The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1200: Suzerain is crazy again

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Jun Chang laughed and lay on the main hall for a night and thought a lot. In the end, he still suppressed the mess and devoted his mind to the cultivation and development of the ancestral gate. As for the Queen Rose ... I will not go to the battlefield in the future. !!

If everyone knows that, they will surely set off firecrackers to celebrate.

The next day.

Jun Chang laughed and came to the mission hall, admonishing his disciples to complete the mission as soon as possible, so as to improve the level of the ancestral gate, expand the number of people, and contribute to the upper limit.

Maybe to continue to escape.

He worked hard to turn himself into a workaholic, walked through the halls and made deployments one after another.


Tao Yuan was a little embarrassed.

The suzerain came to the battle riding hall, and ordered members to pay more attention to the sanitary area. It's a bit ... weird.

Xue Rengui said: "Since it is an order, then implement it quickly."


As a result, on the same day, a large number of Zhanqitang members took the broom to start cleaning, and soon Zhanqifeng was cleaned.

The Medicine Hall and Drizzle Hall were not idle, and they all started to take care of hygiene.

The saddest thing is Lingzhutang, because the owner of Zitang is taking Niu Lao and others to pick up the animal dung in Tiegushan according to the previous order of the suzerain.


"Who pulled this, it smelled like a king!"

"Wang! You stepped on it!"

"Ahhhh! The order goes down, whoever dared to pee in the mountains in the future, all the animal beasts to be deducted every month!"

At dusk, thanks to the efforts of all the halls, Wan Guzong was renewed.

of course.

The disciples did not dare talk about the wife of the suzerain, because the suzerain had explicitly forbidden it, and anyone who violated it would go to the commandment hall and be punished.


Li Qingyang puzzled: "Why haven't you met the master?"

"After returning from the battlefield, the master sister went into the secret place of nine days alone." Li Shangtian said.


Nine days of mystery, ice heavy sky.

In the world of snow flakes, Lu Yan stands on an iceberg like the winter and winter plum.

Since having this kind of world with strong ice properties, she has spent most of her time inside, and her understanding of the ice system has become deeper and deeper.

"Too elder, I have already understood Tai Xuanbing's heart consciousness on the sixth floor, why it is always difficult to be as calm as water." Lu Yimei raised a puzzlement and distress.

She is one of the two gods from Taixuan. She practiced for a long time. During the period, she inherited the inheritance of the Ice Emperor in Yinzhou, Northeast China.

Even if I touch the realm of that layer, I always fail at the critical moment.


Suddenly, a shout came from under the mountain.

Jun Chang smiled when he appeared on Bing Chongtian. He sat on the ice stone, and although he was wearing thin, he was not affected by the cold.

Lu Yan's tone was as cold as ever: "Do you have any command?"

"Don't get me wrong," Jun Chang laughed.

Lu Yan turned and looked at him with cold eyes, and said, "What misunderstanding?"

Jun Chang smiled awkwardly and said, "I said nothing outside, don't be fooled by that woman."

"The lord is thinking too much."

Lu Yan said lightly: "The disciples didn't think much, and they didn't misunderstand."

"That's good."

Jun Chang laughed and jumped down from the ice stone, and said, "I won't disturb your cultivation."

"Oh, right."

Before leaving, he turned back and said, "I have more time to help my colleagues."

Of the two disciples who were the most disparate in Zongmen, Ye Xingchen had already settled in Lingyan Pavilion, but Lu Yan failed to meet the requirements.

Lingyan Pavilion has only 24 places, so Jun Changxiao hopes that big disciples can enter and get corresponding rewards to improve themselves.

Although Dog Left strives to be fair and just among his disciples, because Lu Yan is the first to get started, he is more or less eccentric.

Li Luoqiu saw it.

So when he's okay, he will be used to tease him.


"Ding! Disciple Yang Yuhua completes the Zongmen mission and gets 50 points of contribution and 50 points of achievement."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 60100 \\ / 70000."

"Ding! Zongmen achievement value: 40110 \\ / 70000."

After banning the discussion of the patriarch's wife, the disciples returned to their previous lives and continued to perform the ancestral mission. Almost every once in a while, Jun Chang laughed and completed the prompt.

"After the completion of the whole, 20,000 contribution values ​​will overflow, so it must be consumed first."


Open the high-end mall and continue to browse the products given since the last refresh.

This guy has developed a habit. Once he buys the items he needs, he will not put his mind on it. When he needs to use the contribution value, he will pull it out and continue watching.

Mainly still dare not see.

Almost all the products in the high-end mall are useful and have a purchase value. If you can't control it, you will soon declare bankruptcy.


Suddenly, Jun Chang laughed and jumped up from his seat, his words excited: "Half ... half step Wu Shengdan !?"

That's right.

In the end row of the high-end mall, the words "Half-step martial arts recipe" are clearly written.



Almost crazy laughter came out in the study, and it suddenly resounded throughout the eternal ancestors.

After hearing the busy Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others, Qi Qi shook his head and said, "The suzerain is crazy again."


Wei Lao, standing in the medicine garden, said, "Emotionally, if you torture your heart for a long time, it will make you mentally deranged."


Half step Wu Shengdan.

As the name suggests, it can make the peak Wuhuang break through instantly.

Jun Chang laughs with martial arts dan, martial arts dandelion, and a surge of talisman that can be temporarily improved. Now there are elixir that has entered the semi-sacred world. It is really an ascension in several realms!

However, it is a bit expensive.

30,000 contribution points are required.

"You have to buy 100,000!"

Jun Chang laughed and bought it without thinking about it, and automatically matched it to open the back of the Dan Yaoge. When he saw hundreds of medicinal herbs listed, his mouth twitched, "There are too many materials!"

Half step Wu Shengdan not only needs more materials, but also has high quality, especially the main materials are more than ten levels of holy goods.

"Not even close."

Jun Chang smiled silently: "It would be nice to have one!"

The previous excitement and upsurge, after cooling down after seeing the needed medicinal materials, he almost hit his forehead against the wall.

Half step Wu Shengdan has no effect on him, but can be given to disciples, such as Li Qingyang and Ye Xingchen who are stuck at the peak of the Emperor Wuhuang level.

But if it can't be mass-produced ~ ~, it will be meaningless.


Jun Chang laughed: "You must find a way to find the materials."

"You can go to the battlefield to find the Jiutian continent plane." The system advised.


Jun Chang laughed with a wonderful expression.

He meowed that he would no longer go to the battlefield of the plane. Did the appearance of the elixir come to hit me on the spot?


Jun Chang smiled and his eyes brightened, "I can go to the Starry Fortress, where there is an underground black market, and I should be able to buy medicinal herbs for refining Wubu Dan!"

The system said: "The Lord of the fortress is still looking for the host. Isn't it an initiative to invest in the network?" Please Baidu, "Throw Book Network", thank you for your support!


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