Chapter 633 : The First Battle (4/6)


“How can we defeat the national team de?”

Tohno Atsukyo hit the table with a fist, his eyes filled with gloom.

The de national team is too strong.

It is so strong that everyone is helpless, so strong that no tactics can be used.

There seemed to be a dead end before them.

“Is Tian Ji’s horse racing tactics really useless?”

Tanegashima asked unwillingly.

This tactic was their usual tactic, and they defeated one team after another.

So he looks forward to using this tactic to deal with the national team.

“Who can beat the combination of Schneider and Burku?”

Zongshen asked lightly.

The words fell, and the lounge was quiet.

Even Byodoin and Oni Jujiro stopped talking.

Schneider and Burku are like two mountains, they are the world’s top players, and they are professional doubles combinations.

Faced with such a powerful enemy, who would dare to win?

“Giving up this match, isn’t there another doubles?”

Irie couldn’t help but said.

“If the de national team sends Field or Polk as doubles.”

“Cooperate with a world-class player, who can win?’

Zongshen asked again.

Everyone who was still holding 613 hopes was completely silent.


There are too many masters in the de national team.

What if Field is the doubles?

There are two big mountains, Polk and Edmund, on singles.

Once Field is the doubles, who can beat his combination?

Byodo-in Temple?

Oni Jujiro?

Echizen Ryoga?

Echizen Ryoga may be able to do it, but he served as doubles, what about singles?

Thoughts came to mind, making everyone a little desperate.

“With the current situation of the team, you must never give up doubles, you must win a match on doubles, so that you have a chance to win!”

“If the doubles don’t win a game, we will definitely lose!”

Zongshen said in a deep voice.

The doubles must win the next game.

Otherwise, Edmund and Polk will block the singles, and the team won’t be able to win the streak three times.

“De national team can win eight World Cup championships, it is certainly not a fool. Perhaps they have already understood our plight and will never let us go on doubles!”

Oni Jujiro clenched his fists.

Once the national team knows their plight, they will definitely start with doubles.

If Polk or Field is one of the doubles.

Their probability of winning is less than 40%.

“This won’t work, that won’t work, what should we do now!’

Kaji Kazena was full of irritability.


Zongshen’s face was calm, and his tone did not fluctuate: “Let the ghost and Byodoin serve as doubles two and win the match.”

“But what if Field or Polk act as doubles two?”

Kimijima said solemnly.

As long as one of them serves as Doubles Two, together with a world-class master, the strength is far surpassed by the combination of Byodoin and Oni Jujiro, and the probability of the two winning is very low.

“So it’s a bet!”

“Gamblers and Byodoin can win!”

Zongshen grinned.

Now the team is in desperation.

Let the ghost and Byodoin form doubles, which is the only chance to win.

If Polk played, then they lost the bet and stopped at runner-up.

But if Field is the second doubles, the team will still have a chance.

After all, the two of Byodoin have also stepped into the world-class peak, and they will not necessarily lose against Field.


All the team members clenched their fists and looked unwilling.

Obviously entered the final finals, but the victory or defeat has to be decided by God.

This kind of powerlessness makes everyone hate it.

“Then take a gamble!”

Byodoin’s eyes were cold.

If he really met Polk, he thought he was unlucky.

But if he meets Field, he will pay his life to fight and win the match for the team.


“We can only surrender our destiny to heaven, and pray that it is not Edmund who will serve as the second doubles.”

Oni Jujiro whispered.

Although unwilling to entrust his destiny to heaven.

But this is their only choice.


Facing the strength of the de national team, the team has no way to go.

“In that case, Oni and Byodoin served as doubles two!’

Zongshen opened his mouth.


The two nodded heavily.

Doubles two will determine the outcome of the match.

If they win, the Japanese team will still have a chance.

If you lose, the team will undoubtedly lose.

The two knew this, and they had already made up their minds to win.

“Who is willing to serve as doubles?”

Zongshen looked at the players.

Schneider and Burku are likely to play doubles.

He never thought he could win.

“Can you let me play?”

Unbreakable Iron Man stood up with a firm expression.

When playing against the Taiguo team, he originally had the opportunity to play.

But the freshmen of Guoyi were too strong, and the battle ended quickly.

Now that the World Cup is almost over, he hasn’t played yet, so he is naturally unwilling.


Zongshen nodded.

“Count me too!”

Tsukimitsu Ochi looked up, showing his eyes under his long hair.

“The doubles will be served by Bupa and Moonlight!”

It’s not that he broke the jar.

But there is no possibility of winning in this match, so it is better to give the opportunity to the players who want to play.

“The three singles who want to serve?”

Zongshen spoke again.

“Singles three?”

Everyone was taken aback.

Singles three is the same as doubles two, which is very important.

In the event that a world-class player is on the field, that is the team’s only chance to win.

Otherwise, they would not be able to win two victories against Edmund.

“Do you really want to give up singles three?”

“What if Polk and Edmund serve as singles one or two?”

Irie asked.

“Then you can only gamble again!”

Zongshen grinned.

Now there are two more options before us.

One is to send Echizen Ryoga to serve as singles three, and the other is to give up singles three.

If it is a world-class player, Zongshen loses the bet, and Echizen Ryoga will lose if he meets Polk.

If Edmund or Polk played in the country, then Zongshen won the bet, and the team still has the possibility of winning.

Recall the country’s attitude towards match in the original book.

The strongest lineup was dispatched from the beginning, and the match ended quickly.

So Zongshen chose to give up singles three.

“Are you gambling again?”

The team sighed.

But he didn’t say anything again, and now there is no other way but to gamble.

“I come!

Wugu stood up and said.


“Singles Sanwu Valley!”

“Singles two Echizen Ryoga!”

“As soon as the singles are served by me!”

Zongshen grinned and glanced over everyone: “It depends on God’s will to win the championship, so pray!”

“God’s will?”

Everyone gave a wry smile.


They can only rely on God’s will if they want to win.

If God blessed you to bet on the right side, it would be a battle.

If the bet is lost, it will come back in two years!

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