Chapter 686 : Yamabuki Freshman Sengoku Kiyosumi (3/6)

There was silence all around.

The faces of all the members of the gods were dull.


And the loss was extremely miserable.

If they lose to Zongshen, the group will recognize it.

But the key point is that Zongshen didn’t play at all, but lost to a group of National One freshmen.

” how so?!”

Ota Ken has an urge to cry.

He had long known that such a fiasco would have happened, and he had already chosen to abstain.

it’s good now.

It was a shame that the junior high school lost to the junior high school students together.

“Let’s go!”

Zongshen chuckled and led the team away.

The surrounding audience also woke up with shock on their faces.

Although Kammoto is not a strong school, it allows people to see how powerful Seigaku is this year.

The first match is over, and the second one follows.

However, Seigaku’s opponents are not very strong.

Zongshen still did not play, relying on the National One freshman to crush.

Even if high school students appear on the stage, they cannot escape the fate of defeat.

With a five-game victory, Seigaku entered the top four in Tokyo.

“Seigaku is as strong as ever!” 25

At the end of the match, a group of Yamabuki Middle-School arrived and the two teams met.

“You have also entered the semi-finals, right?”

Zongshen chuckled.

He glanced around.

It is found that Yamabuki, like Seigaku, is mostly composed of newcomers.

“Easily enter!”

Irie Kanata chuckled lightly, and then added: “Then please advise me for the next match!”

Seigaku is in Group A and Yamabuki is in Group B.

The two teams will meet semi-final.

And this match will also be broadcast live to the entire Tokyo area.

“I don’t know if this year’s Yamabuki is the same as last year!”

Zongshen’s eyes flashed.

This year’s Yamabuki may not be as good as last year, but with the return of Irie Kanata and others, the strength is certainly not weak.

So the next match will not be as easy as before.

“Who knows!”

Irie Kanata smiled, but didn’t answer directly.

After the two continued to chat for a few words, they left with the team.

rest area.

Yamabuki’s group gathered together.

“Minister Irie, is Seigaku really that great?”

A teenager with brown-red hair asked curiously.

His name is Sengoku Kiyosumi, and he is a freshman of Yamabuki.

Although he is a freshman, his strength is strong. Irie returned to Yamabuki for a new positive selection.

So there are a few strong new generations for positive elections.

Sengoku Kiyosumi is one of them.

“Very strong!”

“If Seigaku goes all out, there is no hope for other teams!”

Irie Kanata nodded back.

Seigaku not only has Zongshen, but also Tokugawa and Oni Jujiro.

One professional class and two world class.

In addition to the doubles of the Mutsu brothers, they are powerful and scary.

Although the Champions League stipulates that a maximum of three high school students can be sent on the court, but three high school students are enough to influence the game.

“this ”

The group of people didn’t expect Irie’s answer so simply, they looked at each other for a while.

“But don’t worry!”

“I understand Zongshen’s character. Although he participated in the Champions League, most of them don’t send high school students to the court, they are more experienced freshmen!”

Irie Kanata chuckled slightly.

In fact, Zongshen is not the only one.

It is estimated that other well-known strong schools will do the same.

Unless you encounter high school students of the same strength, you will not play easily.

“Experienced freshman?”

The corners of the group’s mouth twitched.

“So in the next match, we can just let it go!”

Irie smiled casually.

“Is this really okay?”

The Yamabuki players opened their mouths because it was too casual.

“Do not worry!”

Irie nodded with certainty, and then looked at the two teenagers next to him: “Doubles two are served by you two!”


“Really can?!”

Minami Kentaro and Dongfang Masami’s eyes widened.

They are all national freshmen.

After Irie returned to Yamabuki to reorganize the team, the two became the new candidates.

I thought that becoming a regular election was a cold bench, but I didn’t expect them to appear in the first important match.

“Of course, you are also the right choice for the team!”

Irie smiled and nodded.

But he is not really incomparably casual.

Therefore, in the second doubles one, Ryohei Aoki and Kawamura Masaru of the third grade were dispatched.

The two of them are Yamabuki’s strongest doubles, and they are really good.

“Sengoku will be responsible for singles three!”

Irie rolled his eyes and looked at Sengoku Kiyosumi next to him.

“I feel that today is my lucky day, I should not meet those high school students!”

Sengoku Kiyosumi blew a whistle, full of confidence.

“Singles II is served by Maruyama.

“Singles give it to me!

Irie quickly confirmed the roster.

Maruyama’s full name is Maruyama Kagami, and he is also the current minister of Yamabuki.

Arguably the strongest person besides Irie.

Irie Kanata himself, Yamabuki’s current minister, Yamabuki’s strongest doubles, plus three strong national freshmen.

This lineup is not weak, it can even be said to be very strong.

“Does everyone have different opinions?”

Irie glanced around and asked gently.


Many team members shook their heads.

“In this case, semi-final will play in this lineup!”



the other side.

Seigaku’s group will also gather.

“Although Yamabuki’s strength is good, we still focus on new students!”

Zongshen said after thinking for a while.

He knows that Irie may play, but is expected to be the singles one.

“So Kikumaru and Oishi will serve as doubles two!”


The two nodded excitedly.

“Doubles one Yukimura and Kunimitsu!”


Seigaku and his group were a little surprised, but Zongshen did not expect Zongshen to make this decision.

“Yamabuki doubles is very likely to send senior students, so it is better to guard against one hand!”

Zongshen chuckled lightly.

If it’s a high-grade snowboarding, it would be difficult to win with Inui Sadaharu.

So he simply sent the strongest two to avoid defeat.

“singles three Fuji!”

“Singles Nitokugawa!

“As for the singles, I will take care of it myself!”

Zongshen will play the roster.

Although he wants to experience the National One freshman, he will not really use the new lineup.

After all, this is the Champions League, not a national competition.

If Irie doesn’t follow the routine and sends three high school students, then Seigaku will suffer.

So it is better to be careful not to capsize in the gutter.

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