Chapter 1651 : The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves

Aida Jinghu said: “You kid really didn’t disappoint me. The strength is so strong. It’s really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves forward!”

He feels a little bit. In the years he hasn’t played basketball, many outstanding talents have indeed emerged in the basketball industry.

These young people are chasing their dreams!

Aida Riko walked over at this time: “The back wave of the Yangtze River pushed the front wave, and the front wave fell on the beach.”

Aida Keito said: “Hurry up, our match is not over yet. It was just my attack that I lost. Now it’s his turn.”

Zongshen saw that the other party insisted on continuing to match, but he was somewhat helpless.

He admitted that the opponent’s strength is very good, but his age is a bit old, and now he is not suitable for basketball.

It can be seen from the result of the first goal that he has now lost.

After all, the opponent is an elder, so when he attacked, he released a little water, Aida Keito also stopped him, and then nodded in satisfaction!

“Although your kid is very good, you still need more training!”

Zongshen smiled and said: “Uncle is always strong, but don’t forget the promise we said before, and then come over to teach our team members.”

“This thing is easy to say.”

The match continued, and Aida Keito paid more and more attention to this match.

Although I know I will lose, I still want to test how strong he is.

The two stood on the field again.

Zongshen didn’t hesitate too much this time, and rushed directly after he got Basketball.

Aida Keito is ready. His body is slightly bowed, his knees are slightly bent, and his hands are stretched out. This posture can defend any attack from his opponent.

When the two were about to meet, Zongshen suddenly jumped up, and Aida Keito reacted in the first instant and jumped with him.

“That’s OK?”

Aida Keito’s jumping ability completely broke out. If Zongshen dunks directly, the goal will definitely fail.

But the next scene is beyond everyone’s imagination.

The height of Zongshen’s full jump seems to be only two or three centimeters. His hands are in a raised posture, as if he is planning to Field Goal or dunk.

However, when Aida Keito jumped up, he quickly fell down and easily came behind the opponent.

It is impossible to change direction in delay, Aida Keito can only watch him complete this Field Goal.

There seems to be no suspense in this match.

His body had just turned around, and seeing Zongshen who was falling, his eyes widened, obviously he couldn’t believe it.

The fake action of the other party made him feel confused now, because he had already taken off, and according to the movements and postures he lifted, he seemed to have used his full strength.

But that’s it, the other party only jumped three or four centimeters, and then fell instantly.

If Newton saw this scene, the coffin board might not be able to hold it down, which completely violated common sense.

Of course, the most important thing is that Aida Keito doesn’t know Zongshen.

The kind of movement just now is Zongshen’s perfect mastery of his body’s muscles, bones, and various parts.

Zongshen made a dunk after successfully confusing the opponent.

The ball came to Aida Keito’s hands. He didn’t immediately break through or look for opportunities. Instead, he held Basketball with both hands and stood there, thinking for a few seconds.

He seemed to have entered another state. Due to his physical ability, he was soaring wildly, and his speed was more than twice as fast as before.

Zongshen said in his heart: “As expected of a former national player”!”

He thought so in his heart that Aida Keito has come to him at this moment.

At this moment, Keito Aida suddenly turned his body to the left, Basketball shot above the ground, and then with a stroke of his right hand, it hit the pillar under the backboard.

The ball is very accurate, with a slight deviation, the ball path changes, Aida Keito may lose the ball.

“This ball is a good idea.” Zongshen thought.

Just now, Keihu Aida’s movements were very fast, and several of the first-year players didn’t even see clearly.

Keito Aida deceived everyone with a fake action.

Aida Riko said in his heart: “Dad is amazing!!!”

The unexpected offense did achieve a certain effect. After Aida received Basketball, Zongshen followed closely.

Keito Aida could feel a person behind him rushing over.

If you choose shot at this time, then the ball will definitely be shot down. After all, the height advantage cannot be ignored in Basketball.

“You can’t be laughed at by these children!” Aida Jinghu was delaying thinking of a way to crack it.

There was even a little fear in his heart. Zongshen’s basketball skills and physical quality seemed to have surpassed him.

Although I don’t want to admit it, it is a fact.

Aida Keito came up with a way in delay. Basketball in his hand made a shot. At this time, Zongshen also took a steal.

At this time, the competition is not other things, but the speed of two people.

The winners can be imagined, after all, there is still a gap in their age.

Aida Keito said: “nWell, this old bone of mine is lost.

Although he lost the match, he didn’t think there was anything. This young man was very good. He just gave him a lot of face in the game.

“Then please uncle help us next.”

“Don’t worry, what I said will definitely be done, and I will come when I take the time.”

With such a powerful helper, everyone is also very excited.

Next, it is time to prepare for the winter regular season.

Time doesn’t wait for me, they haven’t been for long.

I immersed myself in the school for more than a week and digested all the things learned in the special training.

After the match, Aida Keito became more fond of this young man. Whenever the gym was done, he would come to guide these players.

He speaks concisely and concisely, but he can always find the shortcomings of the players.

With such a coach, everyone feels at ease.

Aida Riko has not been idle for a while. When his father taught him, she listened tirelessly beside him.

(Zhao Zhao) After a week of training, everyone clamored to go out to eat.

Zongshen had no choice but to summon the team members: “Your training during this period is not bad, go out this afternoon, I will invite you to dinner.”

The players went crazy when they heard that there was food.

At the end of the noon training session, all the team members went out for dinner with Aida Riko.

A very hearty Japanese lunch. Just when everyone was finished eating and was about to leave, suddenly I ran into an old friend-Midorima Shintaro on the road.

There was a stranger beside Midorima Shintaro, with delicate features and black hair.

Zongshen recognized who this person was at first sight-the builder of Hongcun!

The two of them were discussing something when they suddenly saw Zongshen and them.

Midorima said: “This is the person I told you about, very strong!

Hongcun Xiuzhao walked forward directly: “I heard that you are very strong, do you want to play a match?”,

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