Chapter 73

Of course, Chi Feng didn’t know that the toothbrush had a refreshing effect, he only knew that it could make teeth white.

By the way, doesn’t he still have a yellow toothpaste? Chi Feng hasn’t used it until now, and I don’t know what effect it will have.

“Sent from classmate Chi Feng?” Sero Hanta leaned in at this moment, and said a little excitedly.

“Yes, it was given to me by Chi Feng. I think this toothbrush must be expensive. Chi Feng, thank you very much!” Ida Tenya bowed to Chi Feng.

“As for,” Chi Feng immediately helped Ida Tenya up, but Ida Tenya said righteously: “This link and etiquette are necessary!”

Chi Feng stroked his head, it was really a tendon.

“Student Chi Feng, I want to ask where you bought your toothbrush, and I will buy one too.” Sero Hanta smiled.

Ida Tenya moved in his heart and looked at Chi Feng. He also wanted to know where this toothbrush was bought. According to reason, this kind of toothbrush is definitely a best-seller in the market and cannot be unknown.

“I don’t know about this. Actually, I picked up the toothbrush.” ​​Chi Feng was helpless. It was too troublesome to explain. If he didn’t know it, he would say that he missed his mouth, so he simply said that he picked it up.

“Ah!” Ida Tenya was listening to Chi Feng’s words very carefully, but Chi Feng said that the toothbrush was picked up, and his good mood was instantly struck by lightning.

The toothbrush I picked up was given to him. This… there is indeed some blood. If this toothbrush does not have such an effect, Ida Tenya may jump up and choke Chi Feng’s neck.

“Don’t get excited Ida-san, don’t you think you are a blessing in disguise? No, it is not a curse.” Chi Feng laughed, not paying attention to Ida Tenya’s expression.

Ida Tenya left with a black face…

Other classmates who came to watch the excitement also left one after another, and they had to work hard.

The three of Bakugo Katsuki did not leave. They all looked at Chi Feng. After thinking for a while, Chi Feng said: “Okay, I will participate in the sports festival, but don’t regret that I rob you of the limelight!”

“Laozi is waiting for your words, see if I won’t blow you up by then!” Bakugo Katsuki cut a sound and left. He heard the result he wanted.

Shoto Todoroki smiled rarely, “Don’t show mercy to my men then.”

“No problem.” Chi Feng agreed with a smile, but whether he will be merciful when fighting against him depends on Shoto Todoroki’s strength. If the two are too different, he should be merciful and merciless.

After Shoto Todoroki left, Midoriya Izuku walked over, and he looked at Chi Feng a little nervously.(Read more @

“What’s the matter, brother Midoriya, what’s the matter?” Chi Feng felt that Midoriya had something to say.

“That…” Midoriya didn’t know what to say, he really wanted to be strong.

Chi Feng seemed to realize something, and immediately held on to Midoriya’s shoulder and asked, “Did you go to the underground Heroes venue in the past few days?”

“No…I haven’t had time to go. Actually, I wanted to tell you that Senior Darkness will take me there again.” Midoriya Izuku felt that going to the underground Heroes ring could improve his strength, but recently because of some things There was no time to go.

“Don’t go anymore recently. Senior Dark Night has encountered some things now. The underground Heroes venue does not welcome him.” Chi Feng almost forgot about Midoriya. If Midoriya goes to the underground Heroes venue these days, he will definitely report the legend of the night. Let him in.

This is troublesome. Although the underground Heroes venue is divided into several camps and runs different projects, they all belong to the underground Heroes. As long as there is something about the legend of the night, it will inevitably be passed to the manager of Gaomu.

If the manager of Takagi knows that Midoriya Izuku is very close to the legend of the night, and he is the referrer, then Midoriya will definitely happen.

“Ah, what happened to the Dark Night-senpai?” Midoriya Izuku suddenly called out, and the surrounding students looked over, and he realized that he was excited and talking too loudly.

Midoriya will never forget the kindness of Senior Dark Night to him. He still remembers the scene of Dark Night taking him to eat beef, and he was very moved at the time.

Such a busy person, Heroes in the dark, what an honor it is to invite him to dinner.

Chi Feng glanced at the surprised gazes of his classmates around him, and took Midoriya to a remote place. “Senior Dark Night is fine, he just offended some people, so you can’t go to the underground Heroes venue recently, so don’t worry.”

Midoriya Izuku breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s good.”

Chi Feng suddenly remembered. He asked Muto to find Pingyuan Xiongda, and it seems there is no news yet.

Shibuya, underground Heroes Casino.

“Let’s talk, what’s the relationship between you and the legend of the night?” Gao Mulong sat on the sofa a little annoyed. There is no news from Bangguchi until now. It has been a day.

According to Hamaguchi’s strength, he could come back and resume his life in a few hours. Could it be that the guy absconded after taking the secret of Underworld Legend?

This is not to believe him, Gao Mulong, he said the secret to Hamaguchi, but in the end, he killed the legend of the night or escaped from it..

Under Gao Mulong, Pingyuan Xiong knelt on the ground with a blue nose and swollen nose. He heard Gao Mulong’s words and Zhan Keke raised his head, “I really don’t know any dark night legends.”

Pingyuan Xiongda was crying in the toilet. He watched the ring match and was taken away. For the past few days, he was still wondering why the legend of the night did not come. As a result, the senior manager of Heroes Casino found him on his head. Qinghongzaopai beat him first.

“Don’t know?” Manager Takagi’s tone became cold. “I heard that you and him met in the ring on the first floor, and have been together for several days, haven’t they?”

Pingyuan Xiongda is about to cry, the dark night legend has it that what you have done, can provoke Manager Takagi’s head, and now make him tired.

“I’m really unfamiliar with him, that’s just a few words, I have nothing to do with him.” Pingyuan Xiongda pushes him completely, he doesn’t want to die here, now there is nothing to damage the legend of the night, and he can live. Just fine.

Gao Mulong pondered for a few seconds before saying, “Have you seen him in the past two days?”

“No, no, I just chatted with him some time ago. I haven’t seen him these days.” Pingyuan Xiong Dalian said hurriedly.

Takagilong glanced at the majestic plains, and said coldly: “Legend of the Night has been listed as a blacklist at Shibuya Heroes Casino. Next time you see him, report to me in time. If you dare to do anything else, you should know the consequences! ”

“Understand, I remember it all in my heart. I immediately told Manager Takagi when there was news of the legend of the night.” Pingyuan Xiongda breathed a sigh of relief, and finally saved his life.

“Hold on…” Pingyuan Xiongda stood up and prepared to leave, but Gao Mulong stopped him again.

“Manager Takagi, is there anything else?” Pingyuan Xiong said with a big smile.

Gao Mulong’s eyes flashed, and he said faintly: “In order to be afraid that you will not have a long memory, so cut off a little finger before leaving.”

“What!” The smiling plain was as magnificent as it was struck by lightning, and there seemed to be a flame burning in his heart.

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