The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1037: Departure, Dongzhou Yuzhou!

The tonggu warship obtained from the battlefield of the plane, Jun Changxiao has not used it in the starfall continent, so if you go to the East China Sea Yuzhou, you will definitely use it.

This ship uses a high-level spirit stone as the driving device. The speed will be very fast, and it is also a sky-shaped layer, and its defense is extremely strong. Even if the sea is dangerous, it should be able to survive it easily.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "Let's go tomorrow."

This urgency is also because Master Fan has repeatedly thrown in drifting bottles and repeatedly affirmed the existence of the mainland. Therefore, he must rush over as soon as possible to investigate the matter clearly.

Dogs are so active, it's not because they are trying to save people.

The main concern is that there may be souls in Yuzhou, a distant East China Sea.

If the body is attached to other people like the body-wearing law, and it continues to grow by the force of devour, it is definitely a disaster.

The system praised "the host can think this way, it is a blessing to the stars."

"not to mention."

Jun Chang smiled with his chin in his arms and said, "Overseas states may have more resources. If you find a few unearthed spirit stone veins, you won't have to stop here."


The system was silent.

In the end, is this goods going to rescue suffering or to harm others!


Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiren came in and said, "The disciples are willing to accompany to the East China Sea Yuzhou!"


Jun Chang laughed and agreed.

The East China Sea Yuzhou and the nine major states are separated for ten thousand years, and there is little exchange on weekdays. A unique culture should be formed, and disciples can also gain insights in the past.


Ye Xingchen walked in from outside and said "I will go too!"

"Get ready."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Let's leave for lunch tomorrow."

"Master ..." Peggy stood outside the hall, weakly saying "Can I follow you?"

"no problem."

"Thank you, master!"

Seeing Page, Jun Chang smiled and thought of the intermediate thick soil technique for completing the task reward, so he murmured, "It should be able to learn."


Open the Spirit Beast Pavilion, and point to the middle-level rear earth art that has been automatically matched for a long time.

Beast skill intermediate thick soil technique.

The role allows the contract beast to understand the junior and intermediate thick soil skills.

Condition: Soil-type beast 1/1, 20/10 crystal nuclei in the soil series, soil series ...

"Sure enough, it applies to Page!"

It's just that there are still ten core nuggets of Gao Jipin Spirit Beast, so it can't be built for it.

"Donghai Yuzhou should have a high-level spirit beast crystal nucleus." Jun Chang murmured with a smile.


The next day.

Liu Wanshi and others prepared meals on the road until they had eaten them all and gathered at the main peak performance martial arts field.


Jun Chang laughed with a loud chant, and the ancient warship in the palm of his hand quickly flew out, and then hung in mid-cavity into a sailboat of dozens of feet.


Liu Wanshi and Yao Mengying opened their mouths.

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others have seen each other on the battlefield, so they are not too surprised.


Jun Chang laughed with a ringing finger and said, "Get on board."


Ye Xingchen flew away first, then stood on the deck.

He clasped his hands together and leaned in front of the handrail. At this time, if his hair was dyed green, he would be equipped with three knifes.

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and He Wudi all flew up one after another.

In the East China Sea fishery before this departure, only their four core disciples were escorted, and the others stayed behind.

As for the Covenant Beast, Xiaolonglong and Little Demon also chose to stay in the Zongmen, only Pecs followed, which made him excited, because he rarely went out with his master.

The Purple King Demon King originally planned to follow the past, but going to the East China Sea Yuzhou was not a battlefield, he could come back anytime and anywhere, so Jun Chang laughed and let him stay responsible for protecting the ancestral gate.

"Girl, are you ready for fried rice?"


Liu Wanshi threw a space ring and laughed, "There are thousands of fried rice in it, enough for the suzerain and the elders to eat for a long time."


Jun Chang smiled and jumped on the Tonggu battleship, then checked the water source again, and waved to the disciples below, saying "This time it may take some time for this seat to go to the East China Sea Fisheries, so we must work hard to cultivate."


The disciples shouted in unison.

"It's a bit fast, you're sitting still."

Jun Chang laughed and told four disciples, then walked into the cockpit, spiritually integrated into the driving formation, only to see that the ancient warship flashed suddenly.

"Master Ye, it is dangerous for you to lean in front of the handrail like this," shouted Li Qingyang.


Ye Xingchen snorted coldly, and continued to hold hands in front of the handrail.

Although the ship can fly, how fast can it fly.

"call out--------"

At this moment, the driving array in the cockpit flashed light, and the six-pointed star stone placed around it suddenly burst out of energy, instantly driving the Tonggu battleship to speed toward the southeast.


"So fast?"

The disciples on the Yanwu field stared at each other.

The ancient battlefield, which was originally suspended above, has disappeared at this moment, appearing dozens of miles away from Iron Bone Mountain!


"Woohoo ——————"

The gale screamed and blew up the black hair.

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and He Wudi, who had been on the deck, had stabilized themselves long ago, but the ship was too fast, and now they were inclined.

Tragedy Mo overnight Aniu!

He had disappeared to his original position, clutching the stern rope with both hands, flying like a kite, and whispering, "Stop the ship, stop the ship!"


From Yangzhou in the southwest to Shizhou in the southeast, if the power of the imperial-level flight is fully opened, it will take about two hours. Jun Chang, who is riding an ancient battleship, laughs, but after ten minutes, he has approached the coast infinitely.


Li Qingyang walked into the cockpit, saying "the crisis in the sea going to Yuzhou is perilous. We are not familiar with the road, and I'm afraid it's easy to get lost."

He has been reading books since childhood, and he has a little understanding of Donghai.

"So too."

Jun Chang smiled and slowed down the ship, holding his chin and saying, "You have to find an experienced sailor."


On the outside deck, Lord Yedi fell embarrassedly, and his black hair covered with Rejoice was now standing upright, and growled in his heart, "He must be intentional!"

"The city closest to the coast is called Bohai City. We can go in to find experienced boatmen and let them lead the way to the East China Sea Yuzhou." Li Qingyang Road.

"Okay, just go to Bohai City."

Jun Changxiao adopted the second disciple's sword and drove the Tonggu warship to Bohai City.


Bohai City.

A middle-sized city in the southeast of Shishu, which is closest to the East China Sea, because of the sea, many fishermen and boatmen.

this day.

There are no clouds and sunny weather.

Many ordinary people were busy with their own, suddenly felt the sky was dark, and they looked up one after another, and saw a sailing boat with an ancient atmosphere appeared in the field of vision.


"Flying ship ?!"

Everyone stared.

Many veteran boatmen are dumbfounded.

For the first time in a lifetime, they saw a ship flying in the sky!

"You all."

Standing in front of the bow of the ship, Jun Chang laughed and said, "This seat is going to the East China Sea Yuzhou, and we are recruiting boatmen with rich sailing experience."

Li Qingyang "..."

At first, he thought about entering in a low-key manner, and inquiring about maritime talents. As a result, the suzerain drove the ancient ancient warship directly over the city, and recruited with great momentum.

Master Fan has always emphasized 100,000 urgency, so Jun Chang laughs no matter how simple it is.

"Jun often laughs!"

"Elder Suzerain!"

"Oh my God, why did he come to Bohai City and still take a flying warship ?!"

Jun Chang, who appeared in the high-key of the ancient battleship driving over the city, immediately caused a huge sensation.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

At this moment, a lame old man came out with a cane, his eyes flickered differently from ordinary people's luster, and said, "Old man has been to Donghai Yuzhou, and he is willing to show you the way!"

Jun Chang smiled and looked down, and after confirming with his eyes, released the vast psionic energy and pulled him to the battleship.

"Just you."


Li Qingyang's eyelids suddenly turned up.

The East China Sea Yuzhou is remote and dangerous, and the suzerain is too hasty in choosing experienced boatmen.

"Thank you Sovereign King!" The lame old man arched his hands, his eyes flashing with a trace of inexplicable pain.

Jun Chang smiled and said, "This is an old man with a story."


The system uttered "I can tell that everyone in the world who has a story will be met by the host!"


"Let's go!"

On the bow ~ ~ Jun Chang smiled and pointed at the boundless sea, and said, "Donghai Yuzhou!"

Ye Xingchen heard that and hurried to the mast.

Aniu, you counseled!

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji also took protective measures.

"call out--------"

The driving device was fully opened, the ancient warship disappeared in the eyes of the martial arts in the city, and then appeared over the vast ocean.

"This speed ..."

The lame old man in the cab narrowed his eyes and exclaimed, "It's too scary!"


ps, 5th more, 2 more, 11 less.


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