The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 19 Irie's Last Hope (1/4)

Irie's brows tightened, and the expression on his face was extremely solemn at this moment. Even when he was fighting a ghost, he had never felt such a strong pressure.

The opponent's strength is not generally strong, even stronger than the player on the first court.

"Continue to serve.

Lin Feng said softly to Irie.

Irie did not speak, turned and retreated to the baseline position. While using racquet to hit the tennis ball, he had the most effective attack in his mind.

In previous games, facing this deadlock, Irie can always think of some ways to get out of the predicament, but this time, Irie can't think of any good countermeasures.

The opponent far surpasses him in terms of speed, strength, and skills.

In the face of such a powerful opponent, Irie was unable to start at first time.

"It seems that I can only give it a go."

"Nine Six Three"

Irie said to herself in her heart, a flash of light in her glasses.

Then... a white breath surged from his body.

The mystery of no self.

"It looks like Irie is going desperately.

The ghost on the stone steps of the high platform looked at Irie, who exuded the aura of selflessness, and couldn't help but say.

From knowing Irie to now, it is the first time that he has seen him use the mystery of selflessness in a game. Although the mystery of selflessness has a certain bonus to his own strength, it consumes too much physical strength after all.

The weakness of Irie is physical strength, the five-dimensional value is only 2.

Knowing that he was weak, Irie still chose to turn on selflessness, which shows that Irie has been forced into a desperate situation by Lin Feng.

"I really didn't expect that Irie, who tried his best, was eaten to death by Lin Feng. The strength of this new student is very strong."

When he said this, Tanegashima Shuji's eyes always fell on Lin Feng's body, even he felt a slight threat from Lin Feng's body.

"It's really strong."

The ghost nodded in agreement.

"Ghost, if you are standing on the field now, are you sure to defeat Lin Feng?"

Tanegashima Shuji asked the ghost.

"If the current game is his full strength, there should be no problem, but if it is not, then it is another matter." Oni Juujiro said.

"I'm the same as you think.

Tanegashima Shuji said with a smile.

After turning on the mystery of selflessness, Irie's aura exuded all over his body was much stronger than before.

But Lin Feng still didn't take it seriously. With the five-dimensional value of Irie's physical strength at 2 points, it could not last long.

Irie himself knows this very well, but he has nothing to do, because he really can't think of a good strategy to deal with Lin Feng, so he can only open the mystery of selflessness.

Although it consumes a lot of physical strength, it is now his match point after all. Even if he can only persist for five minutes, as long as he can score a point, he will be able to win the game.

This is also the last hope in Irie's heart.

If he still can't score points from Lin Feng's hands after turning on the mystery of selflessness, then he really lost the game.

Even if there is to be the final tiebreak tiebreaker next, but based on Lin Feng's current strength, there is no doubt that he can't compete.

Therefore, the real victory of this game lies in the next most crucial point battle.

If he can win, then he won the game, otherwise he will lose.

"Unexpectedly, I was forced to this point by a freshman, Irie."

Irie shook his head and smiled bitterly.

In the next moment, his eyes became sharp in vain.

"But even so, I won't just give in. Irie Kanata must win the game.

Irie growled in a deep voice.

The racquet held high hit the tennis ball in the air like lightning.


The tennis ball burst out with the piercing sound of cannons.

The ball speed is quite fast, up to 250km/h.

This is also the fastest serve Irie can play today.


The tennis ball hits the ground, wipes it violently for a while and then gallops towards Lin Feng's body.

This ball is very similar to the external spin serve, but the power is much stronger and faster than the external spin serve.

Lin Feng stomped on the ground with one foot, and flashed to the side with the help of the elastic force of the ground.

At this time, Irie also moved.

Irie's speed itself is fast, the five-dimensional value of the speed reaches 6, and there are not many that exceed him in speed in the entire U17 training camp.

Quickly rushing to the net, Irie raised his hand to make a powerful smash, and the tennis ball fell from the air like a cannonball.

He was about to score points, but the next moment, a figure appeared behind the tennis ball.

It's Lin Feng.

"Which direction will it go?

Irie stared at Lin Feng's return of the ball, but this time he did not act in advance as before. It was just because he made a prediction in advance, which led to the loss of points.

So this time, he can't make the mistake just now.


Lin Feng raised his hand and bombarded the tennis ball, hitting the ball back.

Almost as soon as Lin Feng returned the ball, Irie moved very fast.


Irie successfully hit Lin Feng's tennis back once again, but didn't wait to relax, Lin Feng rushed to the side of the tennis.

This "guy's speed is faster than just now."

Irie was shocked and hurriedly defended.

"If I compete for speed, I won't lose to anyone.

Lin Feng said with a chuckle.

The racquet in his hand was lowered by three centimeters to the bottom, and then chop horizontally.

If Seigaku's official team members are present in this pose, it will definitely be recognized at a glance.

Zero short ball.

At the beginning of the sacred hall, Lin Feng often used this trick when playing against the students, so he was quite clear about the zero-short shot.

The tennis ball lightly crossed the net, wiped it sharply on the ground for a while, and rolled back to the net.

"No, there is no rebound."

Irie, who originally wanted to return the ball to the past, became stiff when he saw this scene.

The surrounding high school students were also horrified at this moment.

This is the first time they have seen this kind of ball.

"GAME! Lin Feng, 6.6.

On the stone steps outside the court, Jujiro Oni looked at this scene and couldn't help sighing lightly.

"It seems that Lin Feng won this game."

Although the game seems to be a deuce, anyone can tell that Lin Feng's strength is much stronger than Irie. In this final tiebreak tiebreaker, Irie is obviously unlikely to be Lin Feng's opponent.

(Today's first update is a little bit late, but it will still be updated four times, and the little wolf will try to update it before wee hours),

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