The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1003: The chrysanthemum is stumped, it hurts all over the ground, your smile has turned yel

When Jun often laughed and summoned the pointers, the master of the Demon Gate waited for a moment.

From the overall shape, they instantly inferred that this was a weapon, but when they saw their top fingers facing the sky, their mouths twitched.

This weapon is amazing!

Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji were not present, otherwise they would surely subconsciously protect their **** when they saw the priest's exclusive soldiers.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Wu Jingxuan asked in a low voice: "Is this tickling?"


Jun Chang laughed and was hurt.

If it wasn't for the nirvana of pointing the mountains and rivers to belong to the full screen indiscriminate attack, he would definitely not take it out, because it is too shameful!

"Master Gong, this is not tickling."

Jun Chang laughed and stood in front of the magic soldier, proudly saying: "This is a special weapon that will make people immortal."

"Unforgettable life?"

Xuan Jingxuan's eyes raised expectations.

Although the styling of the pointing rivers and mountains is a bit nondescript, Jun Changxiao has something extraordinary since he took it out!

"Master of the palace."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "You step back, this garbage is left to me!"


Qi Jingxuan stepped back a few steps.

His cultivation is not high, and he cannot help him. He can only stand behind and cheer for him in his heart.


Jun Chang smiled and pointed at the mountains and rivers, pointing to the main gate of the Demon Gate: "Let your people, let the horses come."

He wished that the Emperor's Gate would appear in the upper and lower fields, so that it would be cool to perform the nirvana!

"Jun often laughs."

The Lord of the Emperor's Gate Shen said, "Return the resources that had previously lied to my Demon's Gate, and I can consider letting you leave."

He also didn't want to develop the matter to an irreconcilable level. After all, the ancient ancestors could rise rapidly in the micro-end, maybe there was some great energy behind it.


Jun Chang laughed: "The money in my Jun's pocket is Jun's money, how can I return it again."

"That being the case, then don't leave." The master of the Emperor Gate raised his hand.



Several martial saints and more than ten semi-saints behind them broke out and repaired, and their eyes were strongly murderous.

Let them face the Purple King Demon King, it must be very vain, but now the doorkeeper is dragging, others have nothing to fear!


Yuan Gongzi's face was ugly: "Subordinates believe that there is a misunderstanding in the middle, we Moment Gate can calm down and talk with Wan Guzong ..."

"Yuan Feng."

The master of the Emperor's Gate interrupted him: "You have repeatedly tolerated the treatment of Wanzong, and even given a lot of resources at your expense, it is really disappointing."

With this remark, several elders were overjoyed.

They have been upset with Yuan Gongzi because they always emphasized not to provoke Jun and often laugh. Now the doorkeeper is disappointed with him and may directly deprive him of his rights.

"Door ..."

"It's over. Go and manage the library."

Yuan Gongzi was in situ.

Several elders immediately frowned.

The owner asked this guy to manage the library, obviously it was going to be abandoned!


The old man in black said: "Yuan Gongzi worked hard and complained for the great cause of the Emperor's Gate," he said.

"You, follow him, too," said the Emperor Gate.


Yuan Gongzi spurted blood, and his whole body was teetering.

Since being appointed as the deputy master of the Emperor Gate, he has been doing his best to manage the ancestral gate, and he dares not to be slack. Even the most subtle layout must take into account the late night. Go and manage the library!

"Yuan Gongzi."

Jun Chang laughed: "Are you fired?"


Yuan Gongzi spit another blood.

My Yuan Feng is not where it is now because of you!

"In a place like Zangshuge, you can take care of a dog, and letting you take care of it is shame in Chiguo." Jun Chang laughed: "Come on, join me in all the ancient schools, this place will provide you with the talent and Ambitious stage! "

The corner of the mouth of the master of the Emperor Gate twitched slightly.

Did he treat himself as a furnishing? Do you dare to dig into the wall so brightly?


Yuan Gongzi worked hard to stand still, his eyes firmly said: "I have become a member of the Emperor's Gate since Yuan Feng, and will swear to follow the Lord Emperor forever and ever!"

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile, pointing at King Huli, King Antlers, the Lord of the Emperor's Gate, and the group of grumpy elders, saying, "Just this pig teammates will kill you sooner or later."

"No more, no more."

"Everyone has his own will. Since you are so loyal, this seat will not let you bear the reputation of a traitor."

"It all flickered!"

Jun Chang laughed sharply, "This seat is going to pretend!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Suddenly, Ding Lao, Gong Sun Haohai and others who stood behind quickly backed away. Unconsciously, Jing Jingxuan saw them all gone and hurried to follow.

A moment of effort.

Hundreds of feet in the area where Jun Chang laughed was empty, and the pretending stage was large and spacious.


Holding up pointers.

"Elder monarchs often laugh, please enlighten me!"


The corners of their mouths twitched.

The master of the Emperor's Gate said with interest: "The monarch ruled his men to step back. Do they have to fight less?"

"Good." Jun Chang laughed.


The master of the Emperor's Gate applauded: "It is indeed the eternal suzerain who has recently risen in the wind, and has courage!"


Raise your hand.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Mo Di Men immediately flew over.

The Emperor Wu and the Emperor Wu also hurried over from Shanmen and fan-shapedly surrounded Jun Changxiao.

As a hidden power in the shadows, naturally it does not care about playing more and playing less, not to mention, it is the other party's request, and naturally it must cooperate unconditionally.


The Lord of the Emperor Gate said lightly.

"Brush! Brush!"

Suddenly, the Emperor Gate strongmen broke out and repaired, all kinds of energy came down severely from three directions.

In this battle, even the Purple King Demon King couldn't bear it, but Jun Chang smiled not only with a light face, but also with his eyes turning around, catching any magic repair present.

"Although there are only more than a thousand people, but ..." The thumb was placed in the groove, and his eyes were sharp: "It's worth using nirvana!"


Slightly pressed into the groove.

"Ding! The fingerprint is successfully matched. The user is the elder suzerain. It meets the requirements and is loading 1% of nirvana ... 10% ... 100% ... Successfully loaded, nirvana at a glance, start!"

"Woohoo —————————”

The pointing mountain suddenly burst into a gray air wave, diffused into the sky, and then gathered two clouds, one in a vortex and the other in the middle of a vertical finger.

"what is this?"

The disciples of the Emperor Gate were shocked.

The master of the Emperor Gate was also surprised.

After feeling the breath in the sky, an ominous omen suddenly flowed from the soles of the feet to the buttocks.

The camera turns to Jun Chang and smiles, and this guy sees the pointing man standing in front of him ~ ~ With his fingers, he raises his eyes to the maximum, sweeping the Demon Gate Warriors in the field of vision one by one, trying to do not Missed!


The vortex stood up, the **** went up, and suddenly passed through.

The Emperor Gate Powerhouse was about to prepare for action, and a force from the depths of **** came straight from behind.

A glance at it is an invisible killer. It should be said that there should be no movement. After the show, someone could sing faintly-chrysanthemum residue, full of injuries, your smile has yellowed.


"Ahhhhhh ..."

"Ah ah ah ————————————”



Suddenly, as long as Jun Changxiao's former Emperor Gate Wushu had stared, no matter what the practice was, they all kneeled on the ground in pain, and completely lost their combat effectiveness.

Nothing is more tragic than the Emperor Wu and the Emperor Wu, because under the attack of invisible force, they spit in the air and fainted.


The master of the Emperor's Gate fell from the air, his legs were clamped together, and his face was blue and green.

He reached the strength of Wu Sheng's great success, although he could resist, but this attack was too slow to catch, so that the hot pain came from the buttocks, as if burned by the fire!

With more than a thousand people, Qi Qi fell to the ground with his buttocks, the picture is quite shocking!

Lao Ding and Gong Sun Haohai and others narrowed their eyes.

The suzerain didn't do anything, how could all of them be as if attacked and fatal, and the pain fell to the ground?

Qi Jingxuan couldn't settle the channel: "What is this ...?"

Also puzzled is Yuan Gongzi, because apart from the Lord of the Emperor's Gate, only he has remained standing and has not suffered a glance at the attack!

"Yuan Gongzi."

Jun Chang smiled with a sly smile, and said, "Happy cooperation."

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