out, suddenly slowing the movement of the Spirit of the Forge.

"Not good!" The Spirit of the Forge was shocked, feeling like he was in the mud, and roared, the flames tumbling on his body, and suddenly a pair of flame wings appeared behind him.

The flame wings flapped violently, the seal of heaven and earth was destroyed, and there was a sound of clicking.

At the same time, flame particles emerged in his body, floating around his body, and then turned into a fire dragon.

"Kill, Dragon of Pill Fire!"

He roared, his hands slammed forward, and with a bang, the fire dragon blasted towards Fang Chuan with terrifying power.

"I will do what you can, and I will do what you don't."

However, just as the fire dragon blasted the past, Fang Chuan's voice rang behind the Spirit of the Forge.

"Huh?" The Spirit of the Forge's eyes widened.


The fire dragon blasted out by the spirit of the furnace exploded.

Fang Chuan's hand has been pressed behind the Spirit of the Forge: "Although you have extremely powerful power, this is all given to you by me. This space is obviously more towards me, so seal it!"

With a buzzing sound, Fang Chuan's Heaven and Earth Sealing technique exploded once again, and the mysterious power directly blasted into the body of the furnace spirit.

At this moment, the Spirit of the Forge exploded with such terrifying power in the previous moment, and the true energy in the body just too late to return.

The Heaven and Earth Sealing technique immediately froze the true qi in his body.

"Do not!"

The Spirit of the Forge burst out an unwilling roar, if it weren't for this space to suppress his power, he would not lose!

However, it is too late!

"The soul is one!"

Fang Chuan's other hand, shining with a more profound spiritual light, pressed against the burning head of the furnace spirit.


Fang Chuan's divine sense blasted into the brain of the furnace spirit, and the moment the furnace spirit was sealed, it was invaded by Fang Chuan's divine sense.

For an instant, his spiritual sense was imprisoned.

"I am not reconciled. Why should I be restricted by you when I was born? God is not fair to me. I will fight the world and break the **** of the world!"

The spirit of the furnace roared again and again, and his spiritual consciousness burst out with power, almost breaking Fang Chuan's imprisonment.


After the previous battle, Fang Chuan not only didn't suffer much damage, but with the help of fate, he recovered his mental power.

There was a flash of light in the divine consciousness, and the idol of Pill King Xianzun suddenly appeared, and Xianzun's big hand slapped the spirit of the furnace.

"The soul is one!" Xianzun's idol burst out with a roar at the same time as Fang Chuan.

The spiritual power of horror is also combined into one!

"Do not!"

When Pill King Xianzun's visualization statue came out, the spirit of the furnace suddenly had no resistance. After all, he was controlled by Pill King Xianzun.

He was only nurtured by the blood and power of Immortal Venerable Pill King.

Boom, boom——

The conscious world of the Spirit of the Forge collapsed suddenly, and his huge spiritual will shattered into fragments and then absorbed by Fang Chuan.

This kind of absorption is different from absorbing Huanghuang's spiritual will, which is equivalent to a kind of fusion, a kind of return.

Easily, releasing the ship absorbed the spiritual power of the Spirit of the Forge.


When he opened his eyes, he felt that his soul was about to break through his body and enter a high-dimensional world.

His spiritual consciousness has reached a terrifying state.


He quickly squeezed a magic trick, which suppressed 90% of his soul and prevented it from leaving the body.

However, his spiritual power is also many times stronger.

Boom-The spirit of the furnace collapsed and returned to the furnace space.

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