Chapter 631 : The shock of professional players (1/6)

Professional club.

Two figures are running back and forth on the field.

One of them is tall, but his face is slightly immature, obviously not very old.

The other one is about twenty years old and has a strong build.


Elson yelled and swung hard.

The tennis ball ran through the court like crimson light, crashing to the ground.

The formidable power broke out and instantly crushed the court.

Polk’s expression was calm, seemingly random to fight back, but it put a lot of pressure on Elson.

“There is no surprise in the outcome of the match!”

“What a terrible guy!”

“Polk was just in high school, right?”


“A grade one, only fifteen years old, and defeated Elson, are people so scary now?”

“Who said no!!

“There is a Medanore from the West “Six 10″ and a Luke from France. Although young, they are all world-class professionals!”

The other club members whispered.

Elson is 26 years old and is a professional player signed by the club.

The strength is the world’s professional level.

For a tennis player, this age is exactly the golden age.

Regardless of physical fitness, experience, and technology, they are all top-notch.

But now he was suppressed by Polk, a fifteen-year-old high school student.

This makes all the club members feel unbelievable.

“How long is your news?”

A blond man shook his head and smiled.

“What’s wrong?”

The other club players were taken aback and turned to look at him.

“It’s not Medanore and Luke who are the most popular in tennis right now!!

“It’s a teenager named Shoujia Zongshen!”

The blond man replied with a smile.

“Shoujia Zongshen?”

Everyone was taken aback, feeling that the name was a little slurred, and they couldn’t help asking a little strangely: “Is he amazing?”


“It’s not so simple, it’s just a monster!”

“It’s not an exaggeration for this guy to call it the world’s first genius, and it’s only seen in a hundred years!”

The blond man was full of emotion.

“Fordella don’t sell it!”

“Yes, who the hell is Zongshen?”

“You’re not talking about that junior high school student? I seem to have heard this name!”

“Huh? Don’t tell me, I seem to have heard it too!”

All the members of the club talked a lot, and after talking about Zongshen’s name, they seemed to have an impression.

After a long time, one person finally remembered.

“You mean the world’s number one junior high school student, right?”

“I remember he was called Zongshen!”

One of the members said.

Zongshen is not very famous in professional tennis.

Although many people have heard of this name, it is the kind that is impressive but not deep.

Both Medanore and Polk joined professional clubs.

They usually come into contact with professional players, and they are more famous than Zongshen in professional tennis.

“The world’s number one junior high school student?”

“Is it amazing?”

Some people are puzzled.

They usually only care about some players in the professional field.

It rarely pays attention to under occupation.

“It’s more than powerful, defeated Medanore of Spain and Luke of France!”

The blond man who spoke first said with emotion, then glanced at Polk on the court, and whispered: “I heard that Polk also lost in his hands!”


“How can it be!”

“Medanore, Luke, and Polk are all lost to a junior high school student?”

“Fordella, are you joking?”

The crowd was in an uproar, their faces full of disbelief.

“He’s not kidding!

Polk, who was being matched, spoke, without any emotion on his face, as he always remained calm.

He did lose, but he didn’t hide it.

For others, defeat is a shame, but for him, it is a driving force for progress.

So don’t mind others knowing and talking about it.

“this ”

The members of the club opened their eyes wide, feeling incredible.

“Fordella, you just said that Zongshen is a junior high school student. Is this true?

One of them asked incredulously.

“I don’t have to deceive you?”

“The hand Zongshen is the main player of the Japanese team. He is now in the third year of junior high and his strength is at the professional level in the world.”

Fordella said affirmatively.

“Your news may be outdated!”

Before everyone was amazed, there was another voice in the distance

I saw a white man approaching with a phone in his hand. He came to the crowd and shouted back and forth to the court: “Polk, your phone, I heard that Zongshen defeated Norman Kelsen and he has entered. It’s the final!”


Polk, who was in the fierce duel, narrowed his eyes.

Racquet swept the room and let the tennis shot out.

The violent rotation and air friction produce a sharp sound.

As soon as Elson received the ball, the spin twisted the racquet and then let it out.

The baptism of the whirlpool!

Polk also strode off the field.

After nodding thanks to the white man, he immediately connected to the phone.

But after a while, his complexion became more solemn.

Zongshen won!

Defeated the Swiss leader Norman and led the team to the World Cup finals.

So Edmund issued a summoning order, asking him to return to the team quickly.

“You are as strong as ever!”

After a long time, Polk exhaled, his eyes burning with fiery fighting spirit.

Perhaps since Zongshen participated in the World Cup, he should have expected this.

The Japanese team will surely win again and again.

Thinking of this, Polk turned around to pack his things, ready to return to the team.

“what happened?”

“Is Polk going back to the team?”

“The hand Zongshen defeated Norman, is that true 5.1?”

The other members reacted, with incredulous expressions on their faces.

Luke is not a professional player, and Medanore has just joined soon. Although the two are strong, they are not very famous in professional tennis.

But Norman is different.

He joined the club early and participated in professional matches. He is very famous in Europe.

It is also known as one of the strongest in the new generation.

But now you lose?

Doubts and unbelief loomed over everyone’s hearts.


“And lost to a junior high school student!”

“That guy is really a monster. There are many world professional masters who have lost in his hands!!

The white man shook his head.

It is clear that starting from today, Zongshen’s name is probably going to resound in professional tennis.

And became the recognized first genius of the new generation. .

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