The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 169 Ishida Gin Joins

"Ishida, go to warm up and start training in five minutes."

Lin Feng said to Ishida Tie.


Ishida Tie nodded, and then joined Fudomine's warm-up camp.

Lin Feng set his eyes on Ishida Gin again, and asked with a smile.

"I don't know what is going on when you come to my temple?"

"When I heard Ah Tie mentioned you, I was a little curious about you, so come and have a look."

Ishida Gin said truthfully, and then added.

"But I didn't expect that the curator in his mouth turned out to be you."

"Ah, do you think I'm too young?"

Lin Feng asked with a smile.

Ishida Gin wanted to say no, but finally admitted it generously.

"Tennis regardless of age, the elder is not necessarily strong, just like you and Kirihaya, although you are one grade higher than him, but you have lost "80".

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"makes sense."

Ishida Gin gave a wry smile.

Losing to Kirihaya has always been a thorn in his heart.

"If there is nothing wrong, I'll go ahead and do it first."

After saying this, Lin Feng turned and walked to the side.

Looking at the figure drifting away, Ishida Gin's eyes hesitated for a moment, and then said.

"Wait a moment.

The sound coming from behind made Lin Feng pause. He turned his head to look at Ishida Gin who seemed to have something to say. "Anything else?"

"Can I have a match with you? I want to see your strength.


The corner of Lin Feng's mouth was curved.

Although I don't know why Ishida Gin made the request, but seeing Ishida Gin's sincere appearance, Lin Feng agreed to him.

"Since you want to compare, come on."

Lin Feng took out a racquet from the wall and walked into the court. Ishida Gin put down his backpack and took out a racquet. He looked like he was coming.

Ishida's Tie was warming up when he saw the owner and Ishida Gin entering the court, his face was shocked.

"Brother and the owner of the game?"

"Although you are Ishida Tie's brother, let me explain first that I will not be merciful in this game."

Lin Feng said to Ishida Gin who was already ready.

"It's okay, you can use your strength

Ishida Gin smiled and said.

But he was only halfway through what he said.


Suddenly a heavy impact sounded on the ground beside him.

Ishida Gin's face suddenly froze.


Ishida Gin realized that she hadn't seen the opponent's swing.

And the ball is terribly strong.

He was too late to react.

At this time, Lin Feng's racquet has been swung out again, still invisible.


The tennis ball falls to the ground.

Ishida Gin stood motionless on the ground.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but that he can't move.

He couldn't even see the goal.

The next two goals are still the same as before, and Ishida Gin's heart is shaking.

"Is this his strength? Very strong.

Ishida Gin couldn't help but swallowed.

The second round Ishida Gin serve round.

"108-style wave ball."

Ishida Gin directly used his strongest wave ball.


The tennis ball burst out, amazingly powerful, and the air was torn apart by the ball.

Although the power is strong, it does not pose any threat to Lin Feng now.

Lin Feng easily eliminated the power of Ishida Gin's 108th wave ball. The tennis ball flew towards Ishida Gin's court, still returning the ball that made Ishida Gin unable to react.

Six minutes later, the game ended.


Not to mention Ishida Gin scored, even Lin Feng couldn't catch the ball.

Throughout the game, Ishida Gin can only touch the ball in his serve game.

Ishida Gin stood there blankly.

Rolling, rolling to the bottom.

It's not a level confrontation at all.

Ishida Gin expected that he would lose, but he couldn't expect him to lose so thoroughly.

Until the end of the game, he failed to get the opponent back a goal.

It's ridiculously strong.

Ishida Tetsu outside the court also looked surprised.

His elder brother turned out to be unable to catch a ball from the owner of the stadium.

Yi Jiping was also horrified. He thought that the battle with him should be the real strength of the museum owner.

But now that it looks like it is not.

Tachibana Jiping originally wanted to wait for his strength to become stronger and challenge the owner of the museum again.

But after seeing the game between the museum owner and Ishida Gin, he honestly collected his thoughts.

Lin Feng put racquet back in place, walked to Ishida Gin's side, and said with a smile on his face.

"This is my strength, do you see it now?"

A simple sentence is full of unspeakable domineering.

Ishida Gin raised his head and looked at the not-so-sturdy figure in front of him.

I couldn't help but twitch again.

He really saw the strength of the opponent.

Strong and terrible.

Ishida Gin lowered his head in thought, and then said to Lin Feng.

"I want to ask, do you still recruit students here?"

Hearing Ishida Gin's tone, it seemed that he wanted to join the shrine.

Although the enrollment task of Lin Feng Shrine is now complete, if someone wants to join the Shrine, Lin Feng will naturally not refuse.

After all, it's all money.

"Of course.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, and asked with interest.

"Why? Do you want to join in?"

Ishida Gin didn't hide his thoughts.

In fact, Ishida Gin has had this idea since the match with his brother Ishida Tetsu.

Ishida Gin didn't choose Fudomine, which is close to home like her brother, but Shitenhouji in Osaka, just to make him stronger.

And now he has discovered a place that can make him stronger than Shitenhouji, how Ishida Gin is not moved.

With strong strength and training ability, Ishida Gin knows that if he can follow him in 4.6, he is definitely better than Shitenhouji.

Looking at Ishida Gin's expression of eager to join the shrine, Lin Feng couldn't help but smile inwardly, and then said.

"Although I can let you join the shrine, let me first explain that I don't teach for free, and the tuition fee is 100,000 yen."

"Money is not a problem, as long as you can agree to let me follow you in practice.

Ishida Gin said seriously.

Lin Feng was shocked. From the beginning of the establishment of the shrine to the present, Ishida Gin was the first to say that money is not a problem.

But from Ishida Gin's words, Lin Feng can feel his desire for strength.

No weaker than any student in the shrine.

Presumably, the pressure in Shitenhouji is not small.

(The plot of the Shenguan is about to come to an end. If you write tens of thousands of words, the protagonist will leave the Shenguan and enter the u17 training camp.).

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