Chapter 770 : The strongest newbie Kunimitsu (3/5)

“Go all out Yukimura!”

Shoujia was silent for a while, and finally turned to look at his companion.

They have already seen the strength of the two Lions, and they are indeed extremely powerful.

If they continue to compare in this way, they will only continue to lose points, and eventually they will lose.

“Is you first or me first!”

The corners of Yukimura’s mouth form a soft curve.

“Me first!”

“First crack the disappearing stunt!”

Shoujia spoke calmly.


Yukimura nodded and immediately tossed the tennis ball.


There was a crisp hit, and the tennis ball landed on the front court.


Tachibana kippei was taken aback for a moment, and a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Because this ball is nothing special, it’s just an ordinary Flat ball.

But it was this Flat ball that made him alert.

“What do they want to do?”

Tachibana kippei whispered.

He didn’t believe that they would give up the chance to score in the serve game.


Racquet swept the ball and hit the ball back.

Then the body immediately returned to its original position, put on a defensive posture, and looked very cautiously.

“give it to me!!

The 25 hands flashed their eyes and quickly rushed to the tennis ball.


With the backhand cut and the tennis ball flying backwards, there is a strong spin.

The ball still landed on the front court, and Chitose was not given a chance to return the ball.

Tachibana kippei was even more puzzled when he saw this.

I caught the tennis ball and found that there was no difference other than the strong spin.

After thinking for a moment, I didn’t expect anything, so I could only hit the ball back.


The same scene appeared again.

Yukimura seemed to hand over the court to his hand and let him fight back alone.

Seeing this Tachibana kippei, I felt more uneasy, but I couldn’t understand what the two of them were doing.

The tennis shot flew on both sides, and seven or eight rounds passed in a while.

Tachibana kippei couldn’t hold back, and his body jumped up.

Racquet drove the tennis ball to high altitude, his arms surged and he swung down heavily.


The Thunder sonic boom exploded, and the tennis ball was like an arrow from the string.

The speed of the ball was so fast that it passed by the hand in the blink of an eye.

But the hand did not move, nor did Yukimura.

“What happened?”

“Did the two of Seigaku give up fighting back?”

“No way, although the speed of this ball is fast, it can still catch up with the feet of two people!!

The audience whispered.

“not good!”

Kimijima’s face changed drastically, and she seemed to remember something.

“What’s wrong? Minister?”

Kite Eishirou was taken aback, wondering why his minister was suddenly nervous.

“It’s too late!”

Wugu on the side sighed.

The other members of Lion Music listened to Yunliwuli and didn’t know what they meant.


Just when people were puzzled, the sound of a flowing air wave sounded.

Everyone was alarmed and looked at the court one after another.

I saw Shoujia standing on the spot, but a white wave of air was rising under his feet.

The white waves rolled, and finally condensed into a whirlpool, covering the entire court.

The tennis ball just rushed out to stagnate, as if being dragged by something, it pulled out a strange arc and flew backwards to the hand.

“This is the realm of handicrafts!”

After seeing this scene, the audience finally remembered something, and their faces were shocked.

“I see!”

“The handist Kunimitsu did not give up fighting back, but created the field!”

“Yes, there is a domain, even if it doesn’t move, tennis will eventually come back to you!”

“The reason why Kunimitsu hit the front court continuously just now is to prevent Chitose Senri from using the missing tennis ball!”


“It really deserves to be the strongest newcomer, step by step, playing with the two of Lion Music in the palm of the hand!”

The audience all around started talking excitedly.

“Finally used this trick!”

Yamato breathed a sigh of relief, and there was more trust in his eyes.

The strength of the hand family field, he knows, in the middle school freshmen, there is no solution.


Sanada snorted.

The domain has been created, and then even if Tachibana kippei attacked with all his strength, he would never want to break the domain.

“Kunimitsu, win the victory in one go!”

Mutsu Yuma shouted.

The other members of Seigaku cheered for the two.

On the field.

Tachibana kippei looked ugly.

He finally knew what the Shoujia’s previous actions were for.

It turned out to be prepared to create a realm.

Although I don’t know how powerful the domain is, I know that it will never be weak.


The sound of the beating sounded, and the hand was already swinging.

“bring it on!”

Tachibana kippei yelled and rushed towards the tennis ball.

At the moment the ball crossed the net, the racquet in his hand seemed to contain a mighty force, hitting the tennis ball hard.


There was a deafening roar.

The tennis ball was hit with great force and exploded like a cannonball.

Because of the rapid impact, a string of white smoke was left in the delay, and the scorching smell permeated the audience.

“It’s useless!

Shoujia spoke lightly.

When this word fell, the air wave vortex pulled around.

The tennis ball just past the 693 net was involved, the ultimate strength dissipated, and finally came to the side.


The racquet swung from bottom to top, and the tennis ball pulled out an arc and landed on the baseline.

“give it to me!”

Chitose Senri yelled, turning his arms.


The tennis flickered wildly and finally disappeared from people’s sight.

God hidden!

However, the field has been created, and any hidden stunts will not be effective.

The tennis ball that had disappeared appeared, was rolled by the white waves, and came to the hand’s house.


Chitose Senri’s eyes narrowed.

Shenyin is his strongest stunt, and he is not disadvantaged when he is in Kyushu, even Tachibana kippei can’t crack it.

But now he was easily stopped by the hand?

“Is this the realm?”

Tachibana kippei’s heart was cold, and the pressure in her heart increased sharply.

At the same time, I also know how strong the hand is.

As long as the domain is created, I am afraid that no stunt can escape the shackles of the domain.


The sound of hitting the ball awakened him.

When I looked up, I found that Tezuka had already swung a pat.


The tennis ball fell in the near corner, and he rushed out before he could react.


Tachibana kippei cursed secretly.

Facing a powerful field, he unexpectedly felt weak. .

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