The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1068: Pei Xingchen's Exclusive God Soldier

Ye Xingchen settled in Lingxiao Pavilion after Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and Liu Wanshi.

From the beginning, the single-digit meritorious value reached the full value in a short time, which shows that Aniu provided a lot of help to Zongmen.

Jun Changxiao was very satisfied and immediately bought an exclusive soldier for him.

Li Yao, offering heaven.

Just listening to the name, it feels great.

However, with reference to the special weapons in the Shenbing Pavilion, the form may be very funny.


Jun Chang smiled and sat on the main hall with a smile on his face, and said with relief: "During this time, you have paid a lot for Zongmen, and I decided to reward you with an exclusive soldier."

Ye Xingchen's eyes lit up suddenly.

After seeing Li Qingyang's exclusive soldiers, he spared the dignity of a Emperor Wu, and built brick walls at the stronghold of the starfall continent!

Now, finally ... Shoude Yunyun sees Yueming!


Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, the streamer appeared out of thin air, and then fell in front of Ye Xingchen, and said, "This thing is called Li Zan Ji Tian, ​​and it will be your exclusive soldier from today."

"Leave a burnt offering?"

Aniu brother's eyes brightened.

However, when the streamer dissipated and the exclusive soldiers were seen clearly, the expression on his face suddenly became brighter.

In the field of vision, there is an oversized wine jar with the words ‘li li, sacrifice to heaven’, and a chain around the mouth. The extra part seems to be used to carry the body.


liqueur! altar! !!

Ye Xingchen's mouth twitched violently.

"Stars," Jun Chang smiled earnestly, "Although your exclusive soldiers are a bit strange, they are still very powerful."

Li Yan Jie Tian is the altar of wine, at least better than Xiao Sin Ji's pot.

But what caused Ye Xingchen to collapse was that as soon as he drank, he meowed, and carried the wine jar to fight, not to remind himself at all times, what had been done by the film!

In fact, Jun Chang laughed and selected the exclusive soldier of the wine altar form. He also hoped that he could overcome the demon and go forward!


Ye Xingchen collapsed and said, "Can I not?"

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Every disciple has only one exclusive soldier. Don't be gone."


After fierce inner struggle, Ye Xingchen raised his hand hard and grabbed him by the mouth of the big wine jar.

Think of Xiao Guiji's cauldron, think of the Purple Fist King Pink gloves, a wine jar is acceptable! There is at least a heroic style behind him!

"call out!"

A stream of memory flowed into the sea of ​​knowledge instantly.

After a short time, Ye Xingchen understood the role and the nirvana, and his frustrated eyes glowed again!

Although this is used for the wine altar, the real function is to hold wine ... Oh no, it is used to get the first level!

That's right!

To leave the burnt offering equal blood drops!

When the user sacrifices the object and throws it, as long as it is buckled on the opponent's head, it will cut everything.

Ye Xingchen always likes to kill with one stroke. There is such a magic soldier who takes the first rank. It can be seen that Jun Changxiao is not a bad choice, but a thoughtful one.


After the mountain.

Drizzle, poetic and artistic.

Ye Xingchen stands proudly on the boulder. Behind him is a large wine jar bound by a chain. If you cut your hair short and add smokey eyes, the forehead will be marked with the word 'love'.

"Why is Yeshi carrying a large wine jar behind him?"

"I heard that it is an exclusive soldier given by the sovereign!"

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji gathered together, keeping their eyes on Ye Xingchen.

"Brother Niu."

Huier looked at the lonely figure from afar, smiling.

This ordinary girl, who has a marriage contract with Pei Aniu, has been practicing since she joined Wanguzong, and has always been transparent, so as not to disturb the night stars.

However, she can hide herself forcibly, but she can never hide her concern for her, often hiding secretly in the corner.

Things like feelings may be vigorous or flat.

Hui'er belongs to the latter, because Aniu brother is indifferent to himself, he just wants to live with him in Wanzong, and he is satisfied once in a while.

"call out!"

Ye Xingchen raised his right hand, and the psionic energy came out. The Li Yanji sky behind him flickered and flew out immediately.


The jar was quickly selected, blinked in front of a watermelon-sized stone, and then pressed down.

"It's fast!"

"If it wasn't for the release of spiritual thoughts, I wouldn't have caught them!"

Li Qingyang and Xiao sinned in surprise.


Suddenly, a loud noise came.

Ye Xingchen waved with his right hand, and Li Xiantian swept away in a hover, and then carried him on his back again.

The previously covered stones were torn apart and turned into small stones.

"I go!"

Li Fei was shocked: "This is not a wine jar, this is a hidden weapon!"

"call out!"

Ye Xingchen waved his hand again, and flew out from the burnt offering.

This time, the speed is relatively slow. Everyone can see the trajectory with the naked eye, but they also open their mouths, because the wine jar expands infinitely during the flight!


Sharp momentum, growl!

Slightly, there are three or five feet of the giant altar, which is like a dark cloud hanging on a mountain peak in the distance, and then covers it with a mouth.


The corners of the mouth twitched.

The top part of the mountain is directly put on by a large wine jar, the picture is really a little weird!


The explosion came, and the rubble rolled down.

When Lili returned from heaven and lay on the back of Ye Xingchen, the shrouded peak of the mountain had completely cracked.

It can fly out at a high speed, and the shape can become larger. This hidden weapon is incredible!

of course.

Ye Xingchen is only used for testing, and the target is nothing more than stones and mountains, so the true power is hard to manifest.

"Good, good." He looked satisfied.

Although the sacrifice form of Liyan made him very painful, and even inadvertently remembered sleeping in thatched house and duck pen after being drunk, he was still satisfied because it was a one-shot kill on the enemy.


This hurdle!

Bendi will step forward!

The spirituality of the picture turns, and Lord Yedi collapses and sits in front of the dining table. In front of him, there is a small cup of drunk life and dreams, and the blood in the body is boiling, and there is a possibility of coming out.

The suzerain gave his own altar-type magic soldier, and now gives him another glass of wine. Is it because I want to see you?

"Sin yourself, Qingyang."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "When you went out, Zongmen recruited a winemaker. This wine was brewed by him. Other disciples have drank it. You can also try it."


Ye Xingchen frowned, and suddenly she met her natural rival!


He held up his hand and said proudly, "The disciple has quit drinking."

Every time he drinks alcohol, he is determined to quit drinking, and he is the one who swears!

Even if Qiongyeyuye is in front of me, I won't drink it at night!

"This wine is called Drunk Life."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "You won't get drunk with a sip, but you will be trembling."


Ye Xingchen sneered.

No matter what you say, the emperor will stick to the quitting mind.

"Of course ~ ~ Jun Changxiao added:" After drinking drunk life and dreaming, it will stimulate the understanding of the attributes of heaven and earth for a whole day. "

Xiao Guiji was surprised: "So amazing?"

"You can try."


Xiao Xinji's alcohol is OK, and the wine is good, so he is not afraid of being drunk and dreaming of death. He immediately drank it and drank it until he felt that he had a better understanding of the attributes of heaven and earth. Spirit array! "

Looking back at the night stars, his expression froze.

After Xiao Sin had drunk his life and drunk, the surrounding world swarmed away. This means that wine really has the effect of improving psionic energy intake!


Jun Chang smiled and said, "If you don't drink, give it to the same door, they will definitely appreciate your selfless sharing."


Li Fei and Tian Qi appeared at the door of the cafeteria, looking forward to laughing.


Ye Xingchen raised his glass.

Under the eyes of them, drink drunk dreams.

The entrance is sweet and has a long aroma!

However, after the wine slumped, the power of alcohol rushed to the sea of ​​knowledge instantly, completely occupying the thinking of Lord Yedi, and then ... it was broken again.


"Damn ..."

After gradually sobering, Ye Xingchen covered her head and said.

When the memories returned, I realized that I had drunk alcohol, and hurriedly opened my eyes to look around.

Familiar environment, familiar bed!

That's right.

Your own place!


Ye Xingchen Changsong took a breath and secretly said: "It's okay, okay."


Pushing the door out, it happened that Li Qingyang was passing by from the courtyard and whispered: "Master Ye, don't go to the sheep pen next time you drink too much, but it took me nine cattle and two tigers to pull you back."

"Boom boom!"

Ye Xingchen stood still and suffered the thunder of Five Thunders!

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