The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1020: breakthrough

The original bustling main peak became cold with the departure of Han Chengzhu and others.

Jun Chang, who was sitting in front of the hall, laughed, and his spiritual thoughts covered his hard-working large-scale city-level stronghold, then stretched his arms and said, "It's finally over."

The starfall continent was completed by the mission selected by the upper bound.

Two epic missions were also completed.

The significance of the battlefield of the plane to Jun Changxiao is nothing more than the follow-up arrangement of disciples to experience growth.

"It's time to put all your thoughts into the development of Zongmen."


"And Donghai Yuzhou."

It was confirmed by Li Luoqiu that the letter of help came from Master Fan.

Tianda plan.

Concerned about the survival of the starfall continent?

Jun Chang laughed and opened his brain, saying, "Is it related to the soul clan?"

For the time being, it is only this possibility that can affect the survival of the mainland.

"I have an ancient warship, and it should be easy to reach." Jun Chang smiled. "Wait here for a while, take a moment to look over."

Now that it has inherited the various constitutions left by the older generation, such as Zhendi, it is worthwhile to do something for the starfall continent.



The wind howled, the lightning flashed and thundered.

A sailboat wandered in the sea like a lone leaf, as if swallowed by a big wave at any time.

The old man at the helm said calmly, "This is a windstorm area. The old man has been here hundreds of times. The two don't need to worry."

Yuan Gongzi and Lao Lao were sitting in the bumpy cabin.

Although the two were posing calmly, they secretly prayed, hoping to reach the East China Sea Yuzhou safely.

"As long as you can laugh away from Jun Chang, there is no harm in life even if you die!" Yuan Gongzi secretly said.


"Ding! The host declares war on the Lingyuan continent within the prescribed time, leads the crowd to win the final victory, meets the defined conditions, the epic mission is completed, the completion degree is 100%, and the host receives 20,000 points of contribution!"

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 90,000 \\ / 70000."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution value overflow ..."

Jun Chang, who had just entered the hall, laughed and shook his head after hearing the prompt: "Sure enough, the casualties were too heavy, only 100% completed."

Rub your hands and sit on the chair.

Put on a very irritating attitude to welcome, two epic missions will be rewarded for completing!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the epic mission nine, obtaining the Holy Goods Qualification Transformation Solution × 5, Holy Goods Kendo Qualification Solution × 1, Needy Dragon Tooth Blade Recipe × 1, Needy Dragon Tooth Bow Recipe × 1, Needy Dragon Tooth Spear Recipe × 1, newly printed symbol × 1. "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the epic mission ten, obtaining the Holy Product Qualification Transformation Solution × 2, Holy Product Kendo Qualification Solution × 1, Qi Xuan Xia Guang Broken Remnants, and Three Purchase Rights × 1.

Jun Chang laughed with joy.

The two epic mission settlement rewards actually gave 7 bottles of Holy Qualification Transformation Solution and two bottles of Kendo Qualification Solution.

The three weapon formulas named Dragon's Tooth, since they have reached the highest level, they must also be stronger than the high-quality true condoms!

There are also seven Xuanxiaguang broken residual volume three! Zongmen currently has two books, and then sells the third one. After successful cultivation, the power is bound to be stronger!

Not to mention the opening amulet.

As the strongest hole card at present, one more is equal to one more chance of mad mowing!



Jun Chang smiled brightly.


At this moment, the psionic energy in the nucleus suddenly contracted sharply, and then shifted to a more pure side.

Jun Chang sat down with a smile and said, "It's time to break through the sword and martial arts."

Every time the epic mission is completed, he will break through to a higher level, so he is accustomed to it, although there is a little excitement, but he does not jump up.



Within the nucleus, the psionic energy representing martial arts began to evolve, first expanding and then rapidly contracting, turning into more substantial and pure energy.


The energy conversion is complete.

Jun Chang laughed and felt his power ... The improvement didn't seem too obvious, so he wondered: "What's the situation?"

"Ding! It was detected that the host Kendo repair did not meet the requirements, and the realm would not be able to ascend."


Jun Chang smiled and didn't panic. He took the holy kendo qualification liquid from the space ring and drank it. The taste was similar to that of Qingdao Draft Beer.


After the level of Kendo increased, the attributes of Kendo in the spiritual core began to change. After reaching the apex, the two breaths of Jianwu broke out instantly, turning into a ripple.


The night star, who had just returned to his residence, felt the momentum emerging from the main peak, and was surprised: "He ... will he break through again?"

"Zong's major breakthrough!"

Lao Ding and others also noticed the promotion trend, with surprise and surprise in their eyes.

Lu Ying stood outside the courtyard, watching the ripples from the main hall, and secretly said, "Was he originally given Wu Shengxiu?"

Over the past few years, Jun Chang laughed so often that she made breakthroughs too fast. It was so fast that she always wondered whether she had deliberately suppressed the state, and then released it at a fixed time, creating the illusion of 'I broke through again'.


The two energies of Jianwu began to be restrained only after the stronghold lasted for half an hour.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through Wu Sheng."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through the sword master."

When everything calmed down, the camera turned to the hall, only to find that Jun Chang laughed out of thin air.


Suddenly, a sigh came from the roof.

Jun Chang smiled crouched on the roof of the house, his hands resting on his thighs, his fingers clasped together, like a master who experienced countless wind and frost, looking at the camera and said melancholy, "Please call me Jian Wu Shuang Sheng, thank you."


It ’s just that the Holy Order is so successful. If it breaks through the Imperial Order, would n’t it go to heaven?


The space was rippling, and Jun Changxiao disappeared again.

When the camera turned around, he found that this guy had already appeared outside the stronghold, and his eyes were hot: "After the breakthrough, the understanding of the power of space is stronger, and the instant movement is effortless!"

The semi-sacred level only has a preliminary understanding of space, while the martial saint level is truly skilled in using space, and can move hundreds of miles or even further with one thought.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Jun Chang laughed and played around frequently.

At first from the first few tens of miles, slowly extended to hundreds of miles, until the end ... tired tired on the main hall stairs.



The dog left lying on the stairs, breathing heavily: "Too tired!"


The system said: "It must be tiring to play this way ~ ~ After all, the power of space is limited and it cannot be consumed crazy.

"How strong am I now?" Jun Changxiao began to think.

The system estimates: "With the host's current strength of a martial art, shouldn't it matter if you play second or third?"

"Only two or three grades?" Jun Chang smiled dissatisfied.

Systemically said: "The level of martial arts martial arts may be only a few hundred or thousands of kilograms between grades, but at this stage of martial arts, the difference between grades is thousands of miles."

"of course."

"I also estimate that the real strength must be determined through actual combat."

It does not dare to say too much, lest the host can really defeat the four or five martial arts saints, is not tantamount to hitting his own face again? Please Baidu "Throw Book Network" Thank you for your support!

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