Chapter 1 Chi Feng Youth

A few dark clouds covered the moon, making the already dark sky darker.

On a swing in a park somewhere, a teenager danglingly stopped the swing, looked up at the sky, and said to himself: “It’s time to go back.”

However, just as he jumped off the swing and was about to leave, three punks came out from the corner at some unknown time, holding wooden short sticks in their hands, and slapped them in their hands, and walked towards the boy.

“If you are acquainted, hand over your pocket money. Your mother should give you a lot of money to buy snacks, right?” The bastard who took the lead was only about 20, with a face of scumbag. At this moment, the more he talks, the more he is, the stick in his hand does not know what to do. From time to time, it grows up and down, and it looks like a golden hoop.

The lonely boy named Chi Feng, 15 years old, is a real traverser. He thought of rebirth of the earth, but found that this is not the earth in the true sense, but a world that he could not imagine. It is not rebirth, but Through the overhead world.

Eighty percent of the human beings in this world have supernatural powers. People with aptitude can be awakened in kindergarten, those with high aptitude can awaken in elementary school, and those with ordinary aptitude can only be awakened in junior high or high school.

This ability is called “quirk” by humans.

Yes, Chi Feng travels through the world set in the anime “My Hero Academia”, but the specific process is not the same as Chi Feng.

He has been in this world for a month and has not yet been able to awaken his quirk. However, to his surprise, quirk has not awakened, but instead has an additional system.

Speaking of this system, Chi Feng is so angry that this pitted system is called the rescue system. As the name suggests, the word rescue is called rescue. Who is it to save?

Anything that has difficulties, encounters danger, or is force majeure, whether it is human or animal, or non-human or non-animal, can also be a violent person. In short, it is just one sentence, save the lives of those who are caught in dire straits.

After saving, you will get saving points, and you can draw a lottery when you reach a certain level. As for what you get, Chi Feng doesn’t know because he hasn’t made up enough saving points yet.

No, there are three guys who need to be saved.

These three gangsters are all quirk awakened, but Chi Feng is not awakened, so what should he do?

Of course it is the traditional Chinese martial arts. Speaking of it, Chi Feng is still the heir of a Taoist in Taoism. He has practiced for decades, but because of a very scheming woman, his foundation was ruined, which caused him to go crazy during cultivation and died. After the master, he followed in his footsteps.

He has not practiced in this life, but it does not mean that he has forgotten the practice and experience of the previous life. Looking at these three punks walking towards him, Chi Feng smiled: “My mother said that there will be three people tonight. I’m sending pocket money, I’m waiting here.”

The headed gangster was taken aback for a moment, and then happily asked: “Where are the three people? Are you here?”

Chi Feng looked at him like a fool, smiled and said, “Here.”

“Where is it?” The little gangster looked left and right.

However, Chi Feng looked at him without speaking. Finally the bastard understood, he immediately raised the stick and rushed up, shouting: “Little bastard, dare to play with your master!”

“It’s also a master, you weren’t even a sperm egg when your brother Feng was cultivating on the mountain.” As soon as the voice fell, Chi Feng swiped down with one foot, and came to the opponent’s feet in a strange arc, and then supported with both hands. , Kicked his feet directly on the opponent’s chin.

The bastard didn’t expect a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy to perform such an operation. He was beaten unexpectedly. The upper and lower teeth knocked together, and he fell directly to the ground in pain and screamed.

And the two gangsters behind him were dumbfounded. Could this little guy know how to martial arts? Even Gao Lei, who had a quirk, was defeated.

Chi Feng did not give up, and immediately rushed forward, trying to knock down the other two guys and ‘save’ them.

However, the two bastards seemed to be frightened, glanced at each other subconsciously, and then squeezed out two pounds from their mouths, “Run!”

The two of them ran away without a trace, even their bosses were ignored.(Read more @

“Damn, these two wicked things!” Gao Lei pressed his chin and said angrily, but looked at Chi Feng with great dread. If he guessed right, this young man has not awakened yet, and there is no quirk, just an ordinary person. People only.

However, what is going on with this weird body technique and tricks is obviously a practice!

Why is it so unlucky for me that this kind of thing can happen to a kid who blackmails a kid in the park, and his quirk is a white awakening.

Chi Feng walked in front of him, squatted down, and smiled harmlessly: “Are you wrong?”

Gao Lei couldn’t say a word, it was too humiliating. Zhang Lei was a bit of a face in this scene, but he was actually humiliated by a baby who was several years younger than himself. There is no face to speak.

Besides, did the other party ask if you knew it was wrong?

I know you are wrong, Laozi will not admit that you are wrong!

“It seems that you still have resentment in your heart and didn’t realize your mistake.” Chi Feng shook his head, then casually raised his right hand and slapped Gao Lei’s face with a clear and loud slap.

“You…” Gao Lei was stupefied by the slap, and then he reacted with anger. He touched a leaf with his right hand. The leaf grew rapidly at the speed of the naked eye. He actually wanted to hit Chi with the leaf. Feng.


Then at this moment, Chi Feng slapped three more without saying a word. The leaf in Gao Lei’s hand fell to the ground and his face was already swollen.

“Are you wrong?”

Gao Lei did not speak.

“Papa Papa~”

“Are you wrong?”

“I beg you to stop fighting” Gao Lei begged for mercy.

“Flap! Pop! Pop!”

“I was wrong, I really knew it was wrong!” Gao Lei cried and said.

“Give me the pocket money.” Chi Feng said.

Gao Lei was stunned for a moment. Seeing that the teenager was going to raise his hand to beat him, he immediately took out a few notes from his trouser pocket, and Chi Feng accepted all of them unceremoniously. Since he has a heart to rob, he must be robbed. consciousness.

Seeing a big man crying like this, Chi Feng was also a little embarrassed. At this moment, a rescue points reminder appeared in the background.

“Save Points +20”

Chi Feng smiled slightly. After coming to this world, he can finally draw the first prize, and he doesn’t know what will happen.

If you come, you will be at ease. Chi Feng wanted to understand after coming to this world a week. No matter which world he travels to, the most important thing is to live himself well. In the previous life, he did not enter the world, and he has decided to live in this life. Brilliant, low-key alive, high-key publicity.

After all, this is the world of Heroes…

After returning home, Chi Feng took a hot shower, and then bowed to Guan Erye at home, saying, “The Erye is here, please bless me with some good things.”

After chanting a few words, Chi Feng was ready to start the lottery. After being in this world for a month, he first practiced for half a month, and then started to nosy and ‘save’ others. 100 rescue points can be drawn once, and today he is just eligible to draw once.

The place where he is located is China, and he did not directly cross the border of the island country. The awakening of quirk is not only an island country alone. It is said that the first human to awaken quirk is in China.

The whole world is awakening in this era. The era of All Might has come again, but Chi Feng knows that All Might has been seriously injured at this time, but no one has noticed except the principal of Heroes High School and others.

Midoriya Izuku didn’t even see All Might at this time, and he was just a normal third-year student.

Chi Feng slapped his mouth, and started the first lottery with a move of his mind. The golden roulette began to spin quickly, and the rewards on the roulette were all based on? ? ? Instead, Chi Feng doesn’t know what prizes will be drawn.

When the pointer falls on a certain corner,? ? ? It also changed quickly, and suddenly a voice sounded in his mind:

“Congratulations, Host, for getting the quirk awakening option, please choose a quirk and start practicing.”

“Quirk—manipulate water element”

“Quirk—manipulate the fire element”

“Quirk—manipulate ice element”

“Quirk—manipulate gold elements”

“Quirk—manipulate wood elements”

“Quirk-manipulating earth elements”

“Quirk—manipulate the thunder element”


Chi Feng stared at the row of numbers blankly, took a breath and blurted out excitedly: “So many?”

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