The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1125: If the ancestors are here, please applaud for me, please for me ...

The interior of the ancient temple was clean and clean, stemming from the previous seal of formation.

The hall houses nine seats made of special materials, with nine portraits hanging from the back wall.

The picture above shows the Lord of the Nine Halls. At this moment, three people are cultivating blood in the Blood Vessel Pool and are slowly recovering their strength.

Jun Changxiao sat on the seat where the main hall of the former palace was sitting with his legs crossed, his fingers clasped together, and his soul merged into the Tianyuan Soul Tower. He asked, "Are you sure you can repair it, can you absolutely control it?"

Erya vowed, "As long as the soul I've tuned in, even if the ascended upper world has stronger strength, I must obey the master and me."

"That's good."

Jun Chang laughed and completely relaxed, and then very much looked forward to saying to himself: "The restoration of the three main halls is not equivalent to having three super bodyguards."

The system said: "If the host does this in the first place, it will save the amulet of printing and the amulet of Qiankun."

As the strongest fighting force of the soul continent, there is still a noble identity. There are three of them at once. The Queen of Roses is not easy to abuse? Isn't the whole world in control?


Jun Chang smiled and hugged his chest and said, "My heart hurts, it hurts."

"of course."

The system comforted: "As soon as the host came in, she met the Queen of Roses, and when she came home, she had no chance to come here."

"That makes sense."

Jun Chang smiled at the Queen Rose who was sitting in the second seat, and commanded, "Hurry up and pour a cup of tea for this seat."

The Queen Rose stared, "You're treating me like a maid?"

Jun Chang laughed and said, "You are the continent emperor of the soul race. I am a foreign guest. As the host, shouldn't you do the landlord's friendship?"

"You are a thief who sneaks in."

Queen Rose said, "Besides, this place is no longer there. Where can I go to find you a cup of tea?"

"How about this."

Jun Chang leaned on the seat with a smile, and said, "Come on my back and pinch my shoulders."

"..." The Queen Rose's eyes were cold, and if she was not seriously injured, she had nothing to repair, she would definitely slap him in the past and give him the most sour massage.

The main halls of the three halls are placed in the blood pool, and it will take some time to completely restore their weakness.

Jun Chang smiles in a hurry, because the two side missions have no set time limit, so temporarily live in the ancient temple, nothing to look at the scenery, play tricks on the Queen of Roses, and live a good life.


Five days later, the closed door of Xuemaitang was pushed open, and a blast of air screamed from the inside, blowing open the leaves scattered all over the courtyard.

Under the high-burning BGM, the main halls of the three halls, Yu Xuan Ang and Domineering, came out from the inside, and the strong breath gathered around them was not inferior to the queen of roses in a state of victory.


The entire ancient temple began to tremble slightly as they walked out, as if welcoming the owner to return!

Sitting on the stairs of the main hall, the Queen Rose noticed something, and looking at the Blood Vessel Hall, Liu Mei wrinkled tightly, "My soul clan's strongest fighting power has returned."

Jun Chang smiled and came out, and said, "It doesn't seem to be much better than you."

Queen Rose said: "If it hadn't been for a long time to sleep on the star-studded continent, I'm afraid they've already begun to look back."

Although the three main halls did not return to the realm for restoration, they were also strengths of a thousand years ago. If the invasion of the starfall continent was successful and more martial arts knowledge and resources were acquired, I am afraid that it will already be skyrocketing!


They would never have imagined that the Emperor Wudi in the ancient days of the starfall continent also had extremely strong fighting power.

Even if he and other temple masters took shots, and even deposited his body with magical powers and triggered wars among the emperors, he still did not take them down, but ended in a deep sleep.

to be frank.

Judging from the final results, the main expedition of the Nine Halls was successful.

Because they not only ended the ancient times, but also caused the Emperor Wu to fall into a slump. Since then, the continent has been torn apart, and the aura has withered.

If no uncertainties arise.

They regained consciousness from their deep sleep, and repeated their tricks, occupying the entire continent without any problem.


Jun Chang laughs is this uncertain factor.

His crossing and his arrival not only reversed the end of the second scourge of the starfall continent, but also turned the culprit into a lamb, and even hit the continent's continent territory, tortured the four generations of empresses.


In front of the hall, the Lord of the Three Halls stopped first.

The Lord of the Four Halls and the Lord of the Five Halls followed, and the three were in a row, and the breath was quite strong.

However, three of the nine who represent the most powerful fighting force on the continent of the Soul race, when they face Emperor Changxiao, they are extremely responsible and extra cautious.


The three men arched and said, "Sovereign monarch, I have been restored to repair."

Jun Chang, who was sitting on the top ladder, laughed, put his hands on his thighs, clasped his fingers together, and looked coldly, "Kneel down, call the master."




The masters of the three halls all bowed down to the noble knees and shouted kneeling: "See the master!"


The Queen Rose was silent.

The three palace masters who have the right to shake the queen's right turned down to the star warriors of the mainland!

Jun Chang laughed a little tactics, leaned back, looked up to the sky, and said: "In ancient times, to guard the homeland, the tens of millions of ancestors who fell in the battle of the emperors, if your hero is ..." shouted loudly: "Applause for me, please be proud of me!"

The sky in the sky seems to be transformed into a personal image, as if Emperor Wuhuang and Wuxing Emperor ...

These ancestors who had sacrificed to resist foreign invasion and protect their homes smiled and looked at the men sitting on the stairs.

Wanzai shame, there are newspapers today!

If the ancestors are present, they will be very happy!


Jun Chang stood up and waved with one hand, the true sun cloak representing the flourishing flower gardener's color was slamming, and said with pride: "Wait, come with me to the Queen's City!"


Three super bodyguards followed.

Looking at the mighty and magnificent back, the Rose Queen muttered, "This guy is actually quite a man sometimes."


Queen's City.

The ceremony is over, but the city is still full of lights.

No matter who the Empress of the Soul clan is changed to, it doesn't matter to ordinary people, so they still live as usual, but only occasionally talk about the former empress-in-law secretly running away with others?

"The stars are so brave that night, they dared to elope with our ex-queen."

"All major cities have his wanted portraits, and fleeing to the ends of the earth will inevitably be caught."

The night star who is practicing in all ages would never think that he would sit at home and bring the queen to elope the pot!


Royal palace hall.

Tuoling archway said: "My lord, my humble job has mobilized the entire soul clan power, and is searching for the night stars and flower roses, and it will not be long before news will come."


The Queen Lingping who regained the throne nodded ~ ~ said: "All the regulations set by that woman and the top ten cities to be cultivated will be abolished immediately."


Tuoling frowned: "Master Queen, after thousands of years of development, the top ten cities as a whole have great strength. If it is abolished, it may be inappropriate."

"There is nothing wrong with it," said the queen Ling Ping lightly.


Tuoling was only a courtier, and the Queen had orders to obey.

"What's happening on the continent?" Queen Ling Ping asked again.

"Her Queen."

A soul-clan strongman replied, "The space-time tunnel leading to the starfall continent has been sealed and I cannot enter."

The Queen Lingping wondered: "How can the tunnel opened by the worm of time and space be sealed?"

"Master Queen."

Tuo Ling said: "Can you still use the time and space bug you used?"

"Yes, yes."

Empress Ling Ping waved out a caterpillar-like creature and shook her head: "Unfortunately, after opening the space-time tunnel before Wanzai, I always fell asleep, otherwise, occupying the starfall continent is light ...

"excuse me."

Just then, a voice came from outside the palace.


Jun Chang, dressed in a real sun suit, stepped in with a big smile, proudly pointed at Queen Ling Ping, and sternly said, "The chaotic thief, plotting to usurp, my night star will come to Qing Jun today!"


PS, Monday, July 1, for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets!

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