The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1011: The power of stone statues, the ghosts of the cruel Tianzi battlefield!

In just one day, with the assistance of Page, Jun Chang laughed to find four Tianzi opportunities, because they are all immature treasures, so they can't provide substantial help for the time being.


As long as you bring back the stronghold of the starfall continent, the area will increase sharply.


Jun Chang smiled and grinned as he watched the starburst continental stronghold which had reached the scale of a medium-sized city.

The epic mission has reached an excessive level, and the rewards given are absolutely rich.

Han Chengzhu, Mu Changhong and others were completely stunned.

It is really difficult for them to understand what the monarch did, and once they return, the base will expand once!

the next day.

The outer space of the stronghold was distorted, and two battlefield ghosts appeared.

The upper world couldn't help relying on the treasure hunter to steal the word machine. Now it is crazy to steal the word machine, and it will definitely not be seen from the wall.


Li Qingyang said: "The ghost on the battlefield is here again. From the breath, it seems to be two levels of sky characters!"

Jun Chang rushed to hear the news, and immediately peeped out from the breath of the ghosts on the battlefield. This was definitely the level of Tianzi, so he said silently: "The punishment from the upper world is higher and higher."

The system said: "One word is easy to handle, two are not easy to handle."

"Zhutang Lord."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "You go head first."


The corner of the mouth of the prince demon twitched.

It was difficult to fight a ghost of the Tianzi battlefield in the past, but now there are two, and it will definitely be destroyed!


He said positively: "I can only hit one and leave the rest to you."

Jun Chang smiled and thought for a while, and said, "Okay."


Outside the stronghold.

The Purple King Demon King's eyes were locked on a battlefield ghost.

Jun Chang laughed out, beckoning to another battlefield ghost, and said, "Come on, baby."


Han Chengzhu and others on the suspended mountain were angry with black lines on their foreheads.

It is undeniable that the suzerain of the eternal suzerain is not simple, but sometimes it behaves completely like the suzerain of the suzerain, more like a childish child who has not grown up.

Jun Chang laughs like this.

Very cheap and crusty, not shaped all day.

of course.

He has also been a lord for several years, and his body has been brewed with the breath of the superior king. Once he provokes him and once he angers him, it will definitely erupt completely.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The ghosts of the two battlefields glowed as if awakening from sleepiness.

One of them locks the Jun often laughs, and the other locks the Purple Witch Demon King. The division of labor is very clear.



The powerful breath erupted and rushed past.


The Purple King Demon King stepped forward and greeted a ghost on the battlefield like a cannonball. The two sides fought fiercely in high altitude instantly!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Raging waves, wanton space!

After only a brief fight, Han Chengzhu and others determined that the strength of this battlefield ghost is not inferior to what appeared some time ago. If they were to fight against themselves, they would be beaten.


There was a loud noise on the other side.

The crowd turned around and saw Jun Chang laughing with mechanical wings behind him, swinging left and right to avoid the cold swords.



The ghost of the Tianzi battlefield wields a sickle-shaped weapon, waving frequently in the void, and the arc-shaped sword-mang that tears through the space relentlessly swept over.

"Boom boom!"

Relying on the mechanical wing, Jun Chang laughed and flew at a high speed in the rain of gunfire, but also felt great pressure, because the knife flying from the side was too powerful, and if he could not escape, he would be seriously injured.

In terms of strength alone, he is definitely not a Tianzi opponent, but because there is a magic vacuum cleaner, as long as he is close ...

As far as the current situation is concerned, there is no way to approach!



Several more streamers came to tear the space. After Jun Chang smiled and barely avoided, he secretly said: "It will be harder to get closer if you consume this!"

"Use the hard-to-reach knife," said the system.

Jun Chang laughed: "A goal is wasted by the use of printed symbols."

As the strongest hole card, and with only two cards printed, he was reluctant to use it as a last resort.

not to mention.

A good knife is used on the back of the knife.

If you can't turn the situation into a mowing game, just targeting one person will mean losing the meaning of pretending to be forced!

The system said silently: "How do you defeat it without a hard-to-receive sword? As far as the current situation is concerned, the host can't drag the owner of Zitang to release his hand."



Two more swords flew past!

Jun Chang laughed and flew high above the sky. With one hand, he took out the previously obtained stone statue and said, "This thing may help me."


System said: "Forget it!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The ghosts of the battlefield flew up from bottom to top, and the black sickle slashed wildly, and immediately formed a scabbard in a torn space.

Jun Chang smiled and barely avoided, grabbed the stone statue with one hand, and secretly said, "Hurry up and remember!"

He stole so many opportunities in the battlefield on the plane, and gradually found out the rules. As long as the equipment is precious, all the memory is sealed and passed to the winner.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The knife gas in several tearing spaces pressed again!

Jun Chang laughed and tried to communicate with the statues in various poses while avoiding the situation, but nothing happened.


How does this thing work!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The battlefield ghosts continued to bombard, the black sickle waved again and again, and the space was cut apart piece by piece.

Jun Chang laughed and managed to avoid it at first, but as the opponent attacked with a wide open, it seemed to be very difficult.

As for the stone statue in his hand, it was crushed quickly, there was no movement, and he wanted to vomit blood when he collapsed!

The system said: "Some treasures need blood to stimulate, the host can try!"

Jun Chang smiled barely flashed from the shadow of the sword light sword, regardless of whether it was reliable, bit his thumb directly, and struck the stone statue.

"call out!"

Blood and contact are ingested instantly.


Jun Chang smiled with great joy, and his face changed greatly in the next second, because the blood in his body was not controlled, he suddenly poured into the stone statue!


This is my life!

After taking a lot of blood, the stone statue began to flash red.

"call out!"

An unfamiliar memory suddenly flowed into Jun Chang's laughter and understanding of the sea, because it was a forced infusion and the intense pain brought on him, his face gradually sullen.

After a few seconds, the pain subsided.

Jun Chang smiled with a tightly frowning brow, and Wu Wu said, "So it is."



Suddenly, a few cold swords flew in the distance.

Jun Chang smiled and turned his hands to fix the stone statue in front of him.



The stone statue hanging in front of it flashed red light, instantly turned into thousands of brilliance, wrapped around Jun Changxiao's whole body, only looking at the exposed skin, a red line appeared, as if some ancient prohibition.

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this moment, a few cold-swording sword-mangs had blasted with the power of terror, bursting in the air, flashing dazzling glory.

"It's over!"

"The monarch is hit!"

Han Chengzhu and Mu Changhong suddenly became nervous.

Judging from the situation just now, Jun Changxiao can hardly compete with the ghosts of the battlefield, and now he is slammed into the front by the sword, it will definitely be very troublesome!


The light gradually weakened, the fighting area was clearly visible, and the two eyes widened.

The ups and downs of Wan Guzong are also dull.

The purple prince demon king fighting against the ghosts of the battlefield at a high altitude looked back and said, "I rely!"

Jun Chang smiled standing in the air, his mouth slightly raised, and an evil smile appeared.

The camera cuts far away, and he sees this guy transforming from head to toe. The appearance is very similar to that of a stone statue. It can no longer be described as a person.

"call out!"

The space oscillated and the streamers flickered.

Just as everyone was shocked, Jun Changxiao had already appeared behind the ghosts on the battlefield, and his fists like fierce beasts slammed into the past, but when he heard the sound of "嘭", he directly knocked the opponent to the ground.

This horrible speed and horror power suddenly shocked everyone present.


The ghost of the battlefield flew up again, raising the black sickle ...

and many more!

Where is the sickle, my sickle!

Its sickle has now reached the hands of Jun Changxiao, and after some observation, he murmured: "This weapon should not be weaker than the ground word in terms of level."


The corners of the mouth twitched.

When did this guy take away his weapon?


Jun Chang smiled firmly holding the sickle and shook his head: "In front of this seat, it looks like rubbish."


Under the pressure of powerful forces, the black sickle suddenly burst into shape, then blasted with a 嘭 嘭, and gradually annihilated in mid-air.

Han Chengzhu, Mu Changhong and others almost stared out!

The weapon held by the ghost on the battlefield is not weaker than the high-ranking continent's holy product in terms of breath alone. It was so easily pinched by him! This is really ... too wasteful!

The Purple King Demon frowned and said, "I am afraid that his current strength has reached the sky. Could he have performed some powerful magical power?"

He Wudi and Ye Xingchen are also thinking. The more the three of them think, the stronger the shock in their hearts!

in fact.

Jun Changxiao does not use magical powers, but instead incarnates a stone statue with extraordinary fighting power!

Therefore, the thing he got, similar to the charm of Qiankun, can give users an effect!

"call out!"

The ghost of a battlefield without weapons, both fists gathered to rush over.

However, approaching the moment of Changchun ’s laugh, the latter suddenly punched a punch in the void, as if the irritable force from the beasts of ancient times was crazy and you pressed down!



The ghosts of the battlefield crashed into the ground, scoring dozens of feet, and the marks of the extraordinary armor were dented!

The corner of the mouth of the Ziying Demon twitched: "Is this too fierce?"


Jun Chang swooped down with a smile, his arms shaped like orcs suddenly waved, boxing marks fell abruptly, the ground smashed into depressions, and rolled up the dust.

When everything is over and everything returns to normal, he hangs in the low altitude, and the fierce beastly body emerges from the world!

As for the ghost of the Tianzi battlefield, in the central area of ​​the sunken pit, the armor of the whole body was cracked, and the eyes were completely dim.

It's cold!

It's completely cold!

"call out----"

The star continent's stronghold has risen wildly, and the area is much larger!

After solving the goal, Jun Chang smiled and looked up at another battlefield ghost that was fighting the Purple King Demon King, and suddenly 咻咻 disappeared.





The corner of Ziyu Demon King twitched violently in the air.

Because the opponent was lying in the deep pit at this moment, his body armor was broken and shattered, completely losing his thinking and consciousness.

It is comparable to the ghost of the battlefield in Wusheng Grand Level. After that guy changed his appearance, he was so easily stunned, it should not be too scary!

"The lord is so strong!"

"What martial arts is this!"

Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others watched Jun Chang laughing proudly in the air, his eyes adored strongly!

The most shocking is Han Chengzhu and others.

They look at the dog left, just like watching a monster!

The stone-looking Jun Chang laughs indeed is a monster, a monster from the depths of hell!


The Purple King Demon King fell down.

He originally wanted to return to the stronghold, but just took two steps, but saw Jun Chang laugh suddenly holding his head, screaming in pain.

"Ah -----------"

His face was grim, with red lines appearing all over his body, the original clear eyes became cloudy, and gradually turned into red, giving people the feeling that they were slowly losing their senses!

The purple king demon king drew a corner of his mouth, and said, "I won't go into the magic?"

The intense pain and erosion did not last long. Jun Chang smiled gradually stopped screaming, then turned his head, locked his eyes on the owner of Zitang, grinned his teeth and said, "I have not been addicted ~ ~ com! "

Two sharp teeth protrude, and violent air permeates the whole body!

"not good!"



The Purple King Demon King blocked his hands in front of him, his body uncontrolledly retreated, and finally retreated to Baizhangyuan before reluctantly stabilizing.

In the area where he was standing, Jun Chang laughed with a fist, and his eyes were red: "Too weak."


Ziyu Demon King held back the pain caused by his arms and growled, "Are you crazy!"


Jun Changxiao appeared in front of him, making his pupils shrink suddenly.




Suddenly, violent energy erupted outside the stronghold.


Han Chengzhu and others were stunned.

They really don't understand how the monarch and the master of the family fight. From the point of view of the shot strength, it is completely merciless, and it is just the rhythm of dying to death!


After a quarter of an hour.

Jun Chang smiled on the cracked ground, the lines covering his body gradually dissipated, and the man returned to normal from the fierce beast. Then he covered his head with one hand and said, "I have a sore head ... What happened just now?"

The stone statue appeared out of thin air and fell underfoot.

When the explosive pain gradually dissipated, Jun Chang laughed and picked it up.


Suddenly, he noticed that the Purple King Demon King was in the shape of '卍', and his body was covered with scaly scars in a deep pit.



All martial arts soldiers on the suspended mountain fell together.


PS, two in one.

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