The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1066: Special Talent, Lankang

Just jumping out of the black iron pit of Modimen, Yuan Gongzi stepped into the bronze quagmire of Jun Changxiao again.


He didn't know that he was still physically loyal to his duties.

Of course.

Yuan Gongzi's role is not only in accounting and picking.

After becoming more and more integrated into the life of the ancient Zongzong, he made a lot of good suggestions to improve the deficiencies of the Zongmen.

Especially in the management of the Zongmen industry, it took a few sleepless nights, re-arranged, and wrote a reform plan with a length of tens of thousands of words. Jun Changxiao who saw it almost fell asleep.

"Master, how is it?" Yuan Gongzi asked.

Jun Chang laughed forcibly and said, "Very good, just go as you plan."

These things, he really is not good.

But suspects don't need to use people, so they still delegate power to Yuan Gongzi to let go. They only need to look at the monthly results.

With the support of the suzerain, the Futang master began planning and put into action one after another, because it involved a trade secret of the suzerain, so no detailed description will be given.

Besides Fan Tangzhu.

During this time, Li Qingyang and other soldiers have been infused into the soul. Although it is still difficult, but with experience, they have become more and more comfortable.

As Jun often laughs.

Fan Yezi lacks the equipment of skill level to practice his hand. Once he has certainty, he can slowly get familiar with it.


Lie on a study chair with your feet on the table.

Jun Chang smiled and said with a smile: "The Founder's Church has the owner, and the Deputy Sovereign also has the right candidate. It's not good ... a few protective methods that can be played."

The four major guardians, Mangfu and Ghost, who surrendered from the gate of the Emperor Emperor, are only emperor level after all, they can only temporarily serve as fighters, and cannot provide help on top combat power.


Jun Chang smiled and patted his head and said, "Go to the East China Sea Yuzhou and say that I need to help Pecs find the spiritual core of the soil system, I forgot it."

System said: "Poor little guy, there is no sense of presence in the host."


Jun Chang stood up with a smile and said, "You have to look for it."

This search is not to go to the wild, but to the Spirit Beast Hall, calling King Baiqiu, King Huli, and King Antlers, and ordering the crystal nucleus of the earth system as soon as possible.


Things ordered, Jun Chang laughed and walked into the hall.

Not long after I sat down, Ye Xingchen came up and said, "Sect, when will I have a magic soldier?"

"No rush, no rush."

Jun Chang laughed: "As long as you work hard for Zongmen and fellow gatekeepers, this seat will give you exclusive soldiers sooner or later."

During this time, the Lord Yedi performed very well. The value of Lingyan Pavilion ’s meritorious value has skyrocketed, and now it has reached 96 points, which is infinitely close to the full value of the first stage.

"It's better to give the disciple the magic soldier that the lord obtained from Zhenwei the Great."

A cow.

you've changed!

For equipment, come and ask for dog left!

"You want to be beautiful."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "This **** soldier should still use it for his own use."

Pointing Jiangshan is completely an entertaining soldier. He needs a serious weapon to enrich himself. The Emperor Zhenwei's spear is undoubtedly very suitable.

Ye Xingchen said nothing and turned away.


Jun Chang laughed: "If you want to get exclusive soldiers faster, you can continue to challenge the elite list."


Since the last time he went out to play the rankings, Ye Xingchen has only entered more than forty place names, but later found that there was really no difficulty and he dispelled his thoughts.

Now that the Sovereign has given his instructions, he will leave Wanguzong the next morning and continue to fight for the list.

"Master Ye."

As soon as he came down the mountain, Xiao Gui chased after him and laughed, "I'll go with you."


It wasn't long before the two walked away. Ning Du wakes up and walks into the main hall, arching hands: "Zongzhu, there is a middle-aged man outside, saying that he wants to join the Vanguard Sect."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Let's wait for the assessment day."

Since Zongmen has set the rules, he opens the mountain to recruit at the beginning of each month, and breaks the ring at will, does it not become a vegetable market?


Ning Du wakes up, "This may be a special talent."

"Special talent?"

Jun Chang smiled and thought for a while, and said, "Please come in now, and see how special he is."

Ning Du wake up and hurried back.

For a moment, a good-looking middle-aged man in a cardigan strode forward, arching and saying, "I am a blue man, I have seen the monarch."

Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

When this person came in, he carried an extremely strong wine aroma.

Is this an application after drinking? Sure enough, the opening was a bit special.

Jun Chang laughed: "Drinking?"


Lan Kang laughed: "I am a winemaker, so my body is full of wine."


Jun Chang smiled and said, "This profession is a bit interesting."

Lan Kang held his fist and said, "I don't know if you have a winemaker in Guizong, so he came to recommend it and asked the monarch to accept it!"

There is no winemaker in Wan Guzong. Most of the drinks in Zongmen gathering are purchased in Qingyang Town.

Jun Chang laughed with interest and said, "There are different levels of wine. What is the difference between the wine you make?"

In fact, for the first time, I heard that the winemaker refused, because you ca n’t say to join, I will let you join immediately. The first thing I want to try is because I do n’t want to let other people come in.

Lan Kang waved his hand to take out a bottle of wine from the space ring, and said, "This is a wine made by a contemptible man. The monarch can taste a small bite."


Hitting the mud seal with one hand, the scent of wine filled the hall instantly, then headed for Yanwuchang.

"smell good!"

"What wine is this!"

Disciples who are practicing Zongmen, smelling the heart-pleasing wine, their eyes light up.

Disciples who do n’t drink, they also want to try after they smell it!


Jun Chang laughed and stepped on the seat with one foot, leaned out with his right hand, sucked the Kaifeng wine jar, and then took a big sip.

Miao Saifeng, who had just passed by the main hall, saw this and secretly said, "Isn't the master afraid of poison in the wine?"

After entering the wine ~ ~ Lips and teeth are fragrant!

Jun Chang smiled and put down the altar, carefully tasted, and praised: "Good wine!"

Lan Kang hurriedly said: "Sovereign monarch, this wine made by the scum is drunk and dreamy, and those who have a good amount of alcohol must also take care of it. If you drink a large sip like this, please hurry up with spiritual energy ..."


After finishing talking, Jun Chang laughed and planted it directly from the chair, and people were drunk and unconscious.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

As soon as his side fell down, Lu Yan, Li Qingyang, and others appeared in the hall instantly. The weapons in his hands were staggered on Lan Kang's neck. A ‘Xiaoxiao generation, return my lord ’s order’ posture!

"You all!"

Lan Kang raised his hand and collapsed: "The monarch is just drinking too much and he will wake up after a sleep!"


After sleeping for a few hours, Jun Chang smiled, opened his eyes, covered his head, and said suddenly, "What's the situation?"

His memory lingered on himself with a sip of wine, and then it was completely broken.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Lan Kang raised his hand and said silently: "The disciples of Guizong have stunned people for a few hours, and their legs and hands are numb!"


Jun Chang smiled quickly to let the disciples back down, and exclaimed: "The wine made by your Excellency is really good. Those who can be regarded as drinkers in this seat can't carry a sip."

Lan Kang laughed: "Is there any change in the body after the monarch has not found his wake?"


Jun often smiled for a moment.

Feeling a little self, his face changed suddenly: "Every pore in this skin has expanded!"


Lan Kang did not know when he was squatting on the side-first chair, his right hand was thinking, and his face was turned to face the camera, and he said seriously: "Taking the drunk dreams made by my dear people can increase the speed of ingesting the properties of heaven and earth! "

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