The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 193 Guardian of the Hundred-armed Giant

The game continued, and Shiraishi's mood was already in a state of disarray after experiencing the match-up just now.

In such a desperate situation, he was able to return the ball to evolution with two moves, and Fuji Syusuke gave him too much shock.

It's almost unpredictable.

At this time, Fuji's had already reached the midfield, and his racquet swung towards the volley.


The tennis ball flew into the air into a perfect arc.

"Isn't this White Whale?

Shiraishi looked at the tennis ball in the air. Although the ball and White Whale's orbit were almost the same, Shiraishi felt a little uneasy in his heart.

After the tennis ball flew to the highest point, it fell rapidly and hit the baseline accurately.

However, this time, he didn't fly to Fuji Syusuke like before, instead he flew directly to one.

This scene changed Shiraishi's face completely.

It's not White Whale.

"One of the three returns, White Dragon."

Fuji's voice suddenly sounded from court.

The faces of everyone on the sidelines changed again.

Not only has the Feiyan's Nest and the Brown Bear been arrested, but even the White Whale has evolved. Fuji Syusuke is able to do this.

Shiraishi's face became dignified, and Chitose was right. This man named Fuji Syusuke was indeed an unimaginable figure, and he couldn't guess what moves he would make next.

And don't know if it was his illusion, Shiraishi always felt that this guy seemed to be planning something.

"No, we have to end this game as soon as possible."

Shiraishi felt an inexplicable anxiety in her heart.

The raised racquet crashed down and hit the ball with all his strength.

This ball is faster than any previous shot by Shiraishi, and the ball speed is nearly 210km/h.

However, Fuji at this moment did not put on a defensive posture like before, instead shook his racquet.

"Just now it was finally finished.

Fuji whispered softly, and then suddenly turned around, an invisible aura surged and opened from his body.

"The fourth kind of return, a giant gatekeeper with a hundred arms."

Fuji's figure quickly shot out, and while catching the tennis ball, he also used the reverse side of racquet.

With a bang, the tennis ball quickly shot towards Shiraishi.

"Although you don't know how powerful the fifth kind of ball return you ultimately said is, but the ball path of this kind of ball is clear at a glance, it is impossible to score points from my hands.

Shiraishi stepped forward and took Fuji back.

The tennis ball flew out in a perfect arc, but it ended up hitting the net.

"How can this be?"

Shiraishi's face was startled.

The strength and angle he used in the ball just now were quite strong, how could he let it?

"Your ball will never pass the net anymore."

Fuji said with a chuckle, and the suddenly turned figure made Shiraishi's face a touch of unspeakable horror.

My return ball can't pass the net anymore?

The surrounding atmosphere was directly lowered to freezing point at this moment.

The fifth return?

It doesn't count if you have evolved three moves in a row to return the ball, but Fuji Syusuke can develop new moves?

This Fuji Syusuke is also terrible.

The most important thing is the sentence he just said: Your ball can't pass the net anymore?

Is this the fifth effect of returning the ball?


Yuta stared at Fuji with inexplicable complexity in his eyes.

For a long time, Yuta thought that as long as he worked hard, he would be able to catch up with his older brother, but at this moment he found that the distance between himself and his older brother seemed to be farther away.

"Liu, have you seen what happened to the ball just now?"

Yukimura asked Yanagi Renji.

"While using the front of the racquet to add a strong downward rotation force to the ball, the back of the racquet is also used together to double the rotation of the tennis ball. This is probably the principle of Fuji Syusuke's fifth ball-returning giant guard.

"The spin force added by the double nets is very strong. When Shiraishi hits back, the strong downward spin force will cause the ball to generate downward force, which leads to Shiraishi's return Let.

Yanagi Renji analyzed.

"I was able to come up with this kind of move temporarily. This Fuji move is really a terrible figure. In the national competition next year, besides his hand, he is the second person who can pose a big threat to our Rikkai. Write it down."

Being able to make Yukimura say such a thing is enough to prove his recognition of Fuji's strength.

Yanagi Renji nodded.

………For flowers

At this time, Lin Feng, who was sitting in the chair on the edge of the court, couldn't help grinning.

"It seems I'm right. Only through the competition can Fuji evolve?

Along with the scoring of this ball, Shiraishi serve's game was directly broken, the score went from 5:1 to 5.2, and Fuji moved back to another game.

The eighth round, Fuji serve round.


With a crisp sound, Fuji has already begun to serve.

After a few short matches between the two of them, Fuji once again used the giant gate guard.

Actually, "I said that I can't pass the net again when I return the ball. How could this be possible. If that's the case, what about this ball."

Shiraishi said unconvinced, and the racquet in his hand was raised in the air.

It's a high-profile ball.

"As long as the ball hits a very high position, how can it be passed...

Shiraishi sneered, but he was only halfway through this, but his expression was abrupt.

I saw that the tennis ball flying into the air fell quickly and hit the net.

"How is this possible? Even a high profile ball can't get past the net?"

Qian Ye's expression couldn't help but change drastically.

The guarding power of this hundred-armed giant is also terrible.

In the next game, the situation was directly reversed. In the face of Fuji who used the Hundred-armed Giant to guard, Shiraishi had almost nothing to do.

No matter how Shiraishi hits back, as long as Fuji uses the giant guard with one hundred arms, he can't get past the net.

When the game reached the 30th minute, the score was tied directly by Fuji.

Shiraishi", won't you lose?

Hitouji Yuuji couldn't help but said.

Unable to crack Fuji's trick, Shiraishi has no chance of scoring at all.

"It's not enough to lose. Although it seems that Shiraishi has been using Fuji's move until now, Shiraishi's Let's position is gradually rising in every ball. He has already adapted to Fuji's move. Next, Fuji This trick will have less and less effect on Shiraishi's." Ken also said.

"Yes, Yishi, our captain will not be defeated so easily."

Xiaochun said with a smile.

(In the last game, one of the serve bureaus was mistaken. It was originally Shiraishi's serve bureau. It was written as Fuji, but it has now been revised.)

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