The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 124 Echizenvs Hiyoshi Wakashi

Lin Feng gathered six trainees together and arranged for them today's training mission.

The training subject is the same as the previous few days, and it is still weight-bearing training.

Three hours later.

The six little guys lay tiredly on the ground, their clothes damp with sweat.

Lin Feng walked to them and said.

"Ten minutes off, and practice matches will begin after ten minutes."

Let them play practice games, but also to consolidate their training results.

After the previous three hours of physical training, the bodies of these little guys are all in a state of fatigue.

Playing in this state can better exercise their endurance.

When the owner of the museum said that a practice match was going to take place, a hint of excitement appeared on the faces of the six little guys.

After training for so long, I can finally see that my training is successful.

The first "practice game, Echizen Hiyoshi Wakashi."

When the owner of the museum shouted their names, Echizen and Hiyoshi Wakashi immediately stood up from the ground.

When the eyes of the two collided, there was a faint spark.

Although Echizen joined the shrine later, after these two trainings, they all noticed Echizen's difference and strong perseverance.

As for Hiyoshi Wakashi, the tennis prowess shown in the third entry test is obvious to all.

Therefore, I am also very interested in the remaining four students in this practice match.

They want to see who is better, Hiyoshi Wakashi or Echizen.

In fact, to let Echizen and Hiyoshi Wakashi compete, Lin Feng had this plan early on. Although in the original book, Seigaku and Hyotei were in the Kanto contest, Echizen defeated Hiyoshi Wakashi by an absolute advantage of 6:2.

But after all, that was the result of amazing growth after Echizen entered Seigaku.

Although the current Echizen is also good, it is much worse than in the original book.

The moves he mastered now are just basic single-footed moves and external spin serve.

Even if you can win the game in the end, it will not have such a big advantage as in the original book.

Hiyoshi Wakashi and Echizen walked into the court one after another holding their racquets.

"Which one do you think is stronger, Echizen or Hiyoshi Wakashi?"

Tai Tan asked the three people around him.

"That's not good. Although Hiyoshi Wakashi's tennis skills are very strong, I can feel that Echizen's skills are not weak.

Kita Kazuma said ambiguously.

When Tan Taiichi and Kita Kazuma were talking, Hiyoshi Wakashi and Echizen had already made pre-match guesses.

Echizen serve bureau.

"I didn't expect to be able to run into you in the practice match. I heard that you ranked first in the arena admissions exam. I am very interested in you, but let me say it first. Although we are all students of the hall, But I will not be merciful in this game."

Echizen held the tennis ball in his left hand and said to Hiyoshi Wakashi.

"To each other."

Hiyoshi Wakashi smiled.

For Echizen, Hiyoshi Wakashi is also very interested.

After these two trainings, Hiyoshi Wakashi can feel the difference between Echizen and the other four. It must not be a simple character.

"Then I want to go ahead."

Speaking softly, Echizen ran the ball high in the air and jumped from the ground. The racquet in his hand showed an oblique angle and pressed down.


With a crisp hitting sound, the tennis ball showed a perfect arc toward Hiyoshi Wakashi.

Chi Chi Chi.

The tennis ball hit the ground, causing intense friction, and then galloped past Hiyoshi Wakashi's head.


"What is serve just now? The trajectory is completely different from normal serve.

Tan Taiyi looked surprised. It was the first time he had seen this kind of serve.

"External spin serve, a professional-grade serve, adds a high-speed external spin to the ball. After the ball hits the ground, the amazing friction will change the trajectory of the ball, allowing it to hit the face."

Kita-Ma Shen said.

He had seen this kind of serve in professional magazines, and it was exactly the same as the one that Echizen had just now.

"Professional serve?.

Tan Taiyi's face became stiff, and his eyes were full of unbelievable.

Echizen is about the same height as him, and he is able to play such a high level of ball.


Hiyoshi Wakashi was also a little surprised at the moment.

Then there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

It seems that he was right. Echizen is really good, and he can even serve a professional tennis player like external spin.

Echizen serve again.

It is still an external spin serve.

After the tennis ball wiped the ground vigorously, it shot Hiyoshi Wakashi's body.

Hiyoshi Wakashi was ready to deal with it, but still failed to catch the ball.





Using external spin serve, Echizen scored three consecutive points.

At this time, Echizen played the fourth external spin serve again.

"I have seen through this trick."

Hiyoshi Wakashi grinned, his body quickly withdrew towards the left side of the rear, and successfully returned the ball to Echizen.

A bit of strength, I can see through my external spin serve so quickly, but this is not enough.

As soon as the voice fell, Echizen's body quickly rushed to the net.

The astonishing speed changed the expressions of Kita Kazuma and others off the court again.

So fast.

Echizen rushed to the tennis ball and hit a slash.

The tennis ball was shot towards the edge of Hiyoshi Wakashi's right corner.



Echizen leads.

"Echizen is so strong that he saved his serve game so easily."

Tan Taiyi couldn't help but slapped her mouth.

Amazing speed plus professional-level external rotation serve.

It's not like an ordinary niche can have.

Echizen's strength is even stronger than their Yamabuki Middle-School's regular election.

"It's really amazing. Even if I play against Echizen, I don't necessarily have a chance of winning."

Hima Yiduo thinks that his tennis level is not bad.) It's good, but it's still a little bit behind Echizen.

He couldn't accept just the kind of serve.

"Echizen's strength is more than that."

Lin Feng, who was standing on the side, said suddenly.

Hearing what the owner of the museum said, Tan Taiyi and four of them were stunned.

"Owner, do you mean that Echizen still has something reserved?"

"Well, Echizen is a left-handed man. He can still use his right hand to play against Hiyoshi Wakashi.

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Left-handed "and?"

Everyone's eyes widened and couldn't believe it.

Echizen turned out to be left-handed.

Of course, this is not the key, but Echizen is so good with hands that he is not good at. Wouldn't he be stronger if he used his dominant hand.

"Master, isn't Hiyoshi Wakashi losing this game?"

Taiyi Tan asked.

"Not necessarily. Echizen didn't use his real strength, and neither did Hiyoshi Wakashi."

Lin Feng shook his head and said.

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