The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 136 Kirihayays Birch Land

"It's the first time that Rikkai University has ranked a first-year kid in the competition."

"It's probably because Rikkai wants to hone his new life."

"The height difference between the two is too big, this is simply a sacrifice."

"However, with Rikkai's calm style over the years, I shouldn't send anyone out of the game indiscriminately. Presumably, that first-year kid should have something extraordinary."

There were discussions around one after another.

The source of discussion is naturally Kirihaya.

In previous competitions, Rikkai's singles position has always been selected as the second and third grade. Now they are sending a first grade. They are very surprised.

This is almost the thought in the minds of all the schools that came to watch the game during this trip.

Of course except Shitenhouji.

More than half a year ago, the match between Kirihaya and Ishida Gin, they still remember clearly.

Kirihara Akaya, the first-year student of Rikkai University, showed his great strength, and even Shiraishi, the deputy minister of Shitenhouji, was shocked.

Although Hyotei's site strength is very strong, Kirihaya's strength is also extraordinary.

This game is not a sacrifice.

"I didn't expect that from 26 to Hyotei, there are power monsters like Shitenhouji, which is really interesting."

Standing on the court, Kirihaya stared directly at the huge land opposite.

The opponent's body is as tough as the Ishida Gin he had played against.

But he is not afraid.

Tennis is not determined by strength.

And in terms of power, he is not afraid of this monster.

"It turns out he is Kirihaya.

On Fudomine's side, Ishida Tie looked at Kirihaya standing in the court and couldn't help but said.

He also knew about the fact that his brother lost to Rikkai a freshman half a year ago.

I thought the opponent should be a strength player like his brother.

I didn't expect the other party to be so small.

No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see how powerful Kirihaya was.

He didn't understand how his brother would lose to him.

"Ishida, do you know the first year of Rikkai?"

Yi Jiping asked Ishida Tetsu.

"I don't know him, but I heard my brother say that he is very good, and he even beat my brother."

Shi Tiantie replied.

"That kid beat Ishida Gin?"

All the members of Fudomine showed shocked expressions on their faces.

Ishida's elder brother Ishida Gin was Shitenhouji's official player, and he was lost to the first year of Rikkai.

"Ishida, are you sure that it was the kid standing on the court who defeated your brother?"

Kamio asked Ishida.

"Yes, my brother said it himself, it can't be wrong."

Shi Tiantie said with great certainty.

"I can't believe that Kirihaya, who is so small, actually defeated Ishida Gin. Most of these Rikkai are some monsters."

Game start.

Kirihaya serve.

"Let me Kirihara Akaya take our Rikkai's first victory."

A light burst out of Kirihaya's eyes.


With a heavy hitting sound resounding, the tennis ball was already knocked out by Kirihaya.

For this.

The tennis ball quickly passed through the air, and a strong sonic boom erupted.

"What is this serve?

"It's terrible vibration, Rikkai's first grader was able to play such a powerful serve.

"The ball turned out to be shaking.

Exclamations continued to sound from all around.

"Did you use the wave ball as soon as you got on the court? It seems that Kirihaya is going to make a real move."

Naturally, Lin Feng taught Kirihaya to swing the ball.

Since the battle with Ishida, Kirihaya has strengthened his training for swing ball.

The current Kirihaya's wave ball can be compared to Ishida Gin's thirtieth wave ball.

And this is just a wave ball in a normal state, if the red-eye mode is demonized.

The power of the wave ball will be stronger.

"This kid can swing the ball?

Shi Tiantie looked very surprised.

His swing ball was taught to him by his brother.

It stands to reason that apart from him and his brother, there should be no second meeting.

For this.

The tennis ball vibrated violently in the air and shot quickly.

"What is this ball?"

Huadi stared at the ball.

He can feel the mighty power contained in this ball.

Huadi clenched his teeth, and rushed directly up with his sturdy arms waving racquet.


The tennis ball slammed into the racquet in the birch, smashing the racquet in the birch.

Huadi looked at her arm in astonishment.

He turned out to be unable to catch the ball.

"Oh my God, no, I can't even catch this ball on the same site. How powerful is this ball?"

Chotaro's face was shocked.

Huadi is their number one power monster in Hyotei.

"The freshman from Rikkai is really interesting, but it's okay. Although this kind of ball is powerful, Huadi can handle it."

Atobe chuckles.

He knows how strong Huadi is. No matter what the ball is, Huadi can replicate it with just a few glances.

"But that's it.

Kirihaya couldn't help grinning at the frustration of racquet being hit by him.

This guy is weaker than Ishida Gin, who was defeated by him last time.

It seems that he won the game.


Kirihaya served the second ball again.

As before, the racquet in Huadi was smashed into the air again.

"Rikkai's first grader is so good.

"Even Hyotei can't do anything about it, it's really amazing."

"Who said Gang 060 Gang was sacrificed?"

"Just go ahead and win the first game in one go."

Kirihaya grinned.

The body has already jumped, and once again hit the third serve.

Huadi stared fiercely at the oncoming tennis ball, gritted his teeth, and shouted in a low voice.

"The winner is Hyotei, and the winner is Hyotei.

Huadi raised her sturdy arm, and under the tremendous strength, Huadi's entire arm swelled in a circle.

The posture of the body was lowered unconsciously.

This pose may not be understood by others, but Ishida Gin and Kirihaya can see clearly what this pose represents at a glance.

That is the posture of the wave ball.

Huadi held the racquet tightly and hit the tennis ball heavily.


A huge sonic boom suddenly sounded from inside the court.

Kirihaya's wave ball was actually hit back in the same way.

Not only that, the return ball turned out to be a swing ball.


The tennis ball hit the ground behind Kirihaya, and Kirihaya's face suddenly changed with the tremendous power.


"What's going on? How can that guy also play waveball?"

Kirihaya stood there, a little bit unable to believe the scene before him.

The other party clearly couldn't even catch his serve just now.

Why is it suddenly caught now, and the ball hit turned out to be a wave ball.

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