The Strongest Reincarnation Boss

Chapter 22 Old newspapers from a year ago

Time began to pass again.

Lu Fan glanced at the place where Su Shiyao disappeared, there was not much surprise in his eyes, after all, he had seen it once.

And the three corpses on the ground began to decay, and eventually turned into a mass of black ashes.

Sure enough, as I thought, these people are reincarnations.

Lu Fan murmured, I should have completed the task now, and returned to the so-called main god's space.

I have to say that they were very lucky. They met me and completed the task under my leadership.

Lu Fan thought to himself, completely ignoring the four reincarnated actors, only one will die.

Because he is not sleepy now, Lu Fan plans to tidy up the basement, preparing to build it into a top wine storage room in the future.

The dead bodies are easy to deal with, just sweep the ashes away.

On the contrary, there are a large number of mummies of pigs, sheep and cattle in the basement, which are close to three thousand catties, but it is troublesome to deal with them.

Forget it, let's sell it to the grandmother next door to the claypot rice tomorrow, and let her clean up my basement by the way.

Lu Fan thought of the grandmother who sold claypot rice next door, so he made up his mind.

As for whether eating will cause food poisoning, he said it is unlikely.

Because he has observed that these mummies... No, the bacon was dried very successfully, and it was obvious from the first glance that it was made by a master who specialized in drying and drying meat.

After dealing with all the things in the basement, Lu Fan went to take a shower, and then tried it in the bathroom, storing the evil king wave bone sword in his body.

To his surprise, he actually put it in.

Lu Fan instantly felt that his spine had been strengthened, and there was a feeling that it would not be damaged no matter how much he used it, even his spine that had been strengthened before was incomparable.

It's really a magical item!

While taking a bath, Lu Fan sighed, compared to this evil king wave bone sword, that dark gathering spirit necklace is relatively spicy.

No, it can't be called spicy chicken either.

At least it can emit air-conditioning all the time, and there will be a cool feeling spreading all over the body.

When the air conditioner is also good.

When Lu Fan finished taking a shower, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

When he came out, he was surprised to find out.

On the sofa lay a beautiful woman wearing a black lace skirt, revealing a large section of fair legs.

This woman was the real Su Shiyao who went to the toilet and then disappeared.

Finally back. Lu Fan breathed a sigh of relief, his wife disappeared during this time, he didn't know how worried he was.

Shiyao, what are you doing sleeping here? Lu Fan pushed her stomach with his foot, it was very soft.

It's my husband.

Su Shiyao opened her sleepy eyes and said softly, I saw you went to take a bath, so I came to wait for you on the sofa.

What are you waiting for? Lu Fan asked curiously.

My husband isn't here, I can't sleep, I want you to hug me and sleep together. Su Shiyao stretched out her hands and looked at Lu Fan expectantly.

Haha, really? You're really naughty. Lu Fan smiled, picked up Su Shiyao, and walked upstairs.


While Lu Fan was doing whatever he wanted, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the basement, and an old newspaper that was placed on the ceiling was blown down.

And the content in the newspaper is also related to the old spirit in the villa.

[Report from our station: Xiao Bailang, a well-known Internet writer in our city, hanged himself at home yesterday. It is preliminarily inferred that the update pressure is too great, and the results of the new book are not satisfactory, resulting in severe anxiety and depression.

According to the statistics of traditional writers, every online writer will experience this kind of anxiety symptoms when they open a new book. The specific manifestation is that they will look at new book information such as favorites, recommendations, and reviews every few tens of minutes.

Once it is found that the data has not changed, or the data changes do not meet expectations, they will start to deny themselves, resulting in anxiety and depression.

In severe cases, the relevant data will be refreshed every few seconds. Once the data is not ideal, you will not think about food and tea, which will seriously affect your daily life.

Traditional writers named this symptom for this reason: Internet writer anxiety disorder.

I have to say, this is really an ironic name. They also write novels, and traditional writers are superior.

Internet writers are like workers on an assembly line, completing high-intensity writing day after day, and are discriminated against by all traditional writers.

However, this phenomenon may change this year. A group of high-level traditional writers led by Lu Fan, a traditional master-level writer, fought together in online literature, which has attracted the attention of the general public. 】

[The following is the detailed information of the well-known Internet author [Little White Wolf]. 】

【Real name: Zhou Tai】

【Height: 156 cm】

[Residence: Hunying City, Huangquan Road, No. 33]

[Masterwork: (Return of the God of War: My wife owes a billion dollars in debt for writing a book) (Ultimate Fumo brother: My wife has nine younger brothers) (Rebirth against the sky: I am a son-in-law at my mother-in-law’s family) (Still eating and waiting to die: I have ten brothers) A wealthy brother-in-law)...]

Moreover, the newspaper also has portraits of characters at the end.

This photo is exactly the fat man in the villa.

And the final shot of this horror movie stayed in this newspaper, leaving suspense for this story.

The next day, the sun hits my face.

Lu Fan got up in a daze to go to school, while Su Shiyao asked for a day off.

I didn't expect that I'm so good now. Lu Fan couldn't help thinking proudly as he watched the students coming and going.

Last night, after he went upstairs, he continued until almost dawn, but even so, his waist is not sore and his legs are not hurting now.

As for Su Shiyao, she was not so lucky, and now she couldn't move, so she had no choice but to ask for leave.

Lu Fan only had two biology classes for his junior year today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. At the same time, he had to go to the principal's office for a meeting tonight.

This is the curriculum schedule given by Su Shiyao, and he only knows about it.

It can be said that it is very easy.

As for whether he will mislead his younger brother, that's none of his business.

Made, why is this school so big? I can't even find any classrooms in the biology department! Lu Fan searched for a long time, and finally had to complain.

When I finally found the classroom, the class bell rang, very punctually.

Surprisingly, there are more than 50 desks and chairs in the classroom, but there are only about 30 students sitting sparsely.

However, it's none of his business.

Students, we are not going to talk about new knowledge today. Please take out your books and start reviewing from the first page. Lu Fan said casually, ignoring the curious eyes of many students, and arranged the content of the class in this way.

Professor Lu Fan is really different. He asked us to review by ourselves when the final exam is about to take place.

I guess, it should be Professor Lu Fan who let us rest after seeing that our study tasks are too heavy.

Professor Lu Fan is really kind. I will definitely do well in the biology exam and try to score more than 30.

The students in the classroom chattered in low voices, helping Lu Fan automatically make up the meaning of his actions.

And in the classroom, there is also a group of different people, communicating together in a low voice.

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