Chapter 2000 : Atobe’s capabilities

Sakura Taro’s efficiency is very fast. After confirming that no one is meaningful, he directly called a helicopter to pick up people.

Yes, helicopter.

When Zongshen saw the helicopter with the rose and the Atobe surname, he had only one thought in his mind-he deserves to be the king of Hyotei in the original anime.

This pomp is too exaggerated.

But other people are obviously already familiar with it, and if you have something to use with Zongshen, someone will provide it when you arrive.

Zongshen didn’t have any necessities. He followed the others to board the Atobe’s helicopter and flew to the special training site with a thick pile of work.

More and more green imprinted in the eyes, and finally the helicopter stopped on the green lawn. Next to the lawn was a lake with many wooden stakes.

Zongshen carried a tennis bag and looked up into the distance. In the distance of the woods, at the end of the path, there is a country castle built on the hillside.

This is where they live this time.

This castle was bought by the Atobe family from an old gentleman who was about to go bankrupt. The decoration is beautiful and retro. Once inside, it seems that people have traveled for more than ten years. The fragrance of money exudes everywhere.

And because the Atobe family is willing to spend money on repairs, everything here is very strong.

Zongshen followed the bluffing people upstairs to choose a room. He chose a room at the end of the 503 corridor. The window of that room was facing the mountain and there was no interesting view.

After sitting for a while, he took a tennis ball and went downstairs with racquet.

When he went downstairs, there were only three people sitting downstairs: Sakura Taro, Atobe Keigo, and Kabaji Munehiro.

Sakura Taro was a little surprised when he saw Zongshen, who was holding the net racquet.

“No.” Zongshen asked: “Are you developing special training content?”

“No.” Atobe Keigo held his head with his fingers, his head slightly tilted, his whole body lazy and full of charm, his thin lips opened slightly, “I’m not interested in grabbing the minister’s job.”

Zongshen glanced at his smiling face, his expression calm, “It doesn’t matter if you grab it, I’m not interested in those.

I used to take care of it occasionally in Seigaku because what Seigaku needs is an almighty minister. Not only is it necessary for the minister to look at talents, but also for the minister to comfort the members, and to be able to keenly detect the wrongs of the members, etc., etc. Usually, it is very troublesome to make plans in the Ministry.

He took these things as usual in Seigaku, and did them as students do their homework.

It has no effect on him (cffc).

But after coming to Hyotei, everyone performs their duties. Hyotei even has a psychologist. He has more time to play and practice. Why not?

Anyway, Hyotei just needs to be strong as the minister.

No matter how much work Atobe has done in the past, as long as Atobe can’t beat him, he will always be the minister.

Zongshen understood this ideal shortly after becoming minister.

Atobe Keigo: “I’m not interested either.

Zongshen said gently: “It’s good if you are happy.

Atobe Keigo: “?

“If you go to play, do you need someone to fight with you?” Sakura Taro glanced at his watch. “It will take three hours for the arranged trainers to arrive at the latest. Do you want to call them Akutagawa?”

“No, I will play by myself.” Zongshen nodded and said politely: “Excuse me, you continue.

After speaking, he left.

Sakura Taro glanced at Zongshen’s back, and then looked away when he walked away.

“What you did seems to be useless.”

Atobe Keigo’s hands jumped up, “I didn’t want to do anything.”

Sakura raised his eyebrows and stopped talking.

After Atobe Keigo finished the match with his hand yesterday, the whole state was not right. First, he was silent all the way, and then he trained all night in the tennis club-Jutaro arranged special training urgently, and it was already more than three in the morning when he recovered. .

Today I have been staring at Zongshen again, and now he is provocative.

Sakura Taro can probably guess what he wants to do.

“If you want to match him, talk to him.” Sakura Taro looked down at the next arrangement on the file, thought for a while, lifted the pen to cross out the two arrangements, and then added a new training.

He has basically only slept for three or four hours from yesterday to now. At other times, he was communicating with other people in the tennis club and arranged for him. By the way, he also coordinated some excellent coaches to ask them to come and give guidance.

Atobe Keigo said nothing.

Zongshen was playing against the tennis machine by himself. After a simple warm-up, the tennis machine served faster and faster. In the end, Zongshen simply took two basic spare racquets placed next to him and played with both hands.

He is extremely fast, and holding the racquet in both hands is not funny. Instead, he has an inexplicable sense of oppression. However, the opponent he is facing does not feel the presence of imposing force, but is a serve machine of indescribable emotions.

From the beginning, Zongshen rushed to the speed of serve to oppress and became more and more radical in the back, and the whole person felt a faintly relaxed feeling.

This feeling is as if he was himself for a while.

His movements are getting more and more relaxed, his expression is very calm, sweat is waving while running, his black hair is slightly damp, and it rises slightly with his movements, revealing his calm dark eyes like an abyss.

“It’s so strong.” The water in Momoshiro Takeshi’s hand fell to the ground, but he didn’t mean to care at all, but stared at the net court not far down the hillside.

The speed of the serve machine is so fast that it can’t be seen clearly, and the black-haired teenager holding two racquets seems to think that two racquets are getting in the way, so he throws one away, and the whole person is a step faster!

Strong to horror

Momoshiro Takeshi himself couldn’t even catch the trajectory of the tennis ball sent by the serve machine, but that person, that person seemed to catch every serve.

“Momojo-senpai.” Ryūzaki Sakurano ran over in small steps. She was really exhausted by running here. She took a few breaths before continuing. “The coach asked everyone to gather.”

Momoshiro Takeshi didn’t speak, his eyes widened and he didn’t dare to blink, he carefully watched every step and every movement of that person-too strong, this person didn’t use his full strength when he played against Xiao Budian!

Obviously I hate other people playing, half-concealed and not playing with strength, Momoshiro Takeshi is only excited at this moment, he even regrets why he didn’t bring racquet when he climbed the mountain!

Otherwise, he must rush down to challenge the opponent right now!

Yes, Momoshiro Takeshi wanted to challenge this strong man, and his unprecedented fighting spirit burned him.

But if he wants to play the strongest strength, he must use the racquet that fits him, otherwise he will regret it if he can’t play the strength!

“Senior Taocheng?” Ryūzaki Sakurano whispered to him. Seeing that he didn’t speak, she followed his gaze and saw a black-haired teenager.

Her eyesight is not as strong as that of a tennis player, but the other party impressed her too deeply. She still remembers that person. .

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