Chapter 1438 : School season and foul out season (4)

Step on~

The breeze was blowing, and the sound of fine footsteps sounded.

On the quiet path, the sun shines through the green leaves and the wine is on the ground, and the two figures trot from far to near, their long hair fluttering in the wind, leaving the fragrance of jasmine.

The sweet laughter sounded like a silver bell, like an elf laughing.

“Qianjia, be careful of falling down.”

Nagamiko looked at the log Chika who was trotting all the way, and couldn’t help but remind.

“The opening ceremony is about to begin. I missed this time and I don’t know when I can meet with Mr. Zongshen.”

Log Chika looked back and smiled, but didn’t stop.

The white skirt danced with the trot, leaving a beautiful figure.


Naga Emiko sighed and could only follow.

Two months have passed since the World Cup in Australia, and Zongshen and his team have also returned to Japan.

It’s April, which happens to be the beginning of school season.

Zongshen also rushed back to the Youth Station, preparing to enter the third year of high school.

Youth Terrace Auditorium.

The newly enrolled students and the current foul out students sat at the front, and students from other grades also came to observe the ceremony.

As the music sounded, the principal issued a certificate.

A foul out student walked onto the stage and received the foul out certificate.

The sentimental atmosphere permeated the lobby, seeming to tell the parting of the foul out season.

After the foul out certificate was issued, Zongshen also stepped onto the stage.

Originally, this speech was given by foul out students in the third year of high school.

However, Zongshen’s reputation is too strong, so Zongshen can only replace foul out and become the speaker of the ceremony.

The lobby was quiet and everyone looked at Zongshen.

Zongshen rarely comes to class.

But everyone knows who Zongshen is and knows what Zongshen has achieved.

“During these years we have spent a period of youth without regrets.”

“In the future, we may encounter different people and things, but we must remember the days spent in Youth Station.

“This will be a precious memory of your lifetime!

Zongshen’s gentle voice spread in the auditorium.

He didn’t make a long speech.

But these words resonated with everyone.

The ignorance in elementary school and the ignorance in middle school are the best days of life only in high school.

There is no intrigue here, everyone is full of vigor and hope for the future.

So the memories of these three years are destined to become people’s best memories.

Warm applause rang out in the auditorium for a long time.


On the small intestines.

The students walked together in twos and threes.

The senior high school students who are about to foul out have their final farewells.

And the newly joined new students are like newborn babies, carefully and curiously looking at the world.

“Have you finished your speech?”

A low voice sounded.

I saw a young man with long blond hair slowly standing up from his seat.


“Don’t you need to participate in the foul out ceremony? How come you have time to come to the Youth Station?”

Zongshen nodded first, then asked curiously.

The young man with long blonde hair is a Byodo-in Temple.

He is a senior in high school and also a foul out student.

It stands to reason that he should be at Makinofuji now, not Tokyo Youth TV.

“I heard that Minister, you are leaving, so everyone rushed to see you off.”

On the side, Jujiro Oni said with a smile.

“It’s just a trip to France. I went there two years ago.”

“Besides, I won’t leave until tomorrow, and there are still some things to be dealt with today.”

Zongshen chuckled.


“So anxious? Don’t you go back to the training camp?”

Echizen Ryoga asked.

“Not going back.

“The training camp has introductory coaches who manage it, so there is nothing wrong with me.”

Zongshen shook his head.

With Australia won the World Cup.

In the new world rankings, the Japanese team defeated the national team de and became the world’s number one.

The U-17 training camp now attracts many players.

There are domestic ones as well as other countries.

And as the team won two consecutive championships, the tennis atmosphere in Japan is booming, and more and more people are learning tennis.

In just two months, many geniuses emerged.

It is conceivable that the next training camp recruits a group of good players.

“That being said, the French Open will be held at the end of May, and there is still more than a month to go. Is it really going to go so soon?,

“If you go to the training camp, the old man and the instructor should be happy to point you.”

Echizen Ryoga said while eating oranges.

“It’s useless!”

“My strength can’t be improved by coaching. I have to go through a lot of matches before I can break through to the last step.”

Zongshen shook his head and said.

After the Australia World Cup, he decided to participate in the Grand Slam.

However, the Australian Open in February was not selected.

Instead, I chose the French Open at the end of May.

The reason why I went there in April was to match some players.

After all, the Grand Slam is approaching, and many masters will go there.

So in the next time, he will continue to challenge the masters of all walks of life, and then break through to the world’s top in one fell swoop.

“”1 Okay.

Echizen Ryoga nodded when he heard this.

I know that Zongshen had planned for a long time, and he thought more precisely than himself.


“Forgot to tell you one thing.”

Tanegashima thought of something suddenly and said.


Zongshen was taken aback.

“You know that today is the season of entering a higher school, junior high school students will be promoted to high school, and senior high school students will also foul out.”

“So the instructor is preparing for a new shuffle game.”

Tanegashima said.

“A new shuffle game?”

“So you all have to retreat?”

Zongshen asked, touching his chin.


“We are almost over 17 years old, so we can’t stay in the U17 training camp. (Got it)”

Tanegashima gave a wry smile.

As the name suggests, U 17 is a 17-year-old training camp.

If you are over 17 years old, you must leave.

Most senior high school students are almost 17 years old, so it’s time to leave.

“What are you going to do in the future?”

Zongshen was silent for a while, then asked.

Several people in the Byodoin Temple can naturally embark on a career path.

But other players are not necessarily.

After all, professional tennis is cruel, and if there is no strong strength, it is impossible to gain a foothold.

“We will continue to play tennis.”

“Even if we can’t embark on a career path, we will not give up the sport.”

Irie chuckles.

He will go to university after foul out in the third year of high school, and the university also has a tennis club.

In addition to U 17, there is also a national team warehouse.

Their strength may not be based on the highest level of professional tennis, but it is not a problem to enter the youth national team. .

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