The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1147: because I like you

After taking so many high-level crystal nuclei, Jun Chang laughed and felt sorry for himself, so he took the initiative to help the Queen Rose to solve the problem, and connected the separated land with a terrain modification instrument.

of course.

This kind of terrain-modifying goods cannot be repaired perfectly, but can only erect bridge-like passages.


"Just a few days."


There was a little doubt in Queen Rose's beautiful eyes.

However, until a few days later, when I came to the edge of the mainland and saw the mountain road leading to the endless sea, an incredible expression suddenly appeared.

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "You believe it now?"

"How did you do that?" The Queen Rose asked calmly.

Xun Jun often smiled and shook his head: "This is a secret, there is no comment."


The Queen Rose did not ask, and flew along the road in series until it was determined that several plates were connected together to achieve interoperability. Thank you, "Thank you for helping me solve a big problem."

Xun Jun often laughed: "Take each one to help each other, no need to say thank you."


Xi Jun often laughed and said, "In a few days, the injuries of my two brothers will recover, and then they will leave the soul continent. As for handsome men ..."

When he said that, his gaze was cold: "I'll go and pack him."

"Let's go."

The Empress Rose looked at him, her eyes soft and tender: "Will you return?"

"Why come back?"

看 "Look at me."


Xun Jun often laughed and collapsed: "There is no relationship between us and there is no possibility!"

"Just because my soul-based continent has invaded the astral continent?" The Queen Rose asked with heartache.


Xun Jun often smiled and looked up at the sky with a forty-degree angle, and said, "You are the queen above, I'm just the master of a small door, the door is wrong."

Taking this opportunity, he has to make clear all the entanglements according to what Wei Lao taught, so that things have a perfect result.

Mr. Wei Wei said that I had never taught the suzerain and I could not teach the suzerain, and everything I said before in the hall only represented my opinions.

"If I care about the door, I won't marry you." Queen Rose said.

"I care!"

Xun Jun often laughed and laughed at Ma Jingtao. "Do you know how others talk about me privately in the soul continent? They say I am the empress's husband and say that I eat soft rice!"

The system is speechless.

没 Things that haven't changed at all, in order to get rid of the entanglement, let the people of the family be carried away.

"Who dares to say bad things about you privately, I will cut off their tongues!"


Xun Jun often smiled and hugged his head and said, "You see me, do I change my career now?"

"Isn't that good enough to keep you down?" The Queen Rose bit her thin lips and complained.

年龄 "Age!"

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "I am very much against sister and sibling!"

"You can worship the black and white double brake that is ten thousand years older than you as a brother, why can't you accept me?" The Queen asked.


Xun Jun often laughed and was speechless.

The system said with emotion: "A strong one has a strong one, and one mountain is higher than the other!"

"I do not care."

The Queen Rose said with a serious expression: "You will always be my husband. Unless I die, the relationship between husband and wife will be lifted!"

"It doesn't feel good at all." The system was a little speechless.

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "You must force me to kill my wife to testify?"


I have a three-foot long sword beside me.

Queen Rose said: "You can kill me, but you cannot rest me!"

"锵 ——————"

Xun Jun often smiled and pulled out her sword, and the blade flickered to her neck at 0.01 cm, her voice indifferent: "Do you really think I dare not?"

Queen Rose closed her eyes and said, "Go ahead."


Xun Jun often smiled and looked up.

的 The blade, which is 0.1 cm from the neck, is always motionless.

Hey, nothing.

After all, he put his sword down.

"Jun always laughs."

Queen Rose said: "I have been fighting for years and have never been emotional. You are the only man I care about."

She is indeed a soul-clan woman. There is no hostility and consolation of the stars of the mainland, and likes are likes.

"Since you care, give up the rivers and mountains, and come back to me with stars." Jun Chang laughed.

The Queen opened her eyes and said, "Will you accept me?"

Xun Jun often laughed: "If you are willing to give up your rights, reputation, and wealth in the soul continent, you will become a member of my eternal family."

The Queen Rose smiled and smiled in a variety of ways.

"If I were a young girl who was just beginning to love, maybe I would let everything go with you, but now ... no way, because there are billions of people behind me."

Xun Jun often laughed: "Since you don't follow me, don't bother me."

"I'm not pestering you."

Queen Rose said: "I just want you to accept, accept that we are husband and wife, even if separated, even on two planes does not matter."


Xun Jun often laughed: "Many of your soul tribe are excellent. Why do you want to find a foreigner like me to play alien love!"


The Empress Rose said seriously: "I like you."

If what you said just cares about you, it's rather vague, this sentence is very straightforward.

If the two have already married, it is tantamount to a girl to openly confess to a boy.

What is a successful man? This is called a successful man!

If you want to get rid of the bill, you can learn with Jun Changxiao ... What is not good, but you should learn the dog leftovers, and be prepared to live alone all your life.

"I am a man of nature, and it is not worth a woman to like." Jun Chang laughed.

The Queen Rose looked at him suspiciously: "You can still be like a jade when you are romantic, how can you do that?"

"Shou body like jade?"

Xun Jun often frowns with a smile: "What do you mean?"

Queen Rose said: "My soul clan is supplemented with other creatures. Both men and women must guard themselves like jade."


Xi Jun often smiles with a wonderful expression on his face.

The Queen Rose blinked and smiled, "I just said casually that the expression on your face already told me the answer."

"You ..." Jun Chang smiled and almost jumped up, "Routine me!"

The Queen Rose took back her sword and turned around, saying, "I don't care how romantic you are in the starfall continent, and how many confidantes you are in the continent. You are my husband and my man. When you return, you are free Come here and see. "

She's tired.

I know he can't keep him.

I just want to keep my husband and wife relationship and leave a thought in my heart.


I watched the woman leave, Jun Chang smiled bitterly.

I thought I could take the opportunity to make things clear. How did it feel like it became complicated again?

"The host should kill his wife and testify ~ ~ Get off."

Uh ...

After a few days.

Black and white double brake injury recovered.

前 In front of the space-time tunnel leading to the starfall continent, the Queen Rose personally saw off her husband.

"I still have to manage the soul clan, you still have to take care of the ancestors. You can't be controlled by the children's personal affairs. I just hope that when I go back, I can often think of me."


Xi Jun often laughed and wanted to leave without a word.

But before stepping into the space-time tunnel, he still stopped and said, "I'm gone."

"Father, be careful all the way." Queen Rose said.

"咻! 咻! 咻!"

The three of them flew in.

Tong Cuihua supplemented the entrance to the soul continent.

Because the internal passage was opened early, it was only responsible for sewing the entrance and exit, so it did not fall into a deep sleep.

System said: "The host and the Queen of Rose have finally come to an end, and I am afraid it will be difficult for them to intersect in the future."

它 Just as it spoke, outside the entrance closed by Cuihua, an old man panicked and reported: "My lord, the upper world has just sent news to designate my soul continent to enter the battlefield of planes!"


Queen Rose frowned.

The old man said: "It is said that there is a newly-entered plane master who violated the rules to complete the task in advance and was deprived of his qualifications by the upper realm, so our soul continent will make up temporarily."


The Queen Rose was furious and said, "Which **** lord is this!"


PS, ask for tickets on Monday.

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