The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1055: This battle can end

The sky was full of flames, burning wildly.

The fiery force tore the space and collapsed on a large scale.

It's over, it's over!

This guy who made himself feel weak and hopeless was finally cleaned up by the stronger!

Yuan Gongzi wanted to laugh out loud, but things that were originally very happy became frustrated and sad with the sudden change of mood.

Jun Changxiao is an extremely powerful enemy. If he fails to overcome it, he will have regrets throughout his life.


Yuan Gongzi shook his head and said, "Why do you come to the East China Sea Yuzhou, why not on the mainland!"

Are he and Jun Changxiao the enemy?

As the deputy gatekeeper of the Emperor's Gate, it is definitely not worn together.

Without this identity, there seems to be no grudge between the two.

Even on the way to Dongzhou Yuzhou, he was rescued by that guy and owed him a kindness.

Eun did not return, people are cold.

"Old, uncomfortable!"

Yuan Gongzi covered his chest, his smile was replaced by pain.

"My son!" Lao Lao stared at his eyes and said in horror: "Hurry up ... look!"

The uncomfortable Yuan Gongzi looked up and saw the distant sky, the flames rolling wildly, and then gradually contracted.

Emperor Zhenwei, whose back was facing the flame, smiled suddenly on his face.

The hot flame was his supreme fire, but now it is controlled by some kind of force and does not listen to the forced gathering of his call!



The hot flames approached madly, gradually forming a sphere.

Jun Changxiao appeared in the field of vision. He held the sword in one hand and raised it high in the other, spinning with two fingers.

"Woohoo ——————"

Gradually, the fierce flame condensed from the Supreme Fire, condensed a huge fireball under the powerful force and control, and above the two fingers, like a globe that is constantly rotated!


Yuan Gongzi said, "What's the situation!"

Jun Chang held up the fireball with a smile, and said, "If you didn't use the fire system martial arts, I almost forgot that you still have the body of the Holy Flame and the five elements."

Holy flame body?

The Five Elements?

Emperor Zhenwei was shocked.

The strongest body of flame in the star-studded continent, as well as the ancient constitution full of fire, have heard of it even in the isolated East China Sea Yuzhou!

Hearing the body of Sheng Yan, Yuan Gongzi remembered immediately that the information collected had mentioned that the ancestral suzerain played the fire thief strong!

But ... the body of the Five Elements heard it for the first time!


Doesn't the body of the Five Elements come from the ancient Five Elements Wudi?

In the battle of the emperors, the Five Elements Emperor Wu died and his constitution disappeared. Why would someone inherit this constitution after ten thousand years?

"Muffy ..." Yuan Gongzi suddenly remembered that Jun often laughed and led his disciples to break through the ten-party desperate tower in a live-mapping method, and was shocked: "Inheritance from the tower?"


The fireball formed by the Supreme Fire was still spinning in the sky.

Jun Chang smiled lightly, and said, "Playing with fire in front of this seat, you really can't help it!"

"call out--------"

With a flick of your finger, under the super control, the supreme fire that contained the violent force, slammed in the direction of the original owner instantly, it was totally a posture of six relatives who did not recognize it!

This flame is also the top on the continent, but it is definitely a younger brother than the often smiling laughter who controls the blue flames of the spiritual spirit, the flame of the purple mysterious flames, and the red star.

The unreliable and supreme fire is like a little pitiful besieged in the corner by a group of strong men, and can only tremble and compromise, so that the east will not dare to go west!


Hot flames come over!

Emperor Zhenwei has a wonderful expression on his face!

His own flame came to bombard himself. No matter how he mobilized during this time, the other side ignored the situation. There is no more tragedy in the world!

After all, Emperor Zhenwei is a character, how can he sit still!

He suddenly lifted the sword of dragon power, and the blade shrouded the flame instantly, and then ... seeing the hot fire just erupted, he flew out on his own instantly, and quickly integrated into the incoming fireball, adding strength to it out of thin air!

Jun often smiles and shakes his head.

He released the body of the Holy Fire and the five elements, and formed an absolute fire domain in this space. He even dared to summon fire attributes!

"Woohoo ——————"


Suddenly, violent bursts came from the air again, and the original broken space was affected again, and then the scale of the collapse extended a lot!

"call out!"

The Emperor Zhenwei flew from the flames of the sky, and crashed on the ground. There were many traces of flame steaming on the golden armor!


He inserted the dragon power sword into the ground, and opened his mouth to spit out blood.

The crown worn on the head also fell down, his black hair was scattered and his cold face was pale.

The incoming flame not only contained the Supreme Lie fire, but also the blessings of three gods, as well as the five elements. The blasting force produced was very strong, making him inevitably injured!

When fighting against the sword, he suddenly killed Jun Changxiao and suddenly broke out the fire system by almost sneak attack. The result was that stealing chickens would not eclipse the rice!


Emperor Zhenwei's eyes flickered with anger.

Since the practice of martial arts, there have been countless fierce battles, and they have never fallen behind!

"Look clearly!"

At this moment, Jun Chang, who was hanging in the air, raised his sword with a smile, and said coldly, "This is called playing with fire!"


Suddenly, the three spirit flames, such as the blue flame of the spirit, the flame of the purple mystery, and the flame of the red star, and the flames of more than ten types of flames erupted.

"Kakaka ——————"

At the same time, the right hand of the sword is ironized instantly, and powerful physical power is poured into the sword!

"call out!"

The space trembled lightly, and Jun Chang laughed out of thin air!

The angry Zhenwei Emperor looked horrified, raised his sword without any consideration, and then swung in front of himself!


Just then, the space was shaking slightly!

Jun Changxiao appeared from the inside. In his hand, Yulong asked Tianjian to flash colorful lights, and cut it down severely with the power of shaking the world.

At that moment, the picture seemed to be still!

At that moment, the sword power, fire power, and force power were slowly rippling in the war zone in three different forms, and then waited for the slow motion to dissolve, spreading in all directions with the trend of Cui Gula's decay!



"Bang bang bang bang ——————"

Where the three kinds of energy ripples pass, the space is fragmented, and stones and plants are annihilating nothingness.


Uncle Bo was so horrified that he hurried Yuan Gongzi to fly farther away.

The expression on Xiao Guiji's face was also dignified, and he quickly threw Yun Mengxia out of the air, hanging over the city, and instantly filled with a golden defense cover!


One earth wall protruded from the ground and flew to the city wall in a line!

A defense has just been formed here, and the three kinds of energy-forming Yu Wei have swept madly and collided violently with it.


Xiao's foot on the ground has been sunken a few inches!


He drank angrily, his muscles swelled.


Yun Mengxia's hidden light flickered, and the earth wall burst into a heavy momentum!

This elder disciple from Southwest Yangzhou is defending Zhenwei City with nothing to do with his absolute defense, protecting the people who have no blood of himself!


At this moment, the deafening bellowing sound of the belligerent area!



A more violent energy, Yu Wei, came over like a torrential beast!

Xiao Sin saw his face, his face suddenly changed!

The Yu Wei produced when the suzerain shot was already very horrible. Now to go against the second wave, this is probably the only nirvana that inspired Yun Mengxia Yin!


Suddenly, a pattern of five elements and gossips appeared in front of me, transferring all the energy and power to other areas!

"Master Ye!" Xiao Xiji had a joy on his face.

Ye Xingchen appeared in the camera with a side face killer, and said lightly, "I just worry about Yu Wei, it will only affect myself."

Li Qingyang shook his head and smiled.

Ye Shidi is obviously helping, and he has to deny that this is really--



With the help of Aniu's fighting and turning to the past, Yu Wei was already able to bear it, which made Xiao Xin's resistance a lot easier.

of course.

The four of them are more concerned about the fighting situation!

So after defusing Yuwei for a while and protecting the city of Zhenwei, he hurriedly looked at the area where the noise just came.

Three powerful energies have weakened.

Jun Chang smiled proudly and stood ten feet away behind Emperor Zhenwei. Yulong asked the sword's tip to stick to the ground, converging all invincibility!


A crackling sound came.

I saw Emperor Zhenwei's Dragon Power Sword in front of him suddenly breaking two sections.

Li Qingyang and others shook their heads helplessly.

Even if the level of this weapon is extremely high, as long as it is engraved with the word "Fan", as long as it appears in front of the suzerain, it will never escape its destiny.



The golden armor of Zhenwei Emperor also showed a skewed sword mark, and then fell off quickly.

Sword marks appeared on the body, and blood spewed out.

The ambitious emperor is still standing in place, still holding two broken weapons, representing the absolute kingship, and his expression on the face has long been dull.

It took a lot of thought, with Master Fan as the mainstay, and many casting masters to supplement it. The refined Dragon Power Sword and Dragon Power Armor were so easily broken by that guy!

"This battle."

"It's over."

Suddenly, Jun Chang laughed behind him.

The Emperor Zhenwei returned from his sluggishness, and suddenly felt a strange rise in his ass.

"not good!"

His face changed so much that he had to choose to avoid it, but a force suddenly and ruthlessly rushed over and blasted directly into an undescribable place!

The chrysanthemum is stumped, hurt all over the ground, your smile ...


The Emperor Zhenwei screamed loudly, and the whole man stood up, and then flew out of the distance, and the wolf fell on the ground.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Gui had their coolness in the ass.


Jun Chang smiled and waved, pointing at Jiangshan in front of him.

Facing the camera with his side face, he proudly said, "You can't do more than Kendo, you can't do it than fire. What qualifications do you have to call yourself Emperor?"


Give people a fatal blow by insignificant means, and finally put on a grandiose posture, which is much shameless!


The old man who hid in the distance was released madly. He captured the laughter and stunned the Emperor Zhenwei with a strange weapon, making it fall to the ground, and it was difficult to settle the channel: "It is over, it is over! It's up! "


Yuan Gongzi froze.

Just now, all kinds of emotions are brewing in place, and the ending suddenly reverses, which is simply a waste of expression!

Strange to say.

Emperor Zhenwei defeated Jun Changxiao. Although Yuan Gongzi was happy, he was a little sad. Now, he often laughed and defeated Emperor Zhenwei, although depressed, he was also a little happy.


What the **** is my mentality!

"No more, no more."

Yuan Gongzi shook his head and said, "After all, I owe him a kindness. Now that he is still alive, he will have a chance to return."

"Old man."

He turned around and said, "Let's go."

Originally, he wanted to rely on Emperor Zhenwei to establish a feat of lifelessness, but the former was defeated by Jun Changxiao. I am afraid he will be blackmailed and tortured. He is destined to become a climate and can only change his house.

"My son."

蔺 Old Road: "Where to go?"

Yuan Gongzi thought about it and said, "The other three empires need me!"

"No way," he looked southwest, adding: "You can also go to Xihai Lingzhou and Nanhaiduzhou."


蔺 Old bitter and bitter: "The world is so big that there is no room for me and my son!"


Zhenwei outside the city.

Space is slowly recovering from the cracked state, and it may take some time to reach the state it once was.

The Emperor Zhenwei was lying on the ground, his face unusually sullen.

Jun Changxiao did not use the nirvana that pointed the rivers and mountains, but because he was severed from the weapon and equipment he was severed before, he was then stung again.


The Emperor was defeated!

The heart of Emperor Zhenwei is bleeding!

As a generation of kings and swordsmen who control and control the empire, they are only allowed to succeed. It does n’t matter if they succeed, but it is difficult to accept failure!

What's more, ~ is still a complete defeat in the sword and martial arts, fire attributes and even equipment!


Jun Chang walked with a smile, pointing Jiang Shan's **** lightly on his head, and said lightly, "Now can you hand over Master Fan?"

"Jun always laughs!"

There was a big drink from the direction of the city: "The person you are looking for is here!"

Jun Chang smiled and turned his head, and saw an old wizard-like man on top of the tower, and an old man with disheveled hair.

The master shouted, "As long as you put the emperor on, you can take away Fan Yezi!"

His ominous sign was fulfilled. For the purpose of today, only a hostage can be used to understand the situation. As for whether he can succeed, he has no idea in his heart, but he can only gamble!

"This is the one who came to save me?"

Master Fan, who officially made his appearance, quickly tidy up his dress, then opened his messy hair, and shouted out loudly, "Strong man, I am Fan Yezi, come and save me!"


Suddenly, the expression on the face suddenly freezes!

In the vague field of vision, it was seen that Emperor Zhenwei was lying on the ground, as if he had been hit hard. As for Dragon Power Sword and Dragon Power A ...


"The weapon and equipment cast by the old man was broken!"


Master Fan did not hold back, spurting blood on the spot!

At this time, if Yuan Gongzi didn't leave, he would definitely understand the other party's mood and even cry with headache.

"Broken ... broken ..."


Master Fan spit another blood and suffered tons of injuries inside.

Although Dragon Power Sword and Dragon Power Armor were made under the condition of coercion, they also gathered his years of hard work!

Even after forming, he eloquently spoke to his casting counterparts: "This sword and armor are the strongest cast by Fan in his life. One is indestructible and the other is indestructible. It is a magic weapon!"


PS, 4000+ words (two in one)

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