The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 21 Echizen Ryogavs Migihashi Itarou (2/5)

For a time, almost all high school students cast their eyes on Lin Feng and Echizen Ryoga who were walking side by side.

After yesterday's game, none of them dared to underestimate these two freshmen.

Even the player on court No. 1 is the same.

When Lin Feng and Echizen Ryoga walked towards here, the high school students from the low courts gathered together suddenly gave way.

In the eyes of everyone, Echizen Ryoga took off his jacket, took out racquet and walked into an empty court, while Lin Feng stood on the edge of the court.

Looking at Echizen Ryoga who walked into the court, a whisper suddenly sounded.

"It's this freshman."

"I remember his name is Echizen Ryoga."

"Look at that momentum also seems to be very strong."

"I don't know who his opponent will be in this game."

At the gate where these high school students were talking about Echizen Ryoga, a figure with brown curly hair walked over here.

The owner of this figure is a vigorous young man with a height of 1.9 meters, and his stern face makes people feel terrified.

"It's the right end."

Looking at the young man walking towards 967, the high school students around immediately recognized him.

Migihashi Itarou, the main player of the No. 2 court, although his strength is weaker than Irie, he is also very powerful. He is a character that should not be underestimated.

At this time, Kurobe Yukio, Saito Zhi and Tsuge Ryūji also appeared on the high platform of the building next to the stadium.

"Is it finally going to start?"

There was a look of expectation in Kurobe's eyes.

Although after entering the U17 training camp, Echizen Ryoga's performance is not as eye-catching as Lin Feng, but they all know that Echizen Ryoga is absolutely strong.

After all, the record of losing only one game in the 43rd game is not something ordinary people can do.

As for how strong it is, it is unknown, but they will know through this game.

It must be an eye-opener for them.

Migihashi Itarou carried racquet into the court where Echizen Ryoga was. The height of 1.9 meters and the unsmiling face gave people a rather cold feeling.

Migihashi Itarou looked up at Echizen Ryoga and said lightly.

"I've heard of you, Echizen Ryoga, this year's freshman, right?"

"The memory is good.

Echizen Ryoga chuckled lightly.

"I watched Lin Feng's game yesterday. I hope your performance will not be worse than him. Otherwise, it would be too boring."

The right side said silently.

Hearing this, Echizen Ryoga smiled slightly and said.

"Rest assured, this game will be more interesting than imagined."

Migihashi Itarou narrowed his eyes, then grinned.

"Interesting guy."

The two sides went to the net and guessed the ball right before the game.

Migihashi Itarou serve bureau.

Standing on the baseline at the right end, he gently patted the tennis ball on the ground, his sharp eyes fixed on Echizen Ryoga like a falcon.

Then there was a bang.

The quick swing of the pat on the right end brings up a strong airflow.

The tennis ball turned into an extremely fierce yellow light, and it was shot at Echizen Ryoga.

The players who can become the No. 2 court obviously have certain strength, and the right end is the main force of the No. 2 court, and the strength is even stronger, even comparable to the players in the No. 1 court.

After the tennis ball hit the ground, it ejected quickly.

Echizen Ryoga stepped forward, stood at the ball's landing spot, glanced at Migihashi Itarou's court, and smiled immediately when he saw the vacant area on the left side of the opponent.

"It's fatal to show such a big gap.


The serve on the right was perfectly hit back by Echizen Ryoga, pointing straight to the area left by the opponent.

But soon, Echizen Ryoga frowned.

Because the ball did not land on the left side of the opponent (cgeg) as Echizen Ryoga expected, but flew toward the right side of the opponent.

"Why? Didn't you just say that my actions are fatal? Why are you hitting my right side?"

Migihashi Itarou sneered and beat the tennis back.


Echizen Ryoga once again hit the tennis ball to the opponent's left side, but still flew toward the opponent's right side as before.

"Ah... that's how it is."

Echizen Ryoga now understands why the tennis ball keeps flying towards the opponent's right area.

It turned out that this guy applied a strong spin on tennis.

This trick is very similar to his father's field principle, which is to add a spin to the tennis ball so that the ball can return to his side.

"I forgot to tell you, my right end is the realm of the absolute god, no matter who it is, it is impossible to break through.

The right end said with a smile, and quickly swung racquet to knock the ball back.

"The realm of gods? It's interesting, then I want to see how strong your realm of gods is.

Echizen Ryoga grinned and quickly rushed to the side of the tennis ball, intercepting the ball.

At the moment of swinging, a white light of heating burst out of the racquet.

When this light appeared on Echizen Ryoga's racquet, the surrounding high school students still disagreed, but the faces of Tanegashima Shuji, Onijujiro and Tokugawa suddenly changed.

The same... On the high platform of the building at one end of the court, Kurobe Yukio and other three coaches couldn't help passing a touch of amazement.

Just hit the ball?

Light hitting is a different-dimensional ball skill, and no more than one hand can hit this kind of ball in the entire U17 training camp.

Echizen Ryoga is actually capable of playing this kind of different dimensional skills.

Migihashi Itarou's face also showed a touch of horror.Although he doesn't know how to play this kind of ball, he has seen others resort to it, such as Byodoin...

"This guy can even hit the ball?"


The tennis ball was mixed with dazzling light on the ground in front of Migihashi Itarou, and the loud landing sound made the heart on the right end tremble uncontrollably.


At this moment, everyone around became quiet, and everyone's eyes were looking at the cracked ground in horror.

The ground actually cracked.

This quiet atmosphere lasted for a few seconds, and then the shaking noises blasted into the sky.

"Which ball is this?"

"It's so powerful."

"The ground was cracked by this ball."

"My God, the ball played by the freshman Echizen Ryoga is so powerful.

This "guy is too strong."

Migihashi Itarou's face was also not much better. He looked at the ground beside his feet in horror, and the shock in his eyes reached the point where he couldn't be more shocked.

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