The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1212: Embark on the road to conquer the stars and the sea

Zhao Doudou's anger and roaring emotions are rendered to the extreme, which is simply textbook acting.

No wonder you can deceive young people in a world where martial arts respect.

Here comes the problem.

Is everything that Zhao Doudou said earlier true?

The token is fake.

The identity of the Lingquan disciple is also false.

However, the two villages that were destroyed ten years ago were real, and the killers were indeed Heifengzhai and Lingquan.

The two forces were destroyed by Jun Chang's laugh. It should have been a secret that no one knew, but it was later investigated by Xi Yutang.

This is by no means a cleansing of what Jun Changxiao once did, because the martial arts-dominated world has no right or wrong, let alone a gang of robbers and a hired killer who repeatedly attacked. Is it not enough to kill them?

"People with principles deserve respect."

Zhao Doudou's emotions calmed down and said, "If the principle of defending evil is to be rejected by the world."

"That's it."

"Think about it yourself."


Zhao Doudou closed the door and left the cell chicly.

He hasn't used cheating for a long time, still so relaxed.

I'm really **** talented.


Erya exclaimed, "You are so good!"

It is unknown whether Dai Lu has been persuaded, but the deputy warden has already been approved by the chief warden!


Zhao Doudou shook his hair and said, "Don't be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend."


Seeing his ego-friendly face, Erya clenched the soul whip, and the urge to play a full screen of 999 strokes was raised in her heart.

"Just, kidding!"




Dai Lu drew a long time in the cell, then lowered his head to look at the token engraved with the word "Lingquan Sect", and his expression on his face gradually drew up.

Why should I take revenge?

Was it really because the Lingquan Sect was destroyed?

He used to remember the memory of Dai Lusi, which made him think for a long time.

Revenge is only second. The real reason is that he has not been able to swallow the gas that Jun Chang laughed at the beginning of the first chapter, and he cannot swallow even his disciple Ye Xingchen!


Stop it.

One is the cross-plus system, and the other is the rebirth of the emperor. The most powerful existence in the novel at the moment, you can live well now, and there is nothing to be convinced.

"Don't fool yourself."

Dai Lu bowed his head with great frustration and said to himself, "You are just a low-level ordinary person. When you enter the Emperor Wu, you still rely on the soul. How can you fight these evils?"

Faith and persistence are gradually shaken.


For the next period, Zhao Doudou never came, or even appeared in front of him, because since he had already dialed, he needed to give him time to think, and it seemed too deliberate too often.

"Have you figured it out yet?"

Jun Chang laughed and occasionally came to the prison to inquire. When he saw that Dai Li still didn't know what to do, he shook his head and said, "Since you can't do this, use Erya's."


Zhao Doudou said in a hurry: "Give him a little more time, you will definitely figure it out!"


"It's up to you."

Jun Changxiao just said casually that it would be meaningless to deal with the iron-bone man if he surrendered by the soul of Erya.


Because the achievement value of Zongmen has more than 20,000 at the beginning, even if it is upgraded now, the exclusive Zongmen mission has not been completed, so you can still hear two reminder sounds every day.

Under the enhanced version of the Dan Medicine Pavilion, various elixir medicines that are helpful for cultivation have also been successively produced and distributed to disciples for cultivation, and the effect has increased to a large extent.


Li Qingyang said: "The newly-refined gas gathering Dan works very well, and the level of the same small realm will be improved faster."


Jun Chang nodded with a smile, then leaned back in his seat, thinking about how to make a half-step Wu Shengdan.

With all kinds of resources piled up, Zongmen's disciples are ascending fast, but they are nothing but small realm. The big realm must rely on this gadget.

For example, Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and others, stuck at the peak of the Emperor Wuhuang for a period of time, if there is a semi-sandan, it is not difficult to improve in minutes.

"It's time to go to Star Fortress."

Jun Changxiao has been waiting for the construction and upgrading of Zongmen. Now that he has completed it, he puts his mind on the special existence of the cosmic starry sky.

of course.

It's not a smash.

I intend to sneak in, carefully investigate the internal situation, and go to the underground black market to find materials by the way.

The second-class residents all have Emperor Wu Emperor levels, and the men sent to investigate are not weak. Regarding this mysterious place, Jun Changxiao is still very cautious.


Star Fortress.


An old man in black robes walked into the back room and said, "General Wu, who went to investigate, has been confirmed dead."

"Who killed?"

The master of the fortress sits on the stone bed, because wearing a mask makes it difficult to see any expression on his face, but he can hear anger from the sound.

"Not found yet."

"However, in conjunction with Guan 92."

"Subordinates' speculation may be inseparable from the astral continent."

The old man in black robes said.

"The starburst continent is nothing but a low-level plane, and the strongest is not there. How can you kill General Wu?"


The old man in black robes was silent for a while ~ ~ said: "The murderer and others have deliberately created the illusion of star-studded continents, thereby distracting me and letting me escape."

"Not impossible."

The stronghold said: "This matter will not be discussed until this injury recovers."


The old man in black robes had to retreat.

The road wondered secretly: "It's a bit of a weirdness that someone can hurt the Lord in the universal universe."

The Lord of the fortress continued to run his mind, covering himself with majestic energy.

However, every time I think of the previously suppressed horror, I secretly said in fear: "Is it the power from the upper world?"


Stars fall out of the continent, the universe is beyond the sky.

Bai Luocha, who came to see off, asked again, "Little brother, are you really going to go to Star Fortress alone?"

"too dangerous."

He Luochao said: "We two go with you."

Jun Chang, who was standing on the Tonggu battleship, laughed, "Two brothers, you still stay to protect the gate."

If you go to the scene, you will definitely bring two super thugs, but this trip is nothing more than inquiring about the information, so that they can take charge of the security of the ancestral gates and they can play with confidence.


Bai Luocha arched hand: "Little brother, all the way to peace."

"Two elder brothers." Jun Chang smiled and arched his hand, "I will leave them to you."

"Little brother please rest assured!"

The black-and-white double-brake vowed, "No one can get in with the two of us!"

"call out"

The dark universe starry sky, the ancient warship turned into a streamer and flew over.

On this day, Jun Changxiao left the starfall continent and merged into the all-encompassing expanse of the universe, representing that he officially embarked on the road to conquer the stars and the sea!

"Star Fortress, Thousands of Planes!"

力 A powerful shout rang through the endless sky: "Your emperor is here!"

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