The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1015: Sister, please keep your heart

When the news was sent to Lingyuan mainland, Ke Jinnan said that it was okay.

"You all."

Jun Changxiao once again summoned Han Chengzhu and others, backhanded: "Three days later, it is very important for me to star the continent. At that time, I hope everyone will take it seriously and not be sloppy!"

It is a big question whether Huang Quandan can sham death, whether he can hide the upper bound, or whether he can watch the warriors who came to watch the war.

"Relax, Monarch!"

Mu Changhong said: "I will be fully prepared when I wait, there will never be any mistakes!"

The disciples of Wan Guzong have been busy building these two months, they have been working hard to study the performance, various methods of death have been used skillfully, waiting to show themselves on a larger stage!

The same is true of Lingyuan Continent.

In order to ensure that no mistakes occur and that no one is seen through, the drill on death can be said to be working hard.

No exaggeration.

Randomly choose a Yuan Continental warrior who is about to enter the field of Xiuluo. He will die in an impromptu performance. If he is touched, he will cover his chest and explode for several steps. He is weak and frightened and said: "The strong internal force ... hurt me "..." Without saying a word, I lay flattering.


Jun Chang laughed and commanded: "Broadcast the news and let more warriors on the plane know that our starry continent will kill the Shura field in a **** battle with the Lingyuan continent."


Li Qingyang retreated.

Mr. Ding said incomprehensibly: "Sovereign, we have to sacrifice to death, and let more people watch the war. It would be bad if we found a leak."

Jun Changxiao explained: "Only when the performance is completed under the eyes of the public can we count as a performing arts school."

The upper bound may not send someone to supervise.

But since they are playing, they have to play big ones so that they can't fault them.

The real actor, not acting in the mirror, only succeeds when he comes to the stage and truly faces the audience and receives their approval and applause.



Jun Chang laughed sitting on the main hall of the stronghold in the stronghold, looking through the actor's self-cultivation. Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the temperature dropped several degrees out of nowhere. You don't need to know that she came.


Lu Yandao: "May I not attend?"


"Because ... I won't pretend to be dead."

As a 10,000-year-old iceberg face, it is already very painful to perform at the Shifang Juemei Tower, and now it is going to be faked, which is definitely more difficult.

Jun Chang laughed and closed the book, saying: "Life is like a play, all relying on acting skills. If you don't work hard to change yourself, how to adapt to the future world."

Lu Yan: "..."

Letting everyone pretend to be dead is to adapt to the world?

"Actually, this seat also knows that you are afraid of acting badly to destroy the plan." Jun Chang stood up with a smile and turned his back to her. "Well, you can think about Zongmen now, this seat is really pleased."

Lu Yanran.

Having been with the suzerain for so many years, the first time I saw him would have such a serious and serious back.

"But ..." Jun Chang laughed again and said, "Wu Yidao is destined for a long time, and maybe there will be no difficulties or dangers waiting for us. You must learn to face everything, because the masters and sisters in Zongmen need you. Sister goes to protect. "

"change yourself."

"It's also better to go to Baihu who you care about."

If I changed to Peggy, listening to the owner's words, I would have been unable to bear tears and set up a super strong heart.

However, Lu Yan, who stood behind, said lightly, "I will protect my brothers and sisters in my own way, not to pretend to be dead."

She is not unable to let go of her identity, nor is she to let go of her character, but it is really difficult to perform.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "There are many kinds of death. There are self-denial, self-reflection, and state-for-the-people. You can choose any one of them and bring yourself into the scene. The performance will come naturally.

"Is it necessary to let the disciples go?" Lu Yan said.

"must go."

Jun Chang laughed very resolutely. He wanted to make a big disciple change.

Li Qingyang gradually reduced to an infrastructure madness, Ye Xingchen worked hard for the soldiers to condescend, and Lu Yan was the only normal core disciple of the Wanzong sect.


Please keep your heart, don't be fooled by dog ​​leftovers!


Lu Zheng compromised: "Since the suzerain is not worried about the disciples, they can only kill the Shura field."

"Come on."

Jun Chang smiled and waved, "This place teaches you acting."

"no need."

Lu Yan said: "It's getting late, and the disciples are going to rest."

Watching the big disciple leave, Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "It is really difficult to change the character of this woman."

Systemically said: "Qing Yang and sinners are both taken by the host. If the big disciples are also captured, the Wanzong will be normal."


"Big news! After three days, the starfall continent and Lingyuan continent will be killed in the killing Shura field!"

"How did Lingyuan mainland offend the monarch so often that he would be declared war?"

"This plane does not seem to be a five or six echelon. How dare you dare to fight easily?"

"I heard that Jun Chang smiled and took people to the Lingyuan mainland stronghold, and scolded for three days and nights outside. The owner of the Baiye Valley couldn't help but agreed!"

"Too much, too bullying!"

"Ah, the poor Lingyuan continent, I am afraid that it will be blood-torn by the starfall continent."

The news of the star wars continent and Lingyuan continent news spread on the battlefield, and all the warriors are optimistic about the former and the latter.

"City Lord."

At the Jiutian mainland stronghold, an elder said, "What do you think of this?"

Mo Shangsheng was puzzled and said, "Ke Jinnan's brain in Xingyuan Continent is also normal. How could he agree to be frustrated?"


Raising his head, he looked dignifiedly, "The upper world is under pressure, and you must enter the Shura field to fight with the star continent!"

The elder Wu Wu realized: "The main meaning of the city is that according to the rules, the starfall continent must enter the field of killing Shura, and the other planes dare not fight, and can only force the Xingyuan continent to fight?"


Mo Shangsheng vowed to swear.

In this era where the villain has no brains and the passers-by show is surprised, it is difficult to have a supporting role that IQ can play. As a result, under the interference of the dogs not playing cards as usual, they have embarked on a no return path that is absolutely wrong as long as they reason. ~ This star continent is not easy. "Said the elder rather resentful.


Mo Shangsheng enviously said, "Someone in the upper world is just fine."

"Three days later, shall we watch the battle?"

"Don't go!"

Mo Shangsheng said diligently: "Last time, when the ghosts of the battlefield came to war, the major planes could not be beaten, but many spirits were stabbed. This time, if they return to the moth, they will definitely have to break their fortunes!"

"Still thoughtful by the owner!"

Nine days, the mainland did not go to watch the liveliness, the other planes were better, the scars forgot the pain, and they decided to watch the battle three days later.

Of course, I was also worried about being blackmailed by Jun Chang, and decided to wait until they all entered. Please Baidu "Throw Book Network" Thank you for your support!

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