Chapter 35

Maybe this is a feeling of relying. Although Shoto Todoroki is not a person who can rely on others, sometimes his heart is inevitably too shackled and too heavy. He also needs to relax and he needs to be caring.

At this moment, he felt that Chi Feng was like a Heroes, blocking him. This feeling was strange, but very real.

“Thanks a lot.” Shoto Todoroki is still not good at expressing. After all, he is not very familiar with Chi Feng, but the relationship is good. It can be said that he doesn’t know each other.

“What are you polite with me,” Chi Feng smiled, then said with a straight face: “How are you?”

Shoto Todoroki glanced at his left arm, gritted his teeth and said, “My hand is useless, and it is impossible to use it again until I go back to school. This guy is very strong. Now my strength is reduced by half. I may not help you. Very busy.”

Chi Feng didn’t hesitate, took out the red quirk supplement from his pocket, “take a sip.”

Shoto Todoroki glanced at Chi Feng, wondering why he suddenly gave him something like this at this time, wouldn’t it hurt to take a sip?

However, Shoto Todoroki believed Chi Feng and took a sip from the quirk refill. The next moment he was shocked to find that his left arm began to feel sensation, and the recovery speed was very fast, he recovered after more than a dozen breaths.

“Such a valuable thing…” Shoto Todoroki was interrupted by Chi Feng before he finished speaking: “No matter how valuable it is, it is vain. Okay, concentrate on dealing with Villain.”

“Save Points +50, Shoto Todoroki, the saved person.”

Chi Feng smiled in his heart, Boom is still pretty cute.

“Roar!” There was a roar from the ground, and Nomu rushed out.

Chi Feng didn’t know which Nomu was better than the Nomu he had dealt with before, but from the looks of it, the Nomu in front of him is obviously of a power type, which should be similar to the black Nomu.

And the Nomu he had dealt with before was thin, with an advantage in speed, and his strength was average, otherwise the moment he was hit at the time would kill him.

Shoto Todoroki nodded and returned the quirk supplement to Chi Feng. He didn’t know how many times this precious thing could be sucked, maybe this one he sucked was the last one.

“Mr. Boom, I’m going to go!” Chi Feng put his hands together and pulled out again, a azure blue thunderball appeared between his hands, and then raised with one hand to the sky, getting bigger and bigger.(Read more @

Shoto Todoroki saw that Chi Feng’s trick takes time. He must fight for it. With his hands down, two extremely icy waves rushed towards Nomu.

Nomu pushed forward with his four hands and broke Shoto Todoroki’s two ice waves, but the next moment a bigger ice burst appeared, which directly froze Nomu and became a huge ice sculpture.

“Xiao Lei Ying!”

Chi Feng waved his right hand down, and the flashing thunderball in the sky like a truck quickly fell towards Nomu, who was frozen in the ice. He can only release such a big thunder. It takes time and physical strength to condense thunder and lightning. The concentration of Ying is very pure, and the power is double the usual skills.

In front of Shoto Todoroki, he can only use thunder quirk, at most he can use air to control it when he is not paying attention.

Nomu deserves to be a killing machine made. Shoto Todoroki’s big ice burst was shattered by it. It watched the huge thunderball hit it and prepared to avoid it.

But Chi Feng won’t let it go, otherwise all this will be in vain. With a left and right grip, Nomu’s feet are instantly pulled by a blast of air, unable to move.

But Chi Feng is not comfortable. Nomu’s strength is very strong. It resists Chi Feng’s quirk. This is directly reflected in Chi Feng. At this moment, his breath is a bit disordered. Shoto Todoroki immediately noticed, “You still Okay?”

“I’m okay,” Chi Feng stared at Nomu and said, “This is not the strongest yet. The strongest is the black Nomu. At Mr. Aizawa, we must shorten the time.”

Xiao Leiying landed on Nomu’s body, and a huge thunder light flashed out, illuminating this area. Shoto Todoroki covered his eyes with his arm, and he couldn’t look directly at this light.

Chi Feng stared at Nomu motionlessly. He knew that Xiao Lei Ying alone could not kill it. Just taking this opportunity, Shoto Todoroki couldn’t open his eyes. Suddenly, his hands burst into blue veins, and his feet moved to resist Xiao Lei. In front of Nomu who was greeted, the horse stepped and punched Nomu’s chest with double punches, using all his strength.

“The air is shocked and crushed to the maximum!”

The surrounding air was pumped, and there was a popping sound. Shoto Todoroki heard the sound but couldn’t open his eyes to investigate. He didn’t know what was going on.

Nomu’s upper body sank in an instant, and all his internal organs were shattered. Xiao Leiying exploded and blasted his head into a smash. Chi Feng also knelt on the ground at this time and collapsed.

The thunder light dissipated, Shoto Todoroki opened his eyes and looked. Chi Feng knelt on the ground, while Nomu was lying in front of him. His head no longer knew where it was going, and his upper body seemed to be hollowed out and sunken, dead. Can’t die anymore.

Shoto Todoroki was shocked. Chi Feng did all this by himself. He only assisted. It was Chi Feng, not him, who really killed Nomu.

At this moment Shoto Todoroki realized that Chi Feng is really better than him. This method is not like a student can do it. Can professional Heroes do it?

Maybe some of the professional heroes of the Heroes firm are not as strong as Chi Feng. He is only a student, but he is better than the professional heroes. How did he improve his abilities?

“Can you still move?” Shoto Todoroki came to Chi Feng and asked with concern. After all, Chi Feng is his lifesaver. If Chi Feng doesn’t come, this Nomu can’t be beaten.

And will die here.

“I need to take a break, you help me pay attention to my surroundings.” Chi Feng sat cross-legged after speaking, and began to absorb the aura from the surroundings to recover his body.

As long as the stamina is restored, the quirk will also be restored, but it will be slower.

Shoto Todoroki set up an ice wall around him to prevent a sneak attack. He also sat down to recover his strength. The previous big ice burst also consumed a lot of his strength and needed to recover.

It’s just that he thinks Chi Feng is a little strange. Why cross-legged and closed his eyes seems like some scenes he saw in the movie, but obviously this is impossible. There is no such kind of person in the movie in this world.

The quirk is the kingly way. Only by upgrading the quirk can all difficulties be dealt with.

Perhaps in time, Chi Feng will be able to become an outstanding professional Heroes, and it is not impossible even to be the president of a Heroes firm.

Thinking of this, Shoto Todoroki secretly made up his mind that he must work hard. Chi Feng is now what he wants to chase. Only Chi Feng’s strength can be recognized by him, and it can be regarded as the real ‘Heroes’.

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