The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1203: Here comes the warship again

All the remnants of Volume V were distributed, and the disciples of Wan Guzong began to study carefully while practicing.

During this time, Jun Chang laughed and bought a lot of martial arts with the contribution value of overflow. The levels were high or low, but Qi Xuanxia broke through and replenished the remaining remnants. He followed the times and was not eliminated.

Just like the flames of Chixiao.

High damage can be played at the level of the king of war and the emperor, but as the realm rises, the power will reach the upper limit and it will be difficult to increase substantially, thus slowly falling out of the team.

There is no way around this.

After all, martial arts is divided into different levels, and it is destined to be eliminated one day.

Jun Changxiao, who has bought a burst of fist, Kaishan palm and other generations in the mall, has also retreated from the core disciples.

of course.

There will be make up when there is exit.

Jun Changxiao started to consider Zongmen's follow-up martial arts issue after issuing the Seven Xuanxiaguang Broken Remnants, so he opened the Gongfa Pavilion and carefully selected high-level martial arts to provide his disciples with more endurance.

While studying the formation method, Shangguan Yunyao always did not forget the suzerain's command and created various worthless martial arts. At this moment, he has accumulated a lot and can be exchanged for it.

A big ancestral gate, no matter the high-level and disciples are in their respective positions, even the little rooster who rarely plays is also responsible for waking up early every day, blessing the blessing of the sectarian gate.

"Just choose the palm of your hand."

Jun Changxiao carefully read the Gongfa Pavilion, and took all the palm-print martial arts created by Shangguan Yunyao to purchase the Qiankun Jiujin palm.

He actually wanted to buy this cheat book at first, because he couldn't get 999 cheat books in hand, so she put it down first, but the author forgot it routinely.

Dead sheep make up for it, whether he is too late!

Anyway, I've bought it, and my disciples have another arsenal.




On the field where the disciples lived, the attributes from five different colors gradually appeared, and then gathered at the fingertips of the night stars to form a colorful energy cluster.

"very handsome!"

"Brother Ye Shi is so awesome!"

"Only a few days, I will be able to comprehend the remaining five volumes and successfully merge with the first four volumes!"

The disciples stood in the distance, their eyes envious and worshiped.

Sitting in front of the room, He Wudi yawned. He has also learned and integrated the Remnants of the Examination Paper, but he has not tested the power in the public, because it does not meet his low-key luxury and connotative personality.

"Brother He, close the door."



At this moment, the night star who had the most powerful energy raised her hand, the **** and the index finger pointed to the distant sky, and saw the colorful energy spray, dragging a long beam of light and shadow!


The sharp corners of the mountains, dozens of miles away, were suddenly blasted into powder.

"It can be reached at such a long distance, so great!" The disciples opened their mouths in shock.

Ye Xingchen was also surprised.

To comprehend the residual volume five, one can draw an energy from the heavens and the earth. Although the power will become stronger when combined, it should not be so much stronger.

"Brother Ye."

He Wudi said: "Seven Xuanxia Guang breaks this martial arts. After the five volumes are merged, there will be a qualitative change, and all seven volumes will also undergo a qualitative change. Therefore, the increase in power is more significant than the four remaining volumes."

That's it.


Ye Xingchen said coldly in his heart, "I don't know, I still need you to say?"


Cultivate the five remnants to merge and form a colorful streamer. The power will be greatly enhanced, which will immediately stimulate the disciples and devote more thoughts to enlightenment.

A few days later.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others learned one after another. After the test, they were all ecstatic.

They are stuck at the peak of the Emperor Wuhuang. Even if they practice daily, the improvement of their strength is extremely limited. Now the integration of the five remnants brings the most direct fighting power, which is definitely awesome.

The martial arts of martial arts is important, but blessings in martial arts, weapons, and equipment are also indispensable.

In the battlefield of the plane, Jun Changxiao gave all the chances he stole to his disciples. He was dressed in a **** costume and could be used to torture the mysterious name. Once he took off, he had to counsel.



One day, Ye Xingchen closed the door again, and then extremely skilledly stuck his back to the door, shaking his hand holding the ‘Qiankun Nine Seal Palm’ cheat slightly.

Sovereign gave Wu Xue again!

Recently, I have been out of office, no, no, my heart can't stand it!

Gradually calming down, Ye Xingchen opened the home page of Cheats and saw that the first three palms shook the rivers and mountains, the middle three palms shook the world and the sun and the moon, and the second three palms could reverse the sky, and their eyes suddenly widened.


Or are you pulling my calf?

"Cultivation will know!"

Ye Xingchen hurriedly applied his thoughts to the palm of the enlightenment of Qiankun Jiuyin until he gradually understood, and said, "This mastery of martial arts is more unpredictable than any of his previous studies!"


The nine-day secret realm can make the disciples' realm break through faster.

The Sifangtiandi array can give the disciples the strength to compete with high-level warriors.

Qi Xuan Xia Guang breaking the broken volume 5 and Qian Kun Jiu Yin Zhang greatly enriched their martial arts library.

There is also a half-step Wu Shengdan who has just purchased and refined without materials.

This fully shows that the author is not on the water, but is laying the groundwork for the coming storm, so that the disciples have a stronger ability to face everything, instead of standing by the cheer of the suzerain.

"What is the Starry Fortress?" Jun Chang smiled and thought in the study.

Although he bought Remnant Book 5 at the cost of an additional 20,000 points of contribution value, he would not forget about this so-called Starry Fortress, because he was very impressed by the underground black market.

"Let's see if the level of sects is raised."

With a decision in mind, Jun Chang laughed, and then took out Qian Kun Jiu Yin Palm and began to cultivate.


Just then, Bai Luocha said, "There is another battleship!"


The endless universe outside the star-studded continent, the ancient warship gradually stopped, and Jun Changxiao standing on the bow clearly saw that a light spot in the distance was approaching at a rapid speed.


Bai Luocha said: "The words" Star Fortress Law Enforcement "are written on the ship."

"Law enforcement number?"

Jun Chang smiled coldly and said, "Do you really regard yourself as a policeman who maintains the peace of the universe?"


He raised his finger.



The five attributes that exist in the universe are extracted, and then the fingertips are gathered at the fastest speed to form colorful energy clusters.

Ye Xingchen and He Wudi realized the fastest?


The first to fuse the remaining five volumes with the first four is Jun Changxiao.

And no matter from the speed of convergence and the outbreak of breath, it is obviously stronger than the two, after all, the state has reached the Great Consummation of Wu Sheng.

"What is the younger brother doing?" Bai Luosha frowned at ~ ~ He Luosha frowned. "Such a long distance, could it be ..."

"call out!"

At this moment, the energy group at the fingertips of Jun Chang laughed like a rocket launcher, and the long and wide multi-colored beams seemed to pierce through the void and blast towards the starry battlefield!

Since the starry sky fortress is written, the visitor must be to investigate the starry five fighters, so the dog left is not going to go through the program, not intend to make sense, just cross it and it is done!


The man in black standing on the bow of the ship noticed a sudden burst of colorful streamers from the starry sky.

He hesitated first, then sneered: "Who has eaten the bear heart leopard and dared to attack my fortress law enforcement number."


Fifth more.


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